Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 295 Farewell Party

In the blending of light and darkness, the blue-eyed white dragon and the red-eyed black dragon flying out from the cemetery intertwined, emitting dazzling light, merging and evolving into a new power of chaos!

The light condensed into a huge black ball!

And what emerged from the sphere was a dragon of chaos that reigned over the world like an emperor!

Chaos Emperor Dragon—the messenger of the end!

Attack: 3000, Defense: 2500

"Although the attack power is 3,000 points, it is still no match for my 'electronic skater'!"

Asuka was almost frightened by the magnificent appearance of the Chaos Emperor Dragon, but when she saw clearly the attack power of the Chaos Emperor Dragon, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Because it is equipped with a 'fusion weapon', the attack of the 'electronic skater' The power is now 3600 points, do you understand this, Teacher Suok?"

"Ah, of course I understand..."

The corner of Suoke's mouth raised the evil smile of the evil god, and he said word by word: "You are the one who doesn't understand... It was originally the only clear official ban card in the history of GX. Because the user is my relationship, so now It can still be used normally...how powerful it is, just with this unique treatment, you should know something about it, hum..."

"Could it be...!"

Asuka said in surprise: "Does this monster have any hidden special abilities?"

The light of chaos was restless.

Every time the Chaos Emperor Dragon breathes, countless black and white flames are sprayed out, and even the air is burnt with a burning smell!

"Did you just react? Asuka!"

Sok suddenly waved his hand and laughed wildly: "By paying 1,000 points of life, I activate the ultimate ability of the Chaos Emperor Dragon - the Holy Fire of Annihilation! When this effect is activated, all cards on the field and in the hands of both sides will be destroyed. , and each one gives you 300 points of damage!"

"Chaos Emperor Dragon! Burn everything!!!"

Along with Sok's roar, the Chaos Emperor Dragon moved in response, opened its jaws and suddenly sprayed an extremely violent flame toward the ground!

In the flames, everything was burned away!

And Asuka's life value was completely eliminated with this holy fire!

Tenjoin Asuka, LP: 800→0

The fire light dissipated and the virtual image also ended.

But the Chaos Emperor Dragon's attack was really damaging to the spirit. Even if she tried to restrain herself, Asuka had to pant for a long time before she could catch her breath.

"I lost..."

Asuka raised her head and looked at Sock, who was lying back on the recliner again, not knowing who to coax someone to eat, and said calmly: "But this also made me clearly know that I am still very immature... I hope I can duel with you next time. ...At least it will allow you to use your strongest deck, Mr. Sok!"

Sock glanced at Asuka, then looked down at the three remaining cards in his hand.

Three fireballs are quietly stacked together, hiding their merit and fame.

In fact, Sock was able to kill Asuka in the first round, but facing the students, Sock still saved her some face.

Being killed by the Chaos Emperor Dragon is much better than being burned to death by a fireball.

He shook his head helplessly.

Given the strength of her deck, no matter how many years it takes, she won't be forced to use Martyr to fight.

"Then, as agreed... I will treat what happened last night as if it never happened..."

Asuka put away her deck and duel disk, turned and left.

But this last sentence directly caused the boys who were watching the duel to explode!

last night! ?

Did something happen to Sock and Asuka? ?

Oh my God!


How could a teacher attack his own female students? ?

But we are so envious! ! !

There were countless heartbreaking voices. The boys who were originally excited to play football suddenly became depressed. They lined up neatly and squatted in the corner, feeling that their entire lives had turned into black and white.

While feeding the little penguin, Suok glanced at the corner curiously: "What's wrong with them?"

"The dream is broken..."

While eating the melon, the little penguin muttered: "I had the same reaction when I found out that Xu Xian was played by a woman..."

A few days later, Duel Academy began its first exam since enrollment.

Its main purpose is to solve the problem of the red dormitory being full and the yellow dormitory being empty this semester.

In other words, this is the best time to upgrade from a poor student to an average student, so much so that the students in the red dormitory who have always been carefree actually started to stay up late to study for the first time, striving to turn around in one exam and change their lives against the odds.

Xianglu is responsible for the test questions of the competition, and the actual combat is conducted internally by the candidates, and the promotion rate is about 30%.

Everyone was busy studying, so Suoke's classes were naturally idle.

Now he can finally understand how happy it was to be a physical education teacher in high school. He had nothing to do every day and was paid just to sit and drink tea. It was so satisfying.

But what Suoke didn't know was.

At the same time, in order to vent his grievances, Chronos, who was dismissed, has secretly contacted the rumored Dark Duelist Titan and is preparing to deal with Thok.

If you are a true dark duelist, of course you should know the name of the great evil god Sok. No matter how much money your employer pays, you will never be willing to die.

But Titan turned out to be an impostor. He just thought the name Sok sounded familiar, but didn't go into it further.

After accepting the commission, Titan took a boat to Duel Academy that day...

The promotion exam is over, some are happy and some are sad.

Many students were leaving the red dormitory the next day, but after all they had lived here for so long, they were still somewhat reluctant to leave.

So that night, under the auspices of Dade Temple, a grand farewell party was held in the Red Dormitory.

Tonight is special.

The red dormitory, which has always been famous for its simple meals, also specially arranged many delicious cakes and chocolate snacks tonight.

These were all paid for by Dade Temple at his own expense. Of course, he did not tell the students this.

Seeing these young and energetic faces gathered together in a lively manner, Dadeji, whose body had long since decayed and had to resort to alchemy to survive, narrowed his eyes with envy and blessings.

Although he is one of the Seven Stars, he really likes these young children.


Turning his head, Daitokuji helplessly smiled bitterly at the figure next to him who was devouring food: "Why do you come here to join in the fun at the farewell party in the red dormitory, Mr. Sok, meow..."


Suoke raised his head and wiped the cream from the corner of his mouth: "I'm here to eat and drink for free. Why...you don't welcome me?"

It is indeed not welcome...because all you eat is my hard-earned money...

He thought so in his heart, but in the face of this moody evil god, Dadeji didn't dare to say anything. He could only laugh and said: "If you like it, just eat more. By the way... Wait a minute, there will be activities in the red dormitory, Suoke Do you want the teacher to join us too, nya?"

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