Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 292 Stop talking, I surrender

Seeing Chronos' current appearance, a face suddenly flashed in Asuka's mind.

That was the legendary villain duelist who beat more than thirty students to the hospital in public during the entrance exam, and killed countless candidates in one go!

That arrogant and arrogant feeling is exactly the same as the person today!


There were rumors that the Dark Duel King Sok had incredible power and was just pretending to be another person. It shouldn't be difficult for him, right?

Could it be that……

Is he the pervert who peeked into the girls' bath tonight?

After thinking about it in her mind, Asuka remained calm and whispered to Junko and Momoe beside her: "Bring Professor Kuronos inside. I have something to ask him privately."

As the queen of the blue dormitory, Asuka certainly has her own prestige.

Not long after, the other girls dispersed, and Chronos was brought into the house and obediently accepted the interrogation of the three girls.

Asuka asked straight to the point: "You said you know who that person is?"

"Yes, No!"

Chronos was extremely sure: "It's Sok! He must be right. Only he would call me Hermaphrodite, Noona!"

Asuka frowned slightly: "Is this the only evidence?"

"No...actually there are other things that can prove it sideways..."

Kuronos hesitated a little, but finally sighed and said: "Now that it has come to this point, I won't hide it from you, No! Because I don't like that wanton guy, that's why I kicked him out of the school. It was my plan... When I was announcing the opening of school today, I stuffed the forged love letter into the crack of Sok's door, and asked him to come to the back of the girls' dormitory in the evening in your name... I was thinking about what he had just said I just came to school, and I didn’t know there was a bathroom behind it. I could use this to take a picture of him in front of the girls’ bathroom and force him to be fired... But I didn’t expect such a thing to happen, Nuo Na..."

Asuka nodded and agreed: "Indeed... From this point of view, only Mr. Sok has the motivation and strength to do such a thing..."

Next to him, Keiko asked quickly: "Asuka, do we have to report him to the council tomorrow?"

"...No, there is no direct evidence, and coupled with his status as the duel king, the council may not take care of this matter."

Asuka fell into deep thought. After a while, the corner of her mouth suddenly raised: "But this is also a good opportunity! Although I think he shouldn't have seen anything, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the initiative to make a sound to remind us... But I completely I can use this incident to get him to agree to a duel with me, so that I can experience for myself how strong this legendary duelist king who was once on par with Mr. Muto Yugi is!"

the next day

Without warning, Chronos, the top actual person in charge of Duel Academy, resigned voluntarily.

The campus council did not try to retain him.

Many people didn't understand the reason and thought that Kuronos really wanted to leave the school. However, the news eventually spread from the girls in the blue dormitory, saying that it was because Kuronos peeped in the girls' bathroom that he was banned by the board of directors. Dismissed.

It was just for the reputation of the school that the board of directors did not disclose the real reason.

The courses originally belonging to Kuronos are temporarily represented by Hibiki and Daitokuji.

As a physical education teacher, Suoke is still so relaxed and comfortable every day. As early as the entrance exam, the students have already seen Suoke's fighting power and madness.

So in his class, almost no one dared to talk back, and Sock said whatever he said.

"Work hard like a dog...like a dog...it's so funny...you can only bark after being beaten..."

"Work hard like a dog...like a dog...it's so funny...you can only bark after being beaten..."

The students shouted the slogans taught to them by Sock and ran neatly in the gymnasium, lap after lap, over and over again.

Suoke was sitting on the seat next to him, eating watermelon comfortably. His little life was extremely nourishing.

After finishing half a watermelon with the little penguin, Sok stood up and waved: "Okay! That's it for today. Now everyone is free to move around. Those who want to play ball, those who want to dance, but whoever dares to be If he flirts with a girl in front of me, I will punch him to death! Do you understand this!?"


A group of students responded loudly and uniformly, and then dispersed in excitement.

The gymnasium is huge, with basketball courts, tennis courts and even a football field.

Sock leaned on the recliner and sighed loudly at the wealth of Haima Company.

We haven't seen each other for a few years, and yet we've made so much money again... How about taking some time to talk to Seto Kaiba later?

Just as he was thinking about how much money to blackmail from Kaiba, suddenly a beautiful figure sat down on the chair next to Suoke.

Thok glanced sideways.

It's Asuka.

"Teacher Suoke..."

Asuka and Sock looked at the stadium in front of them, and asked as if chatting: "I want to know whether these slogans you asked us to shout are really useful, or are they just your personal bad taste..."

"Hey, if it was my personal bad taste, I would let you call 'Fax Daddy'"

Suok crossed his legs and said in a perfunctory and casual manner: "You card players are arrogant and can't stand a little setback... If you lose a handful of cards, you will be depressed for four or five years, and you will be ignored by the villain BOSS. As soon as I started to doubt my life, I started to doubt my life... This kind of character, although full of youthful energy, is also a huge flaw..."

"And what I am doing now is to slowly polish your edges, so that under the pressure of the evil god I, you will realize that you are not actually that unique and superior, and you can only bark when you are beaten... When you are completely After you accept this mentality, your hearts as duelists will become stronger, and you will not be completely defeated because of one or two failures..."

At this point, Suoke touched his chin and said: "There is a saying... when you become a piece of shit, no one will dare to step on your head. That's pretty much what it means. ,Hahaha……"

How vulgar!

What kind of teaching method is this?

Asuka was a little disappointed, but that wasn't her original purpose anyway...

"Teacher Suoke..."

Asuka turned sideways, looked down at Sock's eyes, and said word by word: "That night...it was you who went to the girls' bathroom to spy! Right?"

Suoke had no intention of hiding anything, and nodded directly: "It's me."

"You don't admit it... eh? You admit it?"

Asuka was caught off guard by Sok's confession. It took her a long time to react. She stood up and walked directly in front of Sok and said, "In that case, come and fight me, Teacher Sok! If you win, then We, the girls in the blue dormitory, will no longer pursue what happened that night! But if you lose..."

"You more than thirty girls want me to be responsible for you?"

Suoke was immediately overjoyed: "That's a bullshit card, I just surrender! Tell me, which concubine will you sleep with tonight?"

Asuka: "..."

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