Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 290 Girls’ Bathroom

As soon as these words were spoken, Sok knew that Chronos was going to be cold.

The strength of the ancient mechanical deck is actually quite good, at least better than the "E·HERO" series that suffers from a lot of card losses.

It's a pity that he met the second-generation Mr. Right - the Judai who never shuffled the cards, and the "unusual food" and "mirage of nightmares" were always together.

as expected.

Five minutes before the duel assessment started, Chronos was in pain from the flame-winged man.

Next to him, Suoke shook his head.

What do you think the duel kings of the past wore on their hands?

Duel plate?

No, it's a card printer!

Youcheng Shidai is a little better. The Pharaoh directly prints a Mahat Priest on you and asks you if you are afraid?

Except for myself, a big cheater and a super ZZ Junior Hall player, whoever dares to play cards with them is simply asking for death.

Chronos, who looked gray and seemed to have lost his faith in life, walked down the steps tremblingly.

The desolate look is heartbreaking.

After all, they were just colleagues. Sok walked up to him, patted his shoulder kindly and comforted him: "Remember to dress as a woman, or I'll beat you to death!"

"……Mamma Mia."

Chronos rolled his eyes and fainted.

Suoke tried to slap him twice on the face, and kicked him twice on the ground to confirm that he was really fainting and not just pretending, and then he regretfully had someone carry him away.

As a result, the medical staff had just sent Kuronos and the students who were knocked to the ground by Sok's hammer into the ambulance. Kuronos sat up from the stretcher, trembling all over and crying out in pain.

The nursing staff were shocked: "Professor Kuronos, it turns out you are pretending to be faint!"

"This trick is called enduring humiliation and surviving..."

Kuronos finally had enough trouble and felt that the pain on his body was not so bad anymore. Then he said with an extremely ugly face: "Damn... you actually made me embarrassed in front of so many people, that poor student and that guy Sok... If you It would be a big mistake to think that I would just let it go!”

Gradually, a despicable plan emerged in Chronos' mind.

With a sly smile on his lips, Chronos secretly thought: Just wait, Sok! I will definitely get you kicked out of school!

After many twists and turns, the entrance exam is finally over.

Except for the students who were sent to the hospital, the rest followed the Duel Academy's cruise ship to the island.

While coming into contact with this school, which is exciting and yearning for all duelists, the students also kept Sock's unreasonable and unreasonable character firmly in mind.

After the admission declaration, the students went back to their dormitories, and Sok also returned to his room.

But as soon as the door opened, an envelope with a red lipstick on the floor caught Suoke's eyes. It seemed that it should have been stuffed under the door.

After bending down to pick it up and open it, Suoke read the letter in one second...

No, the correct term should be this love letter.

"I have secretly fallen in love with you since the first time we met, Mr. Sok. You are the real man in my heart. I want to tell you my feelings no matter what. I will wait for you behind the girls' dormitory tonight - Tenjoin Asuka."

After reading it, Sok closed the envelope again and took a look at the lip prints on it.

Tenjoin Asuka?

Damn, you are such a big-mouthed liar, are you lying?

Sok casually piled up the envelope and the letter paper and threw them into the trash can. But then Sok was stunned, as if he suddenly remembered that Penguin told him that there was such a paragraph in the original plot of GX, but that time it was used to deal with The Judai who traveled to the city were unexpectedly betrayed by their cousin Sho Marufuji.

The routine is so familiar, could it be that Chronos did it this time too?

Thinking of this, Suoke rolled his eyes, a sinister smile flashed on his face, and suddenly changed his mind.

that night

Kronos wore night clothes and quietly took a boat to the back of the girls' dormitory. He cut the chain of the door with the tools he had prepared in advance, sneaked in quietly and hid in the grass.

Holding the camera in his hand, Chronos rubbed his hands with a wicked smile on his face.

Hehe hehe... This is right behind the bathhouse of the girls' dormitory. Take a good look at that bastard teacher who sneaked in without knowing it...

As long as the photo was taken, everyone would think it was a perverted pervert behavior peeping into a girl's bathroom!

As a teacher, peeping on a female student taking a shower is the most intolerable thing. He will definitely be expelled, No!

Come on, Sock!

I can't wait to see your panicked look, Noona! Oh ho ho!

As time passed by, there were gradually more girls in the bathtub.

"Alas, none of the boys enrolling this year are good..."

While taking a bath, the girls discussed in disappointment: "Especially that Yujo Judai, who is long-winded, rude and arrogant. What do you think, Asuka?"

Asuka just smiled, closed her eyes and said, "Ah, everything is fine, that guy..."

"Actually... isn't Sanze from Huang Dormitory a very nice man?"

A girl next to her tilted her head slightly excitedly, gesturing with her hands and said, "Steady, calm, and looks like she can take care of others... Although she's not too handsome, she suits my liking..."

"But speaking of Misawa, it seems that he was the only one who entered the Huang dormitory this time for the entrance exam!"

Another girl said: "It is said that because the teacher in the actual combat assessment was too good, all the candidates who were assessed by him were killed and received zero points. Except for Misawa, all of them went to Osiris Red. It was really unexpected... …”

"That rascal……"

Hearing them talking about Sok, Asuka finally opened her eyes: "I was also there that day. Should I be said to be a legendary duelist as famous as Duel King Muto Yugi... That kind of arrogant and intimidating aura? The terrifying strength of the deck makes it almost impossible to feel that there is any possibility of winning in a duel with him..."

"Huh? Is it really that powerful?"

The girl next to me was surprised: "It's incredible that such a powerful duelist would come to our school to be a teacher..."

"It's true that it's powerful, but legends are what people can surpass..."

Asuka smiled slightly and said with clear and firm eyes: "If possible, I would like to find a chance to try Mr. Sok's skills, and then take a closer look at how far there is between me and the Duel King... No Very late, I will definitely defeat the legend one day...definitely!"

The girl next to her said with a smile: "Hehe, Tianshangyuan is the queen of the blue dormitory, she must be able to do it!"

While the girls were talking, there was suddenly a loud noise outside the bathhouse...

A man wearing a blue college uniform and speaking an unfamiliar "Nona" was holding a loudspeaker and walking behind the girls' bathhouse while making loud noises...

"Anti-pornography! Nuo Na!"

"No one is allowed to move, men are on the left and women are on the right, Nuo Na!"

"I'm not Chronos, Noona!"

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