Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 301 Conch Girl

After the day's classes were over, the students cheered and left in droves.

Although tomorrow is the practical exam, except for Osiris Red's poor students, the rest of the students don't have to worry too much, because they usually listen carefully and are confident that their strength is not weaker than others.

A proud and motivated heart is the reason why they are in the yellow dormitory or the blue dormitory.

After school, Asuka did not go back to the girls' dormitory. Instead, she came to the boys' dormitory of Obelisk Blue, where there was a newly built single-family courtyard for someone - that is, the dormitory of the legendary "Great Evil God Black" , although it is not officially recognized because there is only one person in the dormitory, no one dares to ban this black dormitory, which is not as different from Duel Academy... because the only person living in it is the real evil god!

The wooden door at the entrance of the courtyard was open. Asuka walked in, but did not see Suoke.

Curious, he continued to walk inside, and then he finally vaguely heard the sound of cleaning from time to time in the house. The people inside seemed to have heard Asuka's footsteps, and half of their heads poked out of the house...

"Teacher Suoke..."

Before Asuka finished shouting, she was suddenly stunned.

Because the person who appeared in Sok's room was not him, but the only female teacher in the school besides the school nurse - Hibiki Midori!

"Teacher Hibiki!?"

Asuka was surprised: "Why are you here...?"

"Ah, it's Asuka..."

Hibiki seemed to be relieved, then smiled and said: "Nothing, I'm here to help Mr. Sok clean up the room... Do you have anything to do with Mr. Sok, Asuka?"


Asuka nodded: "Tomorrow's actual combat test is a duel. I want to find Mr. Sock to be my partner... He is a physical education teacher. It shouldn't matter, right?" After saying this, Asuka paused and hesitated. Said: "It's you... Teacher Hibiki, why did you come to help Teacher Suoke clean up the house?"

Xianglu's eyes were a little stunned.

It wasn't until a breeze blew by that Xianglu hooked the gentle hair behind his ears and said with a smile: "There is no special reason... Mr. Sok, a man alone, will definitely not take good care of himself... ...I thought I could help a little bit, so I came uninvited..."

Between a frown and a smile, the full affection has already been revealed.

"Teacher Hibiki..."

Asuka couldn't bear it, but finally she said, "Mr. Sock already has a girlfriend, and they... have a very good relationship..."

"Ah, I know..."

Xiang Lu was slightly absent-minded. After being silent for a while, he raised his head, blinked, and smiled bitterly: "I know... he is a long-term and dedicated man. In this flashy and pale era... But at least...when his girlfriend is not with him and can't take care of him...how much do I want to...do something that I can do..."

"I don't want to get involved in the relationship between Mr. Sok and his lover, because if I do that, it will be equivalent to killing a man I love with my own hands..."

Holding a pile of dirty old clothes, Hibiki smiled as he passed by Asuka: "Ah, and Asuka, please keep this matter secret from Mr. Sock. I just want to do something for him. I don't want him to be emotionally troubled, so... thank you..."

In an instant, the beauty was alluring.

Looking at Hibiki Midori's smile, even the girl Asuka felt her heart beat for a moment.

When she came back to her senses, Xiang Lu had already left.

Standing alone in the yard, Asuka was confused.

She never thought that in this era, there would be traditional women like the conch girl who were willing to give silently, but this relationship was destined to be fruitless. Teacher Xiang Lu was such a good person... Was this too cruel to her?

Suddenly, Asuka wants to talk to Sock.

Since Teacher Xianglu is unwilling to fight for it, then as a student, he should help the teacher!

After all, compared to the teacher's wife who has never met before, Mr. Hibiki, whom he sees every day and night, has a better relationship with him! Such a good woman should have a good home!

After thinking about it, Asuka immediately rushed out of the yard and began to look around for traces of Sok.

At this moment, she had completely forgotten her original purpose...

The waves crashed against the cliffs.

On the pier of this small island, a fierce duel is going on between you and me.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, Suok looked down with interest at the duel battlefield between Yujo Judai and Marufuji, and watched the two noobs pecking each other with their tongues.

Although judging from the plot Little Penguin told himself, the first confrontation between Yujo Judai and Marufuji ended in Judai's defeat, but this did not affect Sock's viewing effect at all.

3-in-1 Electronic Dragon.

The configuration is almost the same as that of Haima. Doesn't this make it clear that he is the second male lead?

Who knew that later it would be replaced by Ai De and John... and it is said that in the original setting, the second male lead was actually the purpose of Wan Zhang, but in the later stage, he didn't even have to fight for soy sauce. It was really miserable...

Judai currently has an "E·HERO Thunder Giant" and a cover card on the field, while Marufuji has nothing on the field.

It seems that the ten generations have the upper hand, but in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, those who initially have the upper hand usually end badly...

"My turn, draw a card!"

Ryo Marufuji pulled out a card from the deck with a serious look on his face. After taking a look at it, he inserted the newly drawn card into the duel disk: "I want to activate the magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead' to resurrect from the graveyard that was killed by you last round. 'E·HERO Thunder Giant' destroyed the 'Electronic Dragon', and then activated fusion to fuse the 'Electronic Dragon' on the field with another 'Electronic Dragon' in my hand...'"

[Electronic Dragon, 5 stars, light attribute, attack: 2100, defense: 1600, effect: If there are monsters on the opponent's field and there are no monsters on your own field, this card can be specially summoned from your hand. 】

"Come out, 'Electronic Twin Dragons'!"

[Electronic twin dragons, 8 stars, light attribute, attack: 2800, defense: 2100, effect: Fusion: "Electronic Dragon" + "Electronic Dragon". This monster can only be Fusion Summoned with the cards mentioned above. This card can attack twice in the same battle phase. 】

The dimensional space opens, and an electronic dragon with two dragon heads breaks into the battlefield!

"The electronic twin dragons can launch two attacks in one turn, so... wake up, Yujo Judai!"

Ryo Marufuji waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "Go, 'Electronic Twin Dragons'! Destroy the 'E·HERO Thunder Giant', and then launch a direct attack on Judai! Double impact of the new century!"

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