Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 305 Drawing Cards on the Floor

"Awesome...so awesome!"

"I summoned five super powerful high-ranking dragons in one round! The Wan Zhang Eye is so powerful! He is worthy of being the No. 1 in the middle division, and the super elite who has the best chance of dethroning the Emperor of Duel Academy, Kaiser Ryo!"

"Even a duel king would never be able to win such a scene! Long live Lord Wan Zhangmu!"

Hearing the exclamations of a bunch of students who had never seen the world in the audience, Suoke felt no fluctuation in his heart and even wanted to laugh.

"Hey, Wan Zhangmu..."

Suoke looked at Wan Zhangmu across from him and sneered: "Did you cheat?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the scene was in an uproar!

Cheating! ?

Could it be that……

Is Wan Zhangmu able to perform such extremely difficult operations because of cheating? ?

"You...don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence!"

Wan Zhang's nerves tightened again, and the expression on his face suddenly became wrong. He gritted his teeth and argued: "Even if you are a teacher, even if you are the duel king, I will never accept this kind of slander without evidence." ……no way!"

Suoke sneered and looked at Wang's account and said: "Hmph... You dare to ask me for evidence? If I say you cheat, you are cheating, no! You don't really think that no one noticed your little move when shuffling the cards just now, do you? Hahaha……"

Seeing that Suoke was so confident, the audience gradually began to lose trust in Wan Zhang Mu.

Even Principal Samejima in the stands murmured to himself: "Back then, Sock was famous for killing Exodia without shuffling the cards. He can be said to be a veteran in the cheating world. His vision, There shouldn't be any mistakes... Could it be that Wan Zhangmu really..."

"Humph, you just pretended to shuffle the cards, but you actually stuck your finger in the middle of the pile. Do you think I didn't notice it?"

Suok clicked his tongue and shook his head: "It's really hard for you. How long did it take you to think of this way to duel with me? It's all my old tricks. It really makes people want to doze off..."

Is Wan Zhangmu cheating?

The answer is of course yes!

Because as the strongest member of the original middle division, he knows more deeply than the average person how terrifying Sok is!

Except for his fight against another Duel King Muto Yugi, every one of his duels was an absolute crushing and beating. His opponents were like a group of children, trampled and teased mercilessly by him!

When he was a child, Wan Zhangmu focused all his attention on Hikaru Muto Yugi, feeling his dazzling and brilliance.

And now, when he was about to face Dark Sok, he was reacquainted with this nightmare of almost all duelists!

The Great Evil God—Thok Nenufa!

But...I can't admit it now no matter what!

Once he admitted to cheating, dropping out of school would be a trivial matter, but the damage to the reputation of the Wan Zhangmu Consortium would be irreparable!

not to mention……

Wan Zhangmu never wants to be left behind by his two brothers again!

"Damn it... don't taint someone's innocence out of thin air!"

Wanzhangmu gritted his teeth and waved his hand, insisting: "I think you just can't afford to lose, that's why you say that? Bah! How can you be considered a duelist king like this?"


Suoke suddenly burst into laughter. After a long time, a ferocious smile suddenly appeared on his face. He extended his hand to Wan Zhang's eyes in a very aggressive manner and shouted: "I am an expert at cheating, and I will not look down on despicable people who cheat, because I am that person." The biggest and most powerful villain is a cancer! But I don’t dare to admit that I cheated. It’s really ugly. My eyes are wide open..."

Having said this, Sok slowly reached out and pulled out a card from the deck, and said with a ferocious smile: "Lost? Little Chi, what are you kidding about? Let me tell you now, even if you cheat, even if you, I will be in the underworld The great evil god’s overwhelming and absolute dominance!…My turn, draw a card!”

"I send a card from my hand to the graveyard..."

Sok picked a card from his hand and threw it into the graveyard, then drew another card and inserted it into the duel plate: "Then...I want to activate this..."

In an instant, a huge black vortex appeared out of thin air!

Time, space, everything seems to be distorted at this moment!

The earth shook, the mountains shook, the wind and the tsunami surged!

The four dragons that were originally protected by the "Dragon Demon King and the King of Dragon Knights" in Wan Zhang's field were suddenly sucked in by the huge whirlpool that appeared out of thin air, along with themselves!

Wan Zhangmu was horrified and confused: "Then... what is that!? A black hole!?"


Sok opened his arms, laughed wildly and shouted: "The super-dimensional quick attack magic - 'Super Fusion' is activated! I will use the five dragons on your field as fusion materials to specially summon new fusion creatures!!!"

"Hahaha... Wanzhangmu! The five dragons you summoned by cheating are now at my disposal!"

Suok knelt down, stretched out his hand and slapped the floor, roaring: "The dragon that I once crushed, crawl out from the dragon tomb and become the monster that I kill my enemies with! Draw cards on the floor! Super Fusion Summon...Five Divine Dragons!!!"

The five dragons turned into five rays of light of different colors and shot up into the sky!

The sky-shattering dragon roars, and the sky changes!

The Five Emperor Dragons are coming!

A huge dragon with five heads was tied up with chains and appeared on Sok's battlefield. All its five heads, without exception, let out harsh and joyful wails. They were the ones who had been killed by Sok but could not help. Rest in peace the sad souls!

[Five Emperor Dragon, 12 stars, dark attribute, attack: 5000, defense: 5000, effect: fusion: This monster can only be specially summoned by fusion summon. Use 5 dragon-type monsters as fusion materials to Fusion Summon. This card cannot be destroyed by battle with Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, or Dark attribute monsters. (Damage calculation applies)]

Now the Wanzhang field is empty, and Suok's battle stage has just begun...

"Then...let's be terminated here, Wan Zhang Mu!"

Suok raised his right hand and shouted angrily: "The attack of the five divine dragons-Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Darkness Revenant Cannon!!!"

The five dragon heads of the Five Emperor Dragons opened one after another, spraying out high-energy dragon breath representing the five elements, and then converged into one place, condensing into an indestructible mixed energy impact, instantly turning everything into ashes!


After a heart-rending scream, Wan Zhangmu was blown away from the duel ring and fell heavily to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Wan Zhang Mu, LP: 4000→0

One kill!

Another killing!

Whether it was the entrance exam or now, no matter how hard you try or even cheat, you are still no match for the terrifying power of Sok's card!

It wasn't until this moment that those students understood it deeply.

Seven years ago, what kind of cruel environment and terrifying opponents did duelists of the same era as Sok experience?

Put the deck away and the virtual illusion disappears.

Suok said calmly: "The round... is over."

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