Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 300 I hate women the most


How exciting!

After collecting so many beauties from other worlds by any means, Hu Zangnai didn't even touch them, and specially delivered them to his door.

What kind of spirit is this?

This is an international moral model and a great spirit of dedication to others!

If he were still alive, I would definitely give him a banner!

Looking at the beauties in front of him with emotion, Suok sighed in his heart. No wonder everyone wanted to be the emperor in the past. There were so many girls, it was very enjoyable just to look at them...

It's just a pity...

"Get out of here! I hate women the most!!!"

Suok roared angrily, and the great evil god's energy burst out instantly!

The aura that was even more terrifying and evil than the Masked Monster seemed to freeze space, and the black feather coat burst. The originally handsome young man actually gave birth to devil's horns in an instant and transformed into an evil god!


The women screamed and scrambled to escape from the underground altar.

Having just escaped from a demon, how could they fall into the hands of an evil god again? This monster is not a hero who saves himself!

So in less than ten minutes, the more than a thousand beauties disappeared without a trace, and the place was empty except for Sock and Asuka...

"Oh my god...what on earth did I do..."

Sock squatted on the ground and muttered to himself in despair: "I just personally drove away more than a thousand girls who could attack and get on base...I must be crazy..."

Obviously he did nothing wrong, but when the little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder saw Sok's disappointed look, he always felt a little embarrassed, as if he owed him something.

After thinking about it, the little penguin transformed into an illusion, accompanying Suok and squatting with him.

Carefully touching Suok with his arm, False Vision whispered softly: "...Hey, Chow Yun-fat."


Suoke, who was originally preparing to perform for a while, laughed out loud for a second and quickly wanted to cover his mouth, but it was obviously too late.

"Ahem...then what..."

Suoke stood up, turned his head uncomfortably, and said with some embarrassment: "Tonight... the sun is nice..."

False Vision looked at Sok's side face and blinked, then suddenly smiled sweetly.

He walked up to Suok in small steps, stretched out his hands to hold both sides of Suok's cheeks, and the illusion gently leaned his lips over and kissed Suok's lips.

The scent of jasmine is refreshing.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze at this moment.

"Thank you dear……"

After a brief taste, False Vision took a small step back, clasped his hands behind his back, looked at Suok happily and said: "I'm so sorry... I made you lose 1,300 girls in vain, you won't... blame me ?”

"Why so sudden..."

Suoke didn't react until then. He subconsciously wanted to wipe his mouth, but stopped.

"Actually...it doesn't matter..."

Illusion was so considerate that Suoke felt a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and said with a smile: "It's just a two-dimensional paper person... I have read too many books. A mere 1,300 girls are nothing. We will get married later." Yes, I even formatted all the dirty stuff on the hard drive and it was fine..."


False Illusion smiled playfully, changed back to its penguin appearance, returned to Sok's shoulder, and rubbed his cheek.

The dormitory matter is now over.

After the last search of the underground altar, there were still no clues about swimming. Fubuki's disappearance seemed to have nothing to do with it.

But what made Suoke a little concerned was that Fox Zangano seemed to be hiding something from him.

The altar has been built for a long time, which means that Kitsune Zangno should have come to this world a long time ago, but instead of going out to make waves, he locked himself underground with a group of harems and prayed every day...

Maybe he even spread the rumors that this place is haunted.

What on earth is he planning...


Does he want to summon a monster higher than him...

Unfortunately, Kitsune Zano is already dead, and because he was killed by Sok himself, even his soul no longer exists, and nothing is known.

Walking out of this abandoned dormitory, the sky was still pitch black.

But the dark aura and eerie atmosphere surrounding this dormitory had disappeared.

Sock and Asuka returned home together, silent.

Finally, at the fork in the men's and women's dormitories, when the two were about to separate, Asuka suddenly said: "Teacher Sock..."

Sok turned his head: "Huh?"


Asuka looked into Sok's eyes and suddenly smiled: "Actually, you are a pretty good man... I seemed to be prejudiced against you before, but now I realize that you also have shining points!... I think, that The girl who can marry Teacher Suoke will definitely be very happy... I envy her so much!"

"Study hard at a young age and don't think about love all day long..."

Suoke was too lazy to pay attention to her, turned around and waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't run around at night from now on. There are definitely many dangerous things on this island. Just let me know if you have any clues. Anyway, I am too busy... "

The attitude this time was completely different from when they first met.

Asuka waved enthusiastically at Sok's back and shouted full of energy: "I will! Thank you, Teacher Sok!"

Back to daily life.

One month after the abandoned dormitory incident...

The Duel Academy conducted a practical exam for dueling between two people. The students had to find someone to form a team on their own, and then they were graded based on their combined performance.

Since the group does not restrict gender, many boys have begun to have evil thoughts. They want to take advantage of this opportunity to show their strength in front of female classmates and lead them to win in order to achieve the purpose of flirting with girls.

Fortunately, for now, students are generally relatively pure, and at least there are no dirty deals involving one-shot deals.

However, as the queen of the blue dormitory, Asuka, who is currently recognized as the most beautiful in Duel Academy, has grown a little older than her parents in the past few days.

Asuka is not only beautiful, but also has extremely strong dueling abilities, making her the ideal partner.

So in the past two days, even though she kept refusing, there were still love letters stuffed under the table every day... no, invitations to duels. Everyone wants to team up with Asuka!

I kept refusing until the day before the exam...

Asuka finally confirmed her partner.

Turning her head to look through the window at Obelisk Blue and the boys' dormitory in the distance, Asuka raised the corners of her lips and smiled a little slyly: "Okay... it's almost time to invite my dueling partner... just I hope he won’t refuse..."

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