Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 304 The flute starts playing

The day of the practical exam.

The first exam with double duel rules made it difficult for many people to adapt, so many students with good scores in the past were rejected in the first round.

But of course the real dueling geniuses are not among them. Regardless of the form, the dueling field is a stage prepared for them!

The duel scene was filled with explosions and shouts of coming and going.

But the duel that attracted the most attention from teachers and principals was the one in the corner...

"My turn, draw a card!"

Sock reached out and pulled out a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel disk, and shouted: "I offer the 'Electronic Skateboarder' and 'Electronic Angel-Dajini' on Asuka's field as sacrifices, and summon my ace in attack position. 'The Black Magician'!"

Asuka had completely given up on herself. She covered her forehead with one hand and said with a headache: "I knew it would happen again..."

"Hmph, the four-eyed boy opposite, the card you are covering is a sacred protective shield, right?"

Suok smiled ferociously and pressed the activation button of the magic trap on the duel disk, and laughed: "You are too young, useless! The cover card is opened - 'Eternal Soul'! According to the effect of this card, I The 'Black Magician' on the top gets three free shields!"

[Eternal Soul, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: At the beginning of your own turn, select a "Black Magician" from your own graveyard to special summon. If there is none, add a "Black Magician" or "Thousand" from the deck. "Knife" is added to the hand. As long as this card exists in the Magic and Trap Zone, the "Black Magician" in your Monster Zone is not affected by the opponent's effects. Activate when this face-up card leaves the field. All monsters on your field are destroyed. 】

"This is the end!"

Sok suddenly waved his hand and shouted: "'Black Magician' launched a direct attack on the four-eyed boy and four-eyed steel-toothed girl on the opposite side, Black Magician!!!"

A huge black energy ball blasted over, directly reducing the health of the two people on the opposite side to zero.

game over.

For Sock, an opponent of this level is really not enough.

Yes, Sock and Asuka form a dueling partner.

At first, Sock was too lazy to participate in such a childish duel, and clearly rejected Asuka's invitation. However, because he missed the opportunity to find a partner, Asuka, the most popular one, ended up alone, and could not find a duel partner at all!

It was obviously unfair to her to fight one against two, so in the end, Suok reluctantly helped her.

But less than ten minutes have passed since then, and Suoke is already having fun on his own.

As long as there are two monsters on the field, Sok doesn't care what monster you are and directly sacrifices the Black Magician... Although it is strategically correct to cooperate with the Eternal Soul, this approach is really difficult to accept.

Even Asuka now regrets finding Sock as a partner...

Time passed by minute by minute.

The exam is gradually coming to an end.

When the last four duelists decided on who to fight, Wan Zhangmu suddenly abandoned his companions and made a request to the principal...

"Mr. Principal!"

Wan Jangmu raised his head and shouted at Principal Samejima in the stands: "I hope to have a one-man duel with Mr. Sok! Please agree!"


Principal Samejima said with some curiosity: "Wanzhangmu-kun, this exam will use a two-person duel mode. Why do you have such a request?"

Asuka, who was beside Sok, also stood up and said dissatisfied: "Wanzhangmu-kun, do you think I am not worthy of being your opponent?"

"No, I didn't mean that..."

Staring at Suoke with his ten thousand eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "Because how to duel with Tianshangyuan will prevent me from devoting all my energy to deal with the Duel King... Teacher Suoke! Can you accept my challenge!?"

"Huh, that's interesting..."

Suoke sneered, stretched out his hand and opened the duel disk and said: "Since you want to play, it's not a bad idea for me to play with you... But I can remind you that the deck I am using now is my strongest one." Martyrs, if you use too much force, you may never recover, or even completely lose confidence in duel... Have you made plans to realize this?"

"I've already prepared it!"

Wan Zhangmu opened his duel disk without any hesitation, took out the deck, shuffled it a few times, and suddenly inserted it: "Come here, Teacher Suok!"

Since Sok agreed, of course the principal did not dare to say anything more, and the duel officially began!



Sok Nenufa, LP: 4000

Wan Zhang Mu: LP: 4000

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Wan Zhangmu took the lead in pulling out six cards from the deck. After taking a look, he picked one of them and put it into the duel plate. He shouted sternly: "First, I want to summon the 'Dragon Dominator', and then activate it from the cards in my hand. The magic card 'Dragon Summoning Flute' can specially summon 'Emerald Dragon' and 'Sapphire Dragon'!"

[Dragon Dominator, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1200, defense: 1100, effect: As long as this card exists in the monster area, both players cannot use the dragon monster on the field as the target of the effect. 】

[Dragon Summoning Flute, magic card, effect: Special summon up to 2 dragon-type monsters from your hand. This effect can only be activated and processed when there is a "Dragon Dominator" on the field. 】

[Emerald Dragon, 6 stars, wind attribute, attack: 2400, defense: 1400, description: A dragon that eats emerald. Countless people have been attracted by its beauty and lost their lives. 】

[Sapphire Dragon, 4 stars, wind attribute, attack: 1900, defense: 1600, description: The whole body is covered with sapphires, an extremely beautiful dragon. Although I don't like competition. But it has very high attack power. 】

"So many monsters were summoned when we came up..."

Although I know that Sok, as the Duel King, has a very powerful deck and strength, Wan Zhangmu's current momentum is really astonishing!

Not only that, although those dragon monsters are all ordinary mortal bones, their bodies are shining with light, and anyone who looks at them will feel that they have an inexplicable powerful aura!

"It's not over yet!"

Wan Zhangmu inserted a card in his hand into the duel plate, then turned over the last card in his hand and shouted: "Next, there is an ultra-rare card that has been discontinued - the magic card 'God-given Treasure Card'! This card The effect is that both of us draw six cards from our hands!"

"Well done!"

In the audience, Misawa Daichi couldn't help shouting: "In this way, Wan Zhang Mu earned a full five-card difference! ... But as expected of the third son of the Wan Zhang Mu Consortium, he can even use such a card that has been discontinued." The collection is really enviable..."

Once again filling up his cards, Wan Zhangmu waved his hand suddenly: "Now, I want to open the cover, activate the second magic card 'Dragon Summoning Flute', and special summon 'Rabbit Dragon' and 'Holy Night Dragon' from the cards in my hand. !”

[Rabbit dragon, 8 stars, light attribute, attack: 2950, ​​defense: 2900, description: a sudden mutant species of dragon that lives in the snowfield. Its huge ears can distinguish sounds thousands of meters away, and combined with its amazing jumping power, the prey it is targeting has nowhere to escape. 】

[Holy Night Dragon, 7 stars, light attribute, attack: 2500, defense: 2300, description: The holy fire burns the evil people, a dragon with sacred power. 】

"The next step is the last...the magic card 'Fusion' is activated!"

Wan Zhangmu reached out and pulled out the Dragon Dominator on the field, and sent it to the graveyard together with the 'Dragon World Destruction' in his hand. He roared: "Come out, the dragon god who protects the dragon clan - 'Dragon Demon Man· King of Dragon Knights'!!!"

[Dragon Demon King of Dragon Knights, 7 stars, light attribute, attack: 2400, defense: 1100, effect: fusion: "Dragon Dominator" + "Dragon Doom Dragon". As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot target the Dragon type as the target of magic, trap, or monster effects. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Dragon-type monster from your hand to your field. 】

In one round, the field was filled with five super powerful dragon monsters. It was only at this moment that Wan Zhangmu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Even a duel king wouldn't be able to handle such a scene..."

Wan Zhangmu said word by word: "End the round..."

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