Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 293 I have five cards with unknown meanings in my hand

"Oh!? Suddenly there are thirty more beautiful young girls in the harem!?"

The little penguin Gua sitting on Suoke's shoulder stopped eating. He took out the small mirror from behind his butt in frustration, looked at himself in the mirror, and said with tears in his eyes: "What should I do with this yellow-faced woman... I have a new person to forget." Old Goose, I want to commit suicide, my dear, don’t stop me..."


The hair on Sok's back suddenly stood up!

He is the great evil god of the underworld and a super villain who kills without blinking an eye! I will never see the little penguin sad in this life.

In a second, Suoke's expression suddenly changed, he pointed at Asuka, and shouted righteously: "Hey, you annoying little goblin! Don't even think about using your beauty to destroy my family's happiness! Isn't it just a duel? I'll give it to you. If you kill everyone and leave nothing behind, no one will be able to succeed!"

When the little penguin heard what Sok said, he stopped crying immediately and cheered happily on Sok's shoulder: "Come on! Come on!"

Opposite Asuka was stunned by Sock.

One second he was shameless, and the next second his style changed. What happened?


Who is this guy calling a tormenting goblin? ?

"Although I don't understand what happened...but things seem to be developing in the direction I hope..."

Asuka picked up the duel plate that she had prepared and put it on her arm. She challenged Sok with full of fighting spirit: "Then let's go, Sok-sensei! Use all your strength to show me how strong the duel king is." Bar!"

Sock also used the little penguin's virtual illusion ability to create a duel disk on his arm!

Then he suddenly pulled out five cards from the top of the deck, turned them over, and shouted: "How strong I am, you will know just by looking at these five cards with unknown meanings! Exodia kills in one go ,you lose!!!"


Asuka's heart skipped a beat, her face turned pale and she said, "How could..." But then, when she saw the five cards in Sok's hand, her face darkened, and she said angrily: "Please don't open this kind of card." Are you joking, Mr. Sok!"

Suoke was stunned, turned over the card again, looked at it himself, and found that it was not the five parts of Exodia.

Scratching his head, Suoke said in confusion: "It's really strange... I clearly remembered to put the five corpse pieces at the top of the deck, but why did I draw five 'Pottle of Desire' now..."

The little penguin on his shoulder rubbed his hands awkwardly: "My dear, you seem to have taken out my deck..."

"Huh? No wonder this deck looks so familiar to me..."

Sock quickly recovered the system for Little Penguin's deck, then randomly changed a deck of his own, inserted it into the duel plate, and said to Asuka: "Okay, it's no problem now, let the duel begin!"

But Asuka was already extremely distrustful of Sock. She looked at his new deck suspiciously and questioned rudely: "The deck you picked up this time won't have five Exodia at the top, right?" , Teacher Suoke?”

Suok raised the corner of his mouth and said with a confident smile: "Don't worry, I don't have to cheat when dealing with a little girl like you whose hair hasn't even grown yet..."

Asuka exposed it mercilessly: "But you were just planning to cheat."

"...Professional habits are no longer the norm."

Sok took out the deck and shuffled it twice, then inserted it in again, raised his eyebrows and said: "How about it, you should feel relieved now? And as a special treatment, the deck I used did not include 'Martyr'" ' and 'Oliha Gang' cards, because if you use them, you really won't have any room for resistance and will be crushed to death, and then I will also feel bored, hum..."

"You actually look down on me..."

Asuka activated the duel disk and shouted softly: "You will regret for underestimating your enemy, Mr. Sok!"



Tenjoin Asuka, LP: 4000

Sok Nenufa, LP: 4000

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Asuka drew a card from the deck, took a look at it, and put the card into the duel plate: "Summon 'Electronic Star' in attack position, then cover another card to end the turn!"

[Electronic Star, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1200, defense: 1600, effect: When this card directly attacks the opponent's player, the attack power increases by 500 during the damage step. 】

A blue whirlwind suddenly appeared on Asuka's battlefield, and then gradually subsided.

In the middle of the whirlwind, a long-haired girl with a good figure and a blue tights who seemed to be wearing nothing stopped spinning and landed on the ground.

Sock whistled, waved to the "electronic star" and shouted: "Slightly stiffen to show respect!"

Before Asuka understood what Sok meant, Sok had already started his turn!

"Then, it's my turn...to draw a card!"

Sok drew a card from the deck. After thinking about it, he inserted a card from his hand into the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate: "I activate the magic card 'Bargain Shopping' from my hand and put the card in my hand. 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' is sent to the graveyard, and then two cards are drawn from the deck! Draw cards!"

[Bargain shopping, magic card, effect: Discard 1 8-star monster from your hand to activate. Draw 2 cards from the deck. 】

"Then, the magic card 'Fusion' (deficit card) is activated!"

Sock drew two cards from his hand, showed them to Asuka, and shouted: "I want to use the 'Red-Eyed Black Dragon' and 'Demon's Summon' in my hand as fusion materials to special summon a new monster from the extra deck - —Break through the darkness, flap your wings and roar, ‘Dark Demonic Dragon’!”

[Dark Demon Dragon, 9 stars, dark attribute, attack: 3200, defense: 2500, description: Fusion: "Devil's Summons" + "Red Eyes Black Dragon\

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