Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 287 The Great Evil God Black

Carrying his own luggage, Suoke saw many young people in uniforms along the way.

However, the colors are relatively monotonous, with only three types: red, yellow and blue.

There is no difference in style, just an ordinary uniform.

But what made Suoke's eyes shine was that the girls' uniforms' hip-hugging miniskirts were highly praised. It seemed that the person who designed the school uniforms also knew how to have fun.

Not long after walking, Suoke saw two people who looked like teachers walking towards him.

That woman... looks familiar, but I forgot where I saw her...

As for the other foreigner who is both male and female and has pigtails, he looks like Eunuch Li from "The Nine-Rank Sesame Official"...

The three of them came together. Xianglu stepped forward with a smile and extended his right hand towards Suok, and said softly: "Hello, Mr. Suok, we are here to greet you..."

Suoke nodded, stretched out his hand and shook it twice before letting go: "You look familiar. Have we met somewhere before?"

"This way of picking up a conversation has been out of date for a long time, Mr. Sok!"

Kronos looked dissatisfied at Sok's casual appearance and the wildness and unruliness emanating from his bones, and frowned: "And as a newcomer on the first day of employment, you are really dressed too much." Whatever... By the way, on the cruise ship just now, did you beat up classmate Wan Zhangmu from the middle school department? No!"

Faced with Chronos' questioning, Sok was not angry at all.

Pointing at Chronos, Sok turned to Xiangluo and asked: "Who is this hermaphrodite? Can I beat him?"

Xianglu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was about to say something.

But Kuronos was furious at that time: "This is a sacred campus! I will never allow any more violence to happen here..."


Without saying a word, Sok punched Chronos with a black eye on his face.


Chronos covered his eyes and said angrily: "Didn't I say that fighting is not allowed!?"

Suoke retracted his fist expressionlessly: "When I first arrived, I was just polite and I wasn't prepared to really ask for your consent."

"Okay, now you should almost know what kind of person I am..."

Suok's expression suddenly turned cold, and the great evil god's power suddenly burst out, and even the air seemed to be frozen: "I don't have a good temper, and I don't have many hobbies in my life, and I don't want to beat someone up when I see him... But I always I can't stand someone who comes up to me and asks me to hit him. What can I do? Mr. Hermaphrodite, do you think I'm right?"

The courage to fight out from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood is beyond what a mortal can bear!

Even if Sok didn't deliberately target him, Chronos was already so frightened that his hair stood up and his teeth trembled. Only then did he understand that the great evil god's reputation was not just talk.

But facing the same fierce spirit, Xiang Lu next to him felt his heart beat loudly, thinking that this is what a hero should look like.

"We... have indeed met before..."

Xianglu's face felt a little hot, but she still looked sincerely into Suok's eyes and said slowly: "That was seven years ago. Thank you for saving me and my brother, Mr. Suok..."

Suoke killed countless people in his life, but saved only a handful of people.

After saying this, Sok remembered it.

Entrusted by Yujo Judai who traveled through time and space, he killed Tragodia and rescued a pair of siblings.

She seems to be... called Hibiki Midori...

"Ah, I remember that."

Suok nodded and continued walking forward: "Where is the principal's office? I'll go get some clothes first and then choose a dormitory."

Xianglu trotted up and followed: "Let me lead the way for you. I have worked here for six years. If you have any questions, Mr. Sock, you can ask me... This is my mobile phone number... "

The two figures walked further and further away, leaving only Kuronos in the same place, still scared.

"Mamma Mia, it's just so scary..."

Chronos shuddered in fear, but his desire to drive away Sok became even more determined.

It’s just that compared to the opponent’s force and unreasonable and arrogant attitude, ordinary methods will definitely not work. You must think of a special idea to deal with him...

So Chronos fell into deep thought.

On the other hand, Xiang Lu had already roughly introduced the Duel Academy to Suok along the way.

Duel Academy is affiliated to the Kaiba Group. Seto Kaiba himself holds 51% of the shares and is the absolute majority shareholder.

Each grade in the school is divided into three levels to divide students into different levels.

They are:

Top Student: Obelisk Blue

Mainly through the promotion of Sun God Huang, and the three best students from the middle school department are directly transferred to the blue dormitory every school year. They are the elite of Duel Academy, and their future development prospects are also very good... By the way, because The ratio of men to women in Duel Academy is seriously imbalanced, so girls can enter the blue dormitory directly as long as they pass the entrance exam regardless of their grades.

Middle student: Sun God Huang

They are mainly selected through entrance examinations, with a small number of people being transferred from the secondary department, and a very small number of people being promoted from Osiris Red.

Poor Student: Osiris Red

Basically they are just here to mess around, the most hopeless category.

The corresponding benefits are also in descending order. The blue dormitory is not only luxurious but also has a single room with an independent kitchen and bathroom. Although the yellow dormitory is simpler, it can be regarded as an above-average level. The food and environment are very good. As for the red dormitory, dormitory……

The dormitory is small and narrow, and there are four people per room, and the basic food is very simple food...

It's very hierarchical and very realistic.

But in this environment, it can also stimulate students' potential, allowing them to work hard to improve themselves and move forward.

The students who were on the same cruise ship as Sok just now were all transferred from the middle school department.

There are other candidates who have registered for the entrance exam by themselves, and they will be held together at the Seahorse Paradise next week.

The exam is divided into written test and practical test.

They are all simple questions, and the intensity of the actual deck is not very high, but it is enough to show that those candidates have more potential.

Walking into the principal's office, Samejima walked up with a smile, took Sok's hand and said, "It's really an honor for Mr. Duel King to come to our school... I'm the principal here, you can call me Samejima, Mr. Hibiki Midori should have given you a general introduction to our school just now. I wonder how you feel about our school?"

Suok shook his head critically: "I'm disappointed that there is no shampoo room, but it's generally okay... Do I have to go through any procedures, old man?"

"Everything else has been arranged by President Pegasus, you don't have to worry at all..."

Principal Samejima rubbed his hands and smiled: "But you have to make up your mind about the custom-made uniforms. There are three teacher uniforms: Osiris Red, Obelisk Blue, and Sun God Yellow. I don't know which one you like..."

"I don't want any of them!"

Suok waved his hand and shouted: "Since I am here, this place will have an extra level from now on! That is - the Great Evil God Black"


Samejima was stunned: "Why do you have to..."

"Because I want to tell those brats..."

Suoke's eyes became extremely dangerous and he sneered: "If you dare to disobey me, I, the Great Evil God, will beat the Three Illusion Gods and them like I beat my grandson!"

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