Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 306 Maze Brothers

Wan Zhangmu lost.

He couldn't even win by cheating, and now not only his spirit and fighting spirit, but also his body ached as if it wasn't his own.

His consciousness was shattered for a moment, but Wanzhangmu still gritted his teeth and got up from the ground.

But at this moment, a figure walked out of the aisle next to the examination room, stopped next to Wan Zhangmu, and made that familiar voice of disappointment: "You are such a waste, Wan Zhangmu! I have collected so much for you. Such a strong card, but you can't even win by cheating! I don't have a useless brother like you!"

He raised his head and looked at that figure with his wide eyes, and said bitterly: "Brother...I..."

"Hmph, stop talking!"

Wan Zhangmu Changsaku didn't even look at Wan Zhangmu, and snorted coldly: "I have known for a long time that I shouldn't put all my hopes on you, a low-level person like you, so I have put all the resources that can really save the face of our Wan Zhangmu Consortium. The legendary duelist is invited!"

Wan Zhangmu, whose mouth was bloodshot, was stunned and said in surprise: "Could it be... Mr. Muto Yugi..."

"No, Muto Yugi is a senior executive of Kaiba Group. I can't hire him yet..."

Wan Jangmu Nagasaku looked coldly at Sok who was showing off his power on the ring, and said expressionlessly: "The ones I invited are the legendary duelists who were equally equal to the Duel King - the Maze Brothers! It is said that they competed in the Duel Kingdom back then. Zhong once almost defeated Sock... So as an old enemy, with the supplementary cards supported by our consortium this time, they will naturally win!"

Wan Zhangmu couldn't believe it: "There is actually... such a duelist?"

"Humph, of course!"

Wan Zhangmu Changsaku sneered: "As the saying goes, masters are among the people. In order to keep them in the best condition and not get too excited about defeating their old enemy and kill their fighting spirit in advance, I only told them who they were going to deal with this time. He is an old acquaintance of theirs... I believe that when the two parties meet, they will be sincerely grateful for the surprise I prepared for them!"

Having said that, Wan Zhangmu Chosaku no longer cared about Wan Zhangmu, walked onto the ring alone, pointed at Sok, and shouted angrily: "Hey! That guy over there! You are the legendary scum duelist - Sokne Nufa!?"


Suoke turned his head and glanced, then walked over, kicked Wan Zhangmu Changzuo into a lion rolling embroidery ball, and said in a sinister manner: "It's me, what's the matter with you, old Goubi?"


Wan Zhangmu Changsaku got up from the ground and said angrily: "You are too presumptuous! Even President Kaiba would not dare to do this to me. Who are you..."

Suoke was happy at that time. He walked over and held down Wan Zhang Mu Chang Zuo, then punched and kicked him. Then he pulled his ankle and played with a windmill, and hit Aruba twice hard (Ding Ding hit a big tree). Only then did he let go.

After stretching his muscles twice, Suok sneered: "How about old dog competition, are you happy?"

"you you……"

With a bruised nose and a swollen face, Wan Zhangmu was kneeling on the ground with trembling legs, covering his crotch with his hands, and said with a trembling mouth: "You will not end well... This time I came... I brought your most feared enemy - —The legendary Labyrinth Brothers... Your nameless title of Duel King and your future and destiny... It's time to end here..."

"Oh? Brother Maze?"

Suok rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands and said: "Oh! It's those two bald lads! Didn't it mean that they have stopped working under Pegasus for a long time? From which corner did you pick them two? Did the unlucky guy find it?"

"Huh huh... That will certainly waste a lot of my efforts..."

Wan Jangmu Chosaku resisted the sharp pain in his crotch and shouted suddenly: "It's your turn to appear, Maze Brothers! Defeat Sok for me, and then seize the Duel Academy!!!"

The voice echoed over the duel field, extremely powerful.

Suoke asked curiously: "I hit your penis, but it seems to have damaged your brain... Why do you think that winning the duel can take away this school?"

"Hey... that's a compensation dispute between our Wan Zhangmu Consortium and the Haima Group. You don't need to know..."

Wan Zhangmu Changzuo covered his crotch and said with a forced smile: "Anyone must surrender in front of absolute force and rights. The power of our capitalists controls Congress, the media and all walks of life. As long as we Big capitalists can decide a person's life or death at any time if they wish... Hum... Who the hell is a duel king..."

After chatting for a long time, no one showed up.

Wan Zhangmu Changsaku looked back in confusion and shouted quietly into the corridor: "Hey! The two legendary enemies that Sok feared the most...it's your turn to appear!"

The corridor was silent.

No matter how stupid Wan Zhangmu Changzuo is, he should have noticed something is wrong. Cold sweat started to fall on his forehead: "Hey! You two... don't make such a joke, okay... I paid for it..."

Still silence.

At this time, it was Sok's turn to become impatient. He took out a grenade from nowhere and threw it into the corridor, yelling angrily: "Get the hell out of here!!!"

There was a "boom"!

The entire duel field was shaken by the explosion.

Not long after, two bald men in ragged clothes and covered in jet black bodies rushed out of the corridor.

Before Wan Zhangmu could be happy, the two bald heads knelt down on the cold and hard floor in front of Suoke with a pop: "Dad!!!"

Suok rolled up his sleeves with a sneer: "I heard that you two are my most feared enemies?"

Brother Maze sweated profusely and explained: "That's just a marketing ploy... This idiot was fooled because he was too stupid. He doesn't care about our business, Lord Sok!"

Brother Maze also quickly begged for mercy: "This old guy is very cunning. He never told us that our opponent in this duel is you... If he had known earlier, even if he killed us, we wouldn't dare to go against you, Father Sok!" "

Wan Zhangmu Changzuo in the back looked confused, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground!

What the hell...

what's the situation! ?

It seems that I have done the stupidest stupid thing...

All the students in the audience were also amazed. They didn't expect that Sock had such a terrifying reputation among professional duelists in the outside world!

Just after they met, before the cards were shuffled, they could scare their opponents into kowtow and beg for mercy!

How powerful and terrifying can this be?

Even Muto Yugi has never been so majestic!

Since the Maze brothers were sincere in admitting their mistakes, and considering that they were old acquaintances of him after all, Suoke really couldn't do anything harsh, so he just broke one of his legs and let them go. Before leaving, they were extremely kind. Thanks.


He walked up to Wan Zhangmu Changsaku, who was about to pee with fear, reached out and patted his shoulder, and sighed: "Look at your coward... I can't bear to bully you anymore... Let's do this, you Just pay one billion and forget about it... You can guess what currency unit you want, and don't make me unhappy anymore, okay?"

"Ten...one billion..."

Wan Zhang Mu Chang Zuo was startled and immediately said angrily: "You might as well go grab it!"

Suok punched him down, stepped on his back with his foot, and sneered: "Yes, I am just robbing him! If you just send the money obediently, then you can pay it back, but if you can't... Hum hum, I will send you directly to see the King of Hell!"

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