Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 288 Entrance Examination

a week later

Entrance exam day

Sock, who has probably figured out the situation in Duel Academy, received his first mission since starting work——

Together with Chronos and several auxiliary staff dispatched by Kaiba Corporation, they came to Kaiba Paradise as teachers for the new grade entrance examination and conducted practical assessments on the candidates who passed the written examination.

The actual combat assessment is only used as a criterion for sorting into schools. Even if you get zero points, you will not be rejected by the Duel Academy. The worst you can do is to be assigned to Osiris Red.

Just like that, entering Kaiba Paradise, Sock randomly picked a duel examination room and walked in. He took out the duel disk and deck that he had not used for a long time, and was ready to start showing off his skills!

Seven years.

The staff of Seahorse Paradise have already changed many batches.

At the beginning, the old people who knew the terror of Sok had already been transferred away, and the remaining new faces were all newcomers who had never seen the powerful evil god.

So when Kuronos sent all the candidates with the top 30 written test scores to Sok's examination area for actual practice, the staff members understood it at that time, were very knowledgeable, and did as they were told without saying a word.


The nightmare that followed could have been avoided...

In the surrounding auditorium, there were many students from Duel Academy who came to watch the excitement.

There were seniors and freshmen who had just been transferred from the secondary department a week ago. Although they did not need to take the entrance exam, they happily followed them to watch the fun.

Sitting on top of the Sokko area, with bruises on his face and a bandage on his face, Wan Zhangmu gritted his teeth and looked down at the bastard who beat him violently on the cruise ship!

I didn't expect that this kind of guy who only abuses violence would be a teacher of Duel Academy!

He doesn't even dare to accept his own challenge, no matter how much he thought, he couldn't be such a powerful duelist! Coming here as a teacher taking exams is no different than sending yourself to death!

Even an inexperienced elementary school student can definitely beat him!

Let’s get started!

I can't wait to see your jokes, you bastard!

Just when Wan Zhangmu was anxiously waiting for Sock to lose the first battle and make a fool of himself, there was a sudden commotion outside, accompanied by the screams of many girls and the exclamations of many boys. A young man wearing a tuxedo-style Obelisk blue uniform and another A beautiful blonde with a beautiful face and perfect figure walked into the examination room!

Wan Zhangmu turned around and narrowed his eyes slightly.

It turns out that the emperor of Duel Academy is here...

Ryo Marufuji, known as Caesar, is also the undisputed strongest in Duel Academy at present!

As for the beauty standing next to him...if I remember correctly, she is also the newly admitted Snow Queen this year—Tenjoin Asuka!

"Hey, it feels so good..."

Wan Zhangmu snorted coldly, and thought to himself: "But that position will be mine sooner or later! You won't be able to rule the world for too long, Ryo Marufuji..." Then Wan Zhangmu felt a little strange. A top student like Caesar It’s really surprising that he would come to see such a low-level entrance exam...

Ryo Marufuji and Asuka walked to the stands together and looked towards the examination room below.

"Because of your appearance, everyone's attention is focused here..."

Asuka leaned on the guardrail, glanced at Ryo Marufuji, and said with a smile: "You are indeed the emperor of Duel Academy. You will be the center of attention wherever you go, Ryo."

"Soon it won't be anymore."

Ryo Marufuji glanced around the examination room. When he saw Sok's figure, his eyes widened slightly and he said slowly: "There is a legend who has come to us, but now many people don't know or have already I forgot how shining he once was...but soon...that legendary figure will burst out with astonishing light again, showing his once unrivaled strength!"


Asuka was startled: "Is it Mr. Duel King Muto Yugi..."

"No... If Mr. Muto Yugi is light, then he is the opposite darkness..."

Ryo Marufuji stared at the figure of Sok below and said seriously: "I thought it was just the same name, but I didn't expect it was really him... Being able to watch the Duel King's duel at close range is also a supreme honor... The great evil god of the underworld - 'Sok Nenufa'!"

Duel City's...

Another duel king!

Soon, the exam officially began.

The radio in the venue began to announce:

"Candidate No. 30 is invited to go to Area D for a practical assessment."

The candidate number is based on the written test score, which means that this unlucky guy just met Sok to take the test...

The young boy with glasses walked into the duel area and bowed politely to Sok: "Kanda Jiro, please give me some advice!"

"Okay, okay, let's get started!"

Sock was too lazy to be polite to him, and directly shuffled his deck twice and inserted it into the duel plate, and then drew six cards: "I will attack first, and I will activate the quick-attack magic card 'Tian Shendang', and put the cards in your hand and deck , the graveyard, and all cards on the field are removed, and then the turn ends."

Kanda Jiro: "???"

second round

A young man who looked listless and dozing walked into the examination room.

Before he could announce his home, Sock had already drawn six cards from the deck with ease and shouted: "I will attack first. I discard the 'Martyr: Guide the Dragon of Awakening' in my hand and special summon 'Martyr' on the field. "The Right Hand of Hell" and "Martyr Soul Eater", and then pay half of the life value to special summon "Olihagun Giant God Soldier" from the hand, the effect is activated, and the two monsters are sacrificed. I offer it and give you five thousand points of damage!"

Game 3

The first two took the formation in one round, and the third candidate's heart was pounding.

Didn't you say that the entrance exam was very weak? Why did it seem like it was a bit too much to meet this powerful person...


No matter what, you can't be killed in one go!

So this candidate just walked in and without saying a word, he took the lead: "My turn, draw a card..."

Sok stopped him at that time: "Wait a minute! What are these five cards in my hand?" After saying that, Sok turned over the cards in his hand, and there were five sealed Exodia cards. The parts are clearly visible.

The examinee almost cried.

He was indeed not killed in one turn, because he died before the opponent's turn came.

This is zero kill!

Game 4

This candidate’s legs were already trembling before he entered the examination room.

The first few candidates left the exam room faster than the other, and their expressions became uglier than the last. Could it be that I also...

The familiar voice came again, and Suoke ruthlessly pulled out six cards from the deck and shouted: "I will attack first! Oliha Gang's fourth layer of enchantment is activated, and Oliha Gang 1, Second and third level enchantments, and use all the monsters in your deck as sacrifices to special summon 'Olihagon Winged Dragon' from our deck..."

The examinee wiped his tears in grievance.

Don't be like this, I just want to play cards well...

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