Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 289 The evil god who acts recklessly

"One kill! Zero points! Carry away! Next one!"

"One kill! Zero points! Carry away! Next one!"

"One kill! Zero points! Carry away! Next one!"

From No. 30 to No. 1, Sock killed his opponent every time and within ten seconds every time.

The amount of work that was originally expected to take one day to complete was completed in less than ten minutes...

Currently, the top thirty people in the written examination are neatly sitting in the auditorium, all with their heads lowered, their faces haggard, their eyes distracted, as if their entire souls have flown away and they are depressed.

God knows what they went through.

When the staff member, sweating profusely, handed thirty score sheets with zero scores in actual combat to Kuronos, Kuronos almost fainted from fright.

The thirty students who were the best in the written exam all failed the actual exam!

And it’s still all zero points!

This is the lowest score you can get only by being killed once!

"How could such a ridiculous thing happen! Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Chronos pulled his hair, biting his handkerchief and shook his head desperately: "Kill thirty times in a row, even the legendary Duel King Muto Yugi can't do it! There must be something wrong... I'm going back How should I explain to the principal in the future, No!"

The audience went crazy too!

The auditorium above the examination room where Sock is located is now packed!

Almost everyone is trying their best to get here, wanting to witness the miracles and crushing crushings over and over again with their own eyes!

Oh shit!

So enjoyable!

"Oh my god...this new teacher is so awesome..."

"It's not that he's great, it's that his deck is great! Did you hear the effects of those cards? Each of them is an incredibly powerful card!"

"You can actually see the legendary Phantom God during the entrance exam... Isn't that a super dreamy and rare card that is only available in Duel King Muto Games!?"

A group of people talked about it, until not long after, someone finally remembered Sok's true identity...


A female student with natural curly hair covered her mouth and screamed excitedly: "I remember! He is the 'Great Evil God' who is also the duel king with Mr. Muto Yugi! The duel king actually came to our school to be a teacher! I must be living in a dream!!!”

What! ?

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The already noisy environment suddenly exploded!

The students swarmed out of the auditorium, cheering and rushing towards Sok's examination room!

The situation at the scene got out of control in an instant!

If you are an ordinary person, you must be at a loss now.

It's just like Chronos, who has put his hand under the table now, holding his head and thinking about whether he will be fired by the principal after returning to school.

But Suoke, who had a strong fist and a cruel heart, didn't take this little scene seriously at all.

"Everyone, stop here!"

Suok stretched out his hand in a domineering manner and shouted angrily: "I hate heckles and idiot fans the most in my life. If anyone dares to come near me again, don't blame a certain family for being ruthless!"

Some people were indeed frightened by Suoke's courage and did not dare to move again.

However, some other students didn't know the heights of the world and thought that this Duel King was as easy to talk to as Muto Yugi, so they just ignored him and rushed over.

Seeing this, Suoke sneered and rolled up his sleeves...

"You won't listen, right?...Okay!"

Ten minutes later, thirty or forty students were lying on the ground, their noses and faces were bruised and swollen, as if they had just been stepped on by an elephant.

Clapping his hands, Sok walked to the podium, picked up the loudspeaker, and began to make a domineering announcement for the first time in his teaching career: "You little bastards, listen up to me! I am the number one villain and bastard in the world. I Say one thing, and don’t allow others to say two things! I said yes, if you are slow to applaud, I will beat you! Whoever dares to be presumptuous in front of me, I will beat him until he can’t poop for three days! Anyone who is dissatisfied is welcome to challenge me! Do you understand everything!?"

The scene was completely silent, and all the students were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"I just emphasized..."

Suok frowned in extreme displeasure, stretched out his hand and took out a square-shaped halberd from nowhere: "I asked a question... How dare you not answer... It seems that if you don't kill two candidates to sacrifice to heaven, you don't know. How cruel and ruthless I am..."

The fierce murderous aura is coming!

Asuka swallowed nervously in the stands and whispered to Marufuji next to her: "This new teacher... seems a bit scary..."

Cold sweat appeared on Marufuji's forehead, and he coughed lightly and said: "I almost forgot... He was not only the duelist king with Mr. Muto Yugi, but also a criminal and gangster who made duelists all over the world change their minds. rogue……"

"No whispering!!!"

There was an angry shout, and a cold light suddenly passed between Asuka and Marufuji!

With a "boom", a big hole was shot out of the wall of the venue!

The tail pole of Fang Tian's painted halberd was constantly vibrating between the two of them, and the aftermath was endless.

Throwing the murder weapon whenever they disagreed, this crazy style finally made the remaining students wake up!

Sok roared again: "Do you understand everything!?"

In an instant, the response was like thunder: "I understand!!!"

"That's right."

Suok nodded with satisfaction, turned around and grabbed Chronos out from under the table, and asked him: "Hermaphrodite, is there anything else you want to say?"


Chronos had a stiff smile on his face, but he was wailing in despair: "This time, all the top students who were referenced were wiped out. Except for Misawa Daichi, who had a perfect score in the written test, he could barely enter the Sun God Yellow dormitory, and everyone else would. Being sorted into the Osiris Red Dormitory... With this passing rate, the principal will kill me, No..."

No, no!

What is more important now is not the students' grades, but how to drive this dangerous person out of the school!

The school is sacred and we will never allow such crazy people to act recklessly...

Gotta find a way!

We must find a way to drive him away! Otherwise, the future of Duel Academy would be unimaginable!


Kronos smiled and rubbed his hands and said: "Mr. Sok is really worthy of being the king of duels. He has already completed his work in just ten minutes, No! Then our other assistant teachers will take the next practical exam." Take responsibility, you can rest, No..."

Sock must rest.

Let’s not talk about the students lying on the ground. If other candidates are still assessed by Sok, who knows if the number of people who are seriously injured and sent to the hospital will increase?

Even if he doesn't hit anyone anymore, wouldn't it look good if more than a hundred students in the entrance exam got zero marks?

At this moment, the closed door of the venue was suddenly opened, and a boy with a jellyfish head rushed in!

"Exam number 110!...I'm not late, am I?"

Yujo Judai had just entered the venue, and before he finished shouting, he suddenly saw more than thirty people lying on the ground.

After scratching his head, Yujo Judai hesitated and said with some uncertainty: "Hmm...Am I in the wrong place? Is this the sumo school assessment?"

"Oh...the card-deficient bully is here..."

Suok thought that he was a colleague after all, so he turned to Chronos and asked: "How about it, do you want me to help you get rid of this jellyfish head, so that you won't look bad when you lose later?"



The opponent's number is No. 110, which means this guy is a super weakling who almost failed the written test!

And I, Chronos, am the top person in charge of actual combat at Duel Academy!

The ancient mechanical giant rides on the face and asks you how to lose! ?

So Chronos stood up at that time and raised his head arrogantly: "I still have a certain degree of confidence in dealing with such a poor student. If I lose, then I will be punished by wearing women's clothing, ohhhhh..."

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