Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 303 Ten thousand-foot-long eyes

"Won! What an interesting duel!"

Judai Yujo stretched out his right hand, stretched out both fingers, and said with a cheerful smile: "What a risk. If it hadn't been for the lucky card Mr. Yugi gave me, I would have been completely helpless. You are really strong, Caesar!"

Until the second before Ryo Marufuji's health returned to zero, almost everyone present could not believe that the emperor of Duel Academy would lose so easily.

And he still lost to Osiris Red, the weakest student in the academy...


Sho Marufuji's eyes widened in disbelief as if his world view had been overturned: "That perfect brother... actually lost...!? He was defeated by the elder brother!"

If this news spreads, it will definitely shock the entire school in an instant!

"Caesar will not lose...I am no longer the emperor..."

Ryo Marufuji simply put down his left hand with the duel disk in it, and took a deep look at Yujo Judai. He did not seem to be depressed by the defeat: "It was a beautiful duel, Yujo Judai! I lost... ...It seems that I am not mature enough and need to become stronger..."

Judai Yujo smiled and punched his chest: "I will work hard and I won't lose to you!"

Ryo Marufuji said nothing.

Turn around and walk away.

Glancing back sideways, a slightly invisible smile gradually appeared on Marufuji Ryo's face.

Xiang... I found a good big brother...

Traveling to the city for ten generations...

I remember this name!

Next time, I will definitely regain the dignity of the king and return to the highest peak again!


Ryo Marufuji left, and the other two people who had been quietly watching the battle finally showed their heads.


"Are you... Misawa from Huang Dormitory!?"

Wan Zhangmu frowned and looked at the top student in front of him who had received perfect scores in all his grades since entering school, with a somewhat repulsive tone: "Why are you here, Misawa?"

Misawa Daichi smiled and showed a bunch of cards in his hand and said: "I arrived before them because I wanted to find a quiet place to collect the cards for tomorrow's exam, but I didn't expect to see something very interesting... What about you? , Wan Zhangmu?"


Wan Zhangmu was stunned, and then he snorted dissatisfiedly: "It's none of your business!"

"Sorry, I'm too talkative."

Misawa Daichi was not dissatisfied at all because of Wan Zhangmu's rude tone, but instead took the initiative to apologize very politely.

Immediately afterwards, Misawa Daichi turned his head and looked at the back of Yujo Judai who was cheering for his victory over there. He sighed with some emotion and said: "Yushiro Judai... is obviously such a strong guy, why was he defeated? What about Osiris Red?...But it's a pity..."

Wan Zhangmu squinted and said, "What a pity?"

"That's right..."

Misawa Daichi clenched his fists, and the fighting spirit in his eyes flashed like blazing fire: "Because I am not the one who pulled the Emperor of Duel Academy off the throne... But I have already decided on the next target. I want to defeat that person. Yujo Judai defeated Caesar!"

Wan Zhangmu clasped his hands in front of his chest and snorted coldly: "Hey! It's just a poor student of some weak monsters. I was lucky enough to win against Ryo Marufuji, but there is nothing worth defeating..."

"You are wrong, Wan Zhang Mu!"

Misawa Daichi glanced at Wan Zhangmu and said extremely seriously: "It is true that the deck of Yucheng Judai is quite extreme. The monsters have a lot of elemental heroes that need to be fused to exert their power. Most of the magic and traps are related to heroes. Once If the chain is destroyed, it will be very difficult, but..."

"The most difficult thing to deal with is his ridiculously strong card drawing luck..."

Speaking of this, Misawa Daichi also felt a little headache: "You can always draw key cards that are enough to turn the tables at important moments. That kind of hidden strength cannot be measured by formulas... No matter how many advantages you have established in the early stage, as long as you draw one He can overthrow them all... It's really enviable. That kind of guy can be said to be a genius in dueling, and he is also a monster born for dueling..."

Duel genius...

Wan Zhangmu's face gradually darkened.


I should be the only one capable of genius, Mr. Wan Zhangmu! These bastards are not even qualified to carry my shoes...

I want to win...

I have to win!

I am not... the last person in the Wan Zhangmu family!

He kept telling himself that he had to win, Wan Zhangmu had a gloomy face, and then left without saying a word.

He originally wanted to come to the beach to relax, but unexpectedly his mood became worse...

Back in his room in Lan Dormitory, Wan Zhangmu opened a suitcase placed on the table, which was neatly filled with many rare and valuable cards!

These are all sent to me by my two brothers!

Looking at these cards, Wan Zhangmu's thoughts went back to a day ago, when two brothers from the Wan Zhangmu Consortium suddenly contacted him via video...

"Nagi, we have all heard..."

In the video, the eldest brother's long-sighted figure appeared, his face still so stern and ruthless: "When you were enrolled in school, you were beaten by a teacher from Duel Academy, right?"

Although he didn't want to think of that dark history, Wan Zhangmu still gritted his teeth and nodded: "...Yes, elder brother Changsaku."

"Hmph, I've heard about that guy named Suoke. He extorted many presidents and CEOs of large companies a few years ago. It is said that because of his amazing personal strength, he is not even afraid of guns and bullets, so those capitalists They were afraid of retaliation and did not call the police..."

"But that's impossible!"

Wan Zhangmu Changzuo sneered and said: "I don't believe that anyone can fight against guns and guns with flesh and blood. Although you are the weakest among our three brothers, since that guy dares to offend our Wan Zhangmu Consortium, I will definitely not Let him go!"

The words "crane tail" seemed extremely harsh to the ears of the always arrogant Wan Zhangmu.

"Hmph, but before I deal with him, we must make good use of his duel king status...just think of it as the interest paid to our Wan Zhangmu Financial Group..."

Manjomu Chosaku pointed at the screen and shouted: "Nag! Listen to me! We three brothers dominate in our respective fields. I am in the political world, Hideji is in the business world, and you must dominate the duel monster card world. ! We are born to be above everyone. I have used the power of the consortium to collect countless rare cards for you. With these, you must trample that so-called duel king under your feet and regain the surname Wan Zhangmu. Glory, do you understand!?”

The memory ends here. I look at the dazzling rare and expensive cards in the box. I don’t know why, but I don’t feel happy at all.

He punched the table hard, Wan Zhangmu gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

You laymen just don’t understand!

That guy's deck leaves no room for his opponent to "win"!

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