Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 286 Seven years, meet again

Duel Academy

Faculty and Staff Offices.

"Ding dong."

The doorbell rang, and Xiang Lu, who was looking at the written test results of this year's students, raised his head and said softly: "Please come in."

The door opened, and a smiling man wearing a white shirt and tie, wearing glasses and holding his beloved cat, walked in and said to Hibiki: "Teacher Hibiki, the principal has held an impromptu meeting and asked me to inform you that this semester There is a new teacher joining, meow."


Xiang Lu nodded and stood up: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Daitokuji, I'll be there right away."

"Then I'll take my leave first, meow..."

Daitokuji smiled, turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a photo frame placed on the green table, in which the shadow of a man could be vaguely seen: "Ah... although I may be too I'm curious, but...is the photo on Mr. Hibiki's desk a photo of her boyfriend? Meow."


Hibiki was stunned and looked down to see the photo frame on the table.

"You said this..."

Xianglu's eyes softened, he reached out and touched it gently, and said with a smile: "No...he is a hero. Although I have rarely heard from him in the past few years, I have always wanted to see him again. Say thank you to him properly..."

The photo in the frame is clearly the figure of Sock hitting the audience with a bench.

That was an album released by a certain All-Japan Duel Competition, and it was also the only photo of Sok in his life.

Putting down the photo frame, Hibiki and Daitokuji left the room together.

In the corridor, Xiang Lu asked curiously towards Daitokuji: "Teacher Daitokuji, is there anything important for the principal to hold an emergency meeting? It shouldn't be just to welcome new teachers, right?"

"It seems so, meow."

Daitokuji held the fat cat in his arms and said with a smile: "It is said that the new teacher was not only recommended by President Pegasus, but he is also a master of duels... But Professor Kuronos seems to have You don’t look very happy, meow.”


Xianglu laughed and said: "Because he didn't receive such standard treatment when he came, so he was unhappy, right? Does he feel that his status has been challenged?"

"Maybe so, meow."

As Daitokuji was talking, the communicator on his waist suddenly lit up. After opening it and reading the message above, he smiled helplessly at Hibiki Midori and said, "The latest news is that the new teacher was on a cruise ship with the middle school student. There was a conflict among the top students...The student seemed to have been beaten badly..."

Xiang Lu was startled: "Duel?"

Daitokuji shook his head: "It's a fist, nya."

While talking, the two of them had already walked to the principal's office.

Before the door opened, the two heard Chronos yelling inside.

"Mr. Principal! This newcomer is too bold! Classmate Wan Zhangmu is the number one among this batch of students, a top student who can directly enter the 'Obelisk Blue'! But now he is actually taken by our The teacher gave us a bruised nose and swollen face, which is a huge harm to the reputation of our school! If this continues, who will be willing to study here, and the school will close down, No!"

"Even if you say so..."

Principal Samejima waved his hands and smiled twice: "But after all, he is the teacher introduced by President Pegasus. No matter what, we should meet with him first before making a final conclusion..."

"That's not necessary at all!"

Kuronos walked back and forth in the principal's office with an unhappy face, folding his hands on his chest and humming: "No matter how you think of that kind of person, he is just a gangster with an excellent background, which is completely inconsistent with the elegant and elite concept pursued by our school. !... To say that it is comparable to Duel King Muto Yugi must be bragging, No!"

"The purpose of our school is not elite education, Professor Kuronos."

The door opened, Xiang Lu walked in, put his hands on his hips and said: "I hope every student can feel the joy that dueling brings to them, so I teach here. Don't kidnap your own ideas to the school without authorization, okay? ?”

"It's Ms. Hibiki..."

Chronos curled his lips and hummed: "Hmph... Anyway, I don't believe how powerful that rude guy can be... If you are not qualified in dueling, you are not qualified to be a teacher in the Duel Academy!"

"about this point……"

Principal Samejima opened the information faxed by Pegasus on the table and said slowly: "The new teacher is applying for the position of physical education teacher, which does not require too much professional dueling knowledge... and he was the same as Muto Yugi back then. Oh, Mr. Kuronos, the great evil god 'Sok Nenufa' who competes for the first and second place in the Duel City Competition, and finally becomes the Duel King."

well! ?

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

Sok Nenufa! ?

that is not……

"Damn it... Even if he is the Duel King, that happened a long time ago. In the past few years since he disappeared, he might not have been able to keep up with the rapid evolution of Duel Monsters and his strength might have dropped drastically..."

After learning the identity of the opponent, Kuronos felt guilty, but he still said stubbornly: "And Sok Nenufa was famous for cheating and violently intimidating opponents and referees back then. Although he won the title of Duel King , but who knows how many of them he snatched with his fists? Our school has absolutely zero tolerance for such people, No!"

"In that case, let's take the opportunity to see Mr. Sok's strength..."

Principal Samejima glanced at Kuronos and smiled slightly: "It just so happens that the entrance exam for this year's freshmen is about to begin. Professor Kuronos, you can take Mr. Sok to participate in the duel with the students as the exam teacher... ...However, Mr. Pegasus specially reminded me that I think you should also know that Mr. Sok is a moody and violent person, so be careful not to conflict with him."

"I understand, Mr. Principal!"

Kuronos said this, but he snorted coldly in his heart: "Newcomer, I will assign all the students with the best grades in this batch to you in a while. As long as you are defeated due to negligence, I can take advantage of the opportunity. Request for your dismissal from Mr. Principal!”

"It's absolutely impossible to take away my position, No!"

Kronos turned around and was about to go out, but at this moment, Xiang Lu suddenly said: "Mr. Principal, please also let me go to receive Mr. Sok. With Professor Kronos's current expression, I'm afraid I will soon There's going to be a second incident of violence."

"makes sense……"

Principal Samejima looked at Kronos's old face as if everyone owed him more than five million, and immediately made a decision: "Okay, then you and Professor Kronos go to greet Mr. Sok! You are like this Beauty, I think even the evil god can become more gentle."


Xiang Lu nodded, his thoughts flying out of the window.

Seven years...

Does he still remember himself...

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