Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 308 Golden Egg Bread

Asuka folded her hands on her chest and looked at Ling Xiaolu dissatisfied: "You should ask me whether I agree with this kind of thing, right? Why do I have to accept this inexplicable bet?"

Ling Xiaolu ignored Asuka and just looked at Suok without blinking.

Suoke impatiently took out a card from the top of the deck and turned it over: "You lose, get out!"

Ling Xiaolu was stunned for a moment, then looked carefully at the card in Suoke's hand, then burst into tears and ran out of the gym with tears streaming down his face.

On the opened card, colorful six-pointed stars shine brightly.

That is none other than one of the most shameless and ultimate fake card kings in the world - ‘Oliha Gang Tian Shendang’!

Putting the cards back into the deck, Sock raised his feet like an old man and said teasingly towards Asuka: "Then, from now on, you will be my ten thousandth little wife. From now on, you will be responsible for washing clothes, folding quilts, Tea and water are ready."

Asuka also smiled and was about to say something.

But the little penguin who was originally lying on Sok's belly suddenly sat up with excitement and looked at Sok angrily with his arms crossed: "Last time, there were more than 3,000 little wives. How come there are seven more when I go to Antarctica?" More than a thousand? Where were you fooling around again?"

Suoke said amusedly: "There are only penguins in Antarctica, where can I go fool around?"

The little penguin poked his arms at each other and pouted, "But I'm just a penguin..."

Suok stretched out his hand to push it down, scratched its belly with his fingers and said with a smile, "But you are cuter than them all put together!"

Penguin thought about it, so he stopped being angry and rolled happily on Sok.

Asuka watched with some confusion as Suok talked to Qi Qiu and showed affection to Qi Qiu. She was suddenly startled and thought of a possibility!

Teacher Suoke keeps saying that he has a girlfriend, but no one has ever seen her.

On the contrary, Teacher Suoke often talks to the air alone, just like today... Could it be said that Teacher Suoke's so-called lover does not exist? Or it's like the plot in those love tragedies, where the lover dies unexpectedly, and the infatuated male protagonist is unwilling to accept this fact and imagines that his lover is still by his side...

In an instant, Sock had changed from a violent teacher to a tragic prince in Asuka's heart.

Asuka's eyes softened, and she looked at Suoke distressedly, feeling a little sad.

Why should such a good man receive such unfair treatment from heaven? Maybe he was originally a gentle and kind-hearted person, but his temperament changed drastically until his lover passed away...

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense, and the more my imagination opens up.

Asuka took Suok's hand and said with sympathy and understanding: "Teacher Suok...I understand everything..."

Suoke looked confused: "Huh?"

"The pain of the past will eventually pass, and life should focus more on looking to the future..."

Asuka showed a warm smile and pulled Sok up from the recliner: "Let's go, Teacher Sok! It is said that Aunt Domei has a new batch of snacks. Let's go and take a look!"

Although he had no idea what she was talking about, Sock happened to be a little tired after eating too much sugar cane, so he followed Asuka to the canteen.

Many students were walking towards the canteen on the road, and many students who had received the news in advance were already discussing the new snacks.

"What? Just bread?"

A boy with a crew cut in yellow uniform said to his companion with a disappointed face: "I thought it was something, so I came here specially. If it's just bread, it won't attract me at all!"

“It’s not just bread!”

Another student who looked similar to Takeo Onikawa snickered and said, "I secretly asked Aunt Domei, and she said that these breads are sealed and are called draw bags, and croquettes, fried noodles, and pizza bread are placed How about being inside a bag that is invisible from the outside and having no idea what’s inside until you unpack it? Isn’t it interesting?”

This kind of lottery-like activity is really attractive, just like the urn of Celia in Dungeon and Fighter, the Hex portal in League of Legends, and the ancient ruins in Duel City.

Even though I know that the probability of drawing what I'm thinking of is very small, I still can't help but want to try my luck.

So the boy with the crew cut suddenly cheered up and said, "Oh! That's interesting!"

"not only that!"

A student who looked similar to Takeo Onikawa said proudly: "The school also spent money to buy a golden chicken. It is said that if you can eat the bread made of the golden eggs that that guy only lays once a day, you will have good luck! "


The boy with a crew cut rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically and made a strong gesture: "That golden egg bread must be mine! Fujita-kun, FIGHTING!"

Golden eggs?


When Sok and Asuka walked to the canteen, the door was already crowded with students.

One by one walked in excitedly, and then walked out dejectedly.

In a cart of bread, there is only one golden egg bread, the rarest one, and the probability of getting it is really very low.

But when Suok saw the god-sucking dog Yujo Judai at the front of the queue, he knew that the golden bread might not be saved.

as expected!

Picking up a bag casually, Yucheng Judai just opened it and immediately cheered excitedly: "Great! It's golden egg bread! I'm so happy..."

"You are happy too early!"

Before Judai could react, Sok kicked Judai away. He stretched out his hand to catch the bread and took a bite.

Don't tell me, it tastes really good!

Especially that kind of tender and tender taste, it feels really refreshing.

the next day.

Yujo Judai once again won the golden egg bread.

Then, without any doubt, he was kicked away by Sok once again, and then he grabbed the bread and returned to the dormitory refreshed.

The third day...

The fourth day...

In the ten generations of Yucheng, he was beaten by Sok once.

Finally, after being beaten for seven or eight times, Yucheng Judai learned his lesson. This time he covered his face when he came, and lined up in a low-key manner. After buying the bread, he did not open it on the spot and turned around to go back to the dormitory.

But as soon as he went out, he felt someone knock on his shoulder from behind and then hooked his hand.

Yucheng Judai cried blindly at that time.

Obediently handing the bread to Suok, Yujo Judai secretly swore in his heart that he would never buy bread again even if he starved to death.

But fortunately, I didn’t get beaten this time...

But when Sok opened the bread bag this time, he found that what was inside was not golden eggs, but beef vermicelli bread!

"Dare you play tricks on me!?"

Sok punched Yujo Judai hammer to the ground, waved his hands and hummed: "You have the guts to be non-violent and non-cooperative with me, you are asking for death!"

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