Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 296 Storytelling


Suoke asked curiously: "What kind of activity? If it's a duel, I won't participate. Playing cards every day is boring."

"It's not a duel, it's a night story..."

Daitokuji hugged his fat cat and said with a smile: "It can be a joke or a horror story. Although this kind of activity is simple, it is a good way to connect with the students... Although many students are about to enter the sun Shen Huang, but I hope their friendship with the red dormitory can always exist, meow."

"Tell a story..."

Suoke thought for a long time and said with some hesitation: "I have read a lot of stories before, but I seem to have forgotten them all now... In fact, we are all adults, and we can definitely say something that the TV station is not allowed to broadcast..."

Daitokuji kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "...I think it's better to forget about this, meow. It's not good to listen to students like that, meow..."

"not too good?"

Suoke blinked blankly: "What happened to listening to two pieces of Guo Degang's cross talk? I think it's quite interesting?"

Dadeji Temple: "..."

After eating and drinking, dozens of students gathered around the bonfire outside Hong's dormitory, laughing and talking about the stories they had heard.

Some stories are very interesting, and some stories are very boring.

After all, I'm not a professional storyteller, so my diction and atmosphere creation are a bit lacking, but I feel pretty good.

Among them, what caught Sok's attention the most was the ghost story told by Yujo Judai...

I have been able to hear certain different sounds since I was a child, then gradually stopped hearing them, and now I begin to hear them vaguely again...

This is a true portrayal of Judai's induction of spirits.

Initially, when Judai was young, Yubel wanted to protect Judai from any harm, including harm that threatened the existence of their friendship. During that time, she put everyone who won the duel with Judai into a coma, causing Everyone else thinks Judai is cursed and are afraid of dueling him.

Therefore, Yubel was banished to the universe, and Judai's parents also used surgery to make Judai forget this painful memory.

So seven years ago.

When Judai met Hibiki Momiji, he said that his father collected many duel monster cards, but he had forgotten that those cards were actually cards that he had used and fought before, and they were treasures he regarded as treasures. , so except for Yubel, they were all preserved by Judai’s father.

And now I hear the voice of the elf again...

Is it a wing chestnut ball?

Not the one with the red leaves, but the lucky card given to him by Muto Yugi...

While thinking about these things in his mind, Suoke suddenly heard someone calling him.

"Teacher Sok!"

Yujo Judai waved to Suoke and said with a hearty smile: "Tell me a story too!"

"tell a story?"

Suok glanced at Judai Yujo, and then remembered the young man who traveled through time and space and came to him seven years ago. After laughing, he said directly: "I don't know how."


Judai was a little disappointed, but he still held on to the last glimmer of hope and tried: "If you don't tell a story, a joke or a fable is also acceptable. Of course, if you can talk about the duel between you and Mr. Muto Yugi at the final battleground, then It couldn’t be better!”

"There is nothing to say about the duel. I took a machine gun to the duel, and they made me the duel king without letting me compete..."

Sok held his chin and muttered: "But I haven't heard many jokes..." At this point, Sok turned to the little penguin on his shoulder and asked: "Madam, can you tell jokes?"


The little penguin excitedly raised his arms and said: "The one who doesn't laugh is Silly! Hahaha... I'm laughing so hard..."


Sok sighed, touched the penguin's little head and said: "...Madam, you are getting more and more naughty."

Seeing that Suoke didn't speak for a long time, Daitokuji next to him came out with the fat cat in his arms and said with a smile: "Since Teacher Suoke is not good at telling stories, why not let me tell you a ghost story, meow... On this island There is an abandoned dormitory, have any of you heard of it?"

All the students are new to the school this year, so of course they don’t know.

Yujo Judai asked curiously: "Abandoned dormitory?"

"Well, it is said that this was the dormitory for special students in this school, meow..."

Daitokuji glanced at the other side of the island, and after thinking for a while, he continued: "It seems that many students have disappeared there, nya. There are rumors that it is related to the dark game, but because when I came there, there were already Entry is not allowed, so I don’t know the specific situation, meow.”

"Dark...dark game!?"

Sho Marufuji, who was particularly timid, was so frightened that he hid behind Judai Yujo and trembled: "What is that...it sounds so scary!"

"The dark game refers to a dark battlefield opened up with some kind of thousand-year-old props... Only the winner can escape safely, while the soul of the loser will be swallowed by darkness..."

When Daitokuji said this, he took a special look at Sok next to him and said with a smile: "Regarding this, the legendary duel king Sok in front of us is said to have experienced the dark game personally. Everyone is curious or If you have any questions, you can ask him, meow."


Suok glanced at Dadeji, who seemed to have just mentioned this matter accidentally, and understood.

It seems that the disappearance of Fubuki in the original work still happened in this era.

Daitokuji probably hoped that he could go to that dormitory to drive out the darkness and stop the monster in the dark that was ready to move.

"Dark games generally require thousand-year-old artifacts to drive them..."

Suok sneered, glanced at the audience, and after seeing the students with horror, he slowly said: "General thousand-year artifacts will determine the intensity of the dark game based on the user's soul. Duelists The more powerful it is, the more advanced the Dark Game will be... Of course, this is just for popular science. Now that all the millennium artifacts have disappeared, no one can activate the Dark Game anymore..." At this point, Sok secretly added: except me.

"Okay, let's stop here..."

Suoke stood up, turned around and walked towards the distance: "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first... By the way, thank you for the hospitality, Dade Temple."

Dadeji was stunned for a moment, knowing that Suoke had understood his request.

Watching Sok's leaving figure, Dadeji secretly prayed in his heart: "Please, please save the chairman, Mr. Sok..."

Spreading his wings, Suok flew into the sky, and soon found the abandoned dormitory.

Because there were three phantom demons sealed under the island, and DANKNESS also died here, Suoke only thought that the faint evil aura was coming from the seal and didn't pay too much attention to it.

Could it be that after seven years, the group of bosses that he had killed were ready to make a comeback?

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