Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 307 Ling Xiaolu

Except for the unscrupulous maniac Suoke, no one should dare to blackmail others in front of hundreds of students.

Although Wan Zhang Mu Changzuo was deeply unhappy, he was finally forced to transfer the money to Suo Ke's account due to Suoke's power. The transfer took nearly three hours, and both the bank and the Wan Zhang Mu Consortium called in the middle. He asked what happened, but was pushed back by Wan Zhang Mu Chang Zuo.

Because of cheating in the card shuffling, Wan Zhangmu also received cold looks from many classmates.

He walked out of the examination room alone, returned to the dormitory, and one night, rowed a boat and left Duel Academy.

No goals, no hope.

Floating alone on the empty sea, Wan Zhang Mu felt more relaxed than ever before. He just lay like that, without having to think about anything or do anything. This feeling... was so good...

The boat drifted further and further away, and finally disappeared.

In fact, Sock also cheated, but from the beginning, when he participated in the first game, he cheated openly, beat his opponents, and threatened Pegasus.

Subconsciously, everyone has accepted the setting that "Sock will definitely cheat in a duel", so when he cheats, everyone feels that it is nothing to make a fuss about.

But Wan Zhangmu is different.

As the top student in the middle school department, he has naturally become a role model among students.

Once cheating, the image setting that was once positioned will completely collapse, making students unacceptable, despised, and spurned.

This is the difference in expectations and the different results.

Although Wan Zhangmu has left, the world can continue to function without anyone.

Soon, Wan Zhangmu was forgotten by the students, and they continued to start a new life every day...

Day after day, Duel Academy finished its winter vacation and started studying for the next semester.

In the gymnasium, students practice tennis.

Suoke lay motionless on the recliner nearby, yawning while eating sugar cane, looking listless.

After Asuka played tennis for a while, she came to sit next to Sock and asked curiously: "Teacher Sock, what's wrong with you?"


Suoke yawned and rubbed his eyes: "Forget it, my wife and I traveled to Antarctica during the winter vacation. We didn't have good food and accommodation. I was so tired when I came back..."

Asuka said in surprise: "Traveling to Antarctica? It should be very cold now, right?"

"It doesn't matter if it's cold or not, I'm not afraid of the cold anyway..."

Suok scratched his head and said with a pained expression on his face: "If I hadn't believed in the saying 'In Antarctica, no matter how disgusting the oath is, it will be pure, and no matter how ordinary love will become soul-stirring', I would be really crazy." I will think of going there with my wife for vacation, Mom..."

On Sok's belly, the little penguin was wrapped in a small quilt, sniffing and saying: "It's so cold in Antarctica. Fortunately, I'm not a local penguin..."

"But...it's still very romantic when I think about it..."

Asuka smiled, raised her head with some longing, and said with emotion: "Actually, if there is a boy who can be as dedicated, romantic, and considerate as Mr. Sock treats your girlfriend, I think I might also be moved. …”

"Yes, after the surfing, it will take a long time to catch your breath..."

Suoke took another mouthful of sugar cane, and while chewing, he said in a loud voice: "But in a dangerous place like this, I can only do it while I am still in this world. There will be many things to consider when I go back." My body may not be able to bear it..." At this point, Sok reached out and touched the little penguin on his belly and said: "Hey, madam, why don't we go to the moon for a swim during the summer vacation?"

After hearing this, the little penguin suddenly became energetic, his eyes lit up and he nodded: "Okay, okay!"

As the saying goes, the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten.

Now that the injury has not healed, I am thinking about going out for a walk again...

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden exclamation from the court over there: "Asuka, be careful!"

Sock looked up and saw a tennis ball flying towards Asuka's face at extremely fast speeds!

Sock just raised his hand, preparing an energy beam to knock the tennis ball down, but at this moment, a speeding figure flashed out from the side and hit the tennis ball back with a backhand racket!

The figure landed on the ground, it was a boy wearing sportswear.

He turned his head, smiled and showed his eight white front teeth, and asked Asuka gently: "Are you okay?" As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that the girl in front of him turned out to be the most beautiful Asuka in Obelisk Blue. , his eyes lit up at that time, he reached out and took Asuka's right hand, and said excitedly: "It turns out to be the fairy of Obelisk Blue - Asuka of Tenshangyuan, I am Ling Xiaolu, a third-year student in the blue dormitory. I'm so glad you're okay. !”

Asuka lowered her head and glanced at Ling Xiaolu holding her hands, and blinked: "Well... thank you, but..."

"Ah! I'm so rude!"

Ling Xiaolu immediately let go, scratched his head with a smile and said: "Because I have never seen a beauty like Asuka, that's why I lost my temper. Please don't take it to heart..." After that, Ling Xiaolu trotted back to his original home. position, but his eyes would drift towards Asuka from time to time.

Asuka continued to sit next to Suok, talking to Suok about the news she found during the winter vacation, hoping it would be helpful in finding her brother.

After all, Sock is the absolute master of the dark game.

But unfortunately, those messages are useless, because the activation of the dark game requires the help of Sok's dark power, so Sok knows very well whether the darkness has swallowed Fubuki's soul in the Tenjoyin.

If the original plot doesn't change much, then Fubuki should reappear as Nanahoshi in the near future...

The conversation continued until the end of get out of class, and Asuka was about to get up and leave.

But at this time, Ling Xiaolu came to Suoke and Asuka again.

This time, his eyes were burning with jealousy, and even the top of his head was smoking with anger.

"I have been quietly observing for a long time..."

Ling Xiaolu was filled with jealousy and gritted his teeth: "Teacher Suok, are you and Asuka too close!? You already have Teacher Xiangluo, are you still trying to snatch the goblin in the blue dormitory from us - Asuka!?"


Asuka was stunned: "What are you talking about?"

"No need to defend him, Asuka!"

Ling Xiaolu clenched his fists and said: "What I see in my eyes cannot lie! If it is a boyfriend, of course it is more suitable for me who is about the same age as you. Teacher Suoke is so many years older than you. Between you, It’s simply impossible!”

Asuka sighed helplessly: "So what are you talking about?"

"Duel with me, Mr. Sok!!!"

Ling Xiaolu hammered his chest and shouted to Suoke: "Although you are the king of duels, I will never back down in front of love! Let's duel! Whoever wins will be Asuka's fiancé, do you agree? , Teacher Sok!?”

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