Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 309 Duel King Card Group Exhibition

"You hit me again..."

Judai sat on the ground and covered his head. He was so aggrieved that he almost cried: "I gave you the golden egg bread, but you still beat me..."

"Stop talking nonsense, you can see for yourself what this stuff is about!"

Sok casually threw the bread into Judai's arms and snorted: "Did you predict that I would rob you, so you deliberately smoked a beef fan to fool me? I don't believe that you, a magic dog, can smoke it. middle!"

"Oh!? You missed!?"

Judai was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head in distress and said, "Ah... you must have ruined my luck in drawing cards. What should I do, Mr. Sok?"

Seeing that Judai didn't look like he was lying, Sok took a bite of bread and thought while chewing...

The only way the magic dog can't hit it is if it doesn't exist in the first place.

The protagonist of GX barely has a bit of integrity, and only prints extra cards. He is not as arrogant and blatant as Muto Yugi who can draw a "Twilight of the Gods" or "Underworld" from the deck at any time, even if the golden bread is taken away by others. , Muto Yugi can also draw a second one.

Forget it, let him be spared today.

Thinking of this, after Sok handed the bread to the little penguin on his shoulder, he reached out and patted Yujo Judai on the shoulder, and said kindly: "Okay, stop howling. If you annoy me with your verbosity, I will beat you."

Judai quickly covered his mouth, not daring to speak at that time.

"Don't worry, your luck in drawing cards is fine."

Suoke put his hands in his pockets, turned around and walked away: "By the way, I just happened to be tired of eating bread recently. I won't come to snatch your things again in the future. Don't dress as vulgarly as you did today. You look like A landmine thief."

The emotions in the next ten chapters are complicated.

If it wasn't to hide from you, who would be willing to dress like this.

Such an unreasonable person, I really don’t know how Mr. Muto Yugi was bullied by him before, and the fact that he beat Mr. Pegasus at the game must be true...


After touching his aching head, Judai got up from the ground and staggered back towards the red dormitory.

After Suok beat someone, he felt refreshed and returned to his small courtyard happily.

But at the door of the other courtyard, Suoke unexpectedly saw a slender and beautiful figure waiting there.

The breeze at noon lifted her hair, creating a picture of beauty that seemed to have been completed from a painting.

"Sound green?"

Suoke stepped forward and asked curiously: "If you don't go to eat at noon, why are you coming to my house?"

Hearing Suoke's voice, Xianglu's body visibly shook.

Raising his head, Hibiki looked at Sok's cheek and said with a smile: "Nothing... I have news for you... Next Monday the school will display the card set of the Duel King Muto game. Teacher Sok, do you have it?" Are you interested?"

"El Chapo's deck?"

Sok raised his eyebrows, waved his hand and shook his head: "Not interested at all. That deck is almost a card pile. In fact, it is not very powerful. It can only exert its powerful power in the hands of the dwarf and the Inka King... ..." At this point, Sok crossed his hands on his chest and asked curiously: "But it's a little strange. The guy who regards the deck as his life is actually willing to show his deck to the school?"

"Of course it's not the card set he owns, but the one copied by International Illusion Company..."

Hibiki smiled and winked a little playfully: "I forgot, Mr. Sok, you are also a legendary duelist. You have fought against Mr. Muto Yugi many times, so of course you are not interested... But this time, with the There are more than one deck to show..."

"More than one pair?"

Sock was startled, then suddenly realized: "The Yinbi deck that doesn't know how to play the game has also been reproduced, right? Marshmallow, Gondola and so on..."


Xianglu stretched out his slender index finger, pointed at Sok's chest, and said with a smile: "This time I am showing the deck of the Duel King, and in addition to Muto Yugi, there was another Duel King back then..."


Sock finally understood, and then sneered: "That guy from Pegasus actually dared to copy my martyrs... But it's such a pity, my martyrs all belong to the level of 'gods', and I am the only one who is the commander." Only then can it be used. If the counterfeit card of the martyr is used, the user will die suddenly on the spot, and it can indeed only be used for display..."

"So, I have conveyed the news..."

Xianglu looked at Suok, his pretty face suddenly blushed, he stretched out his other hand that had been hidden behind his back, stuffed an unpacked bread into Suok's hand, and said in a panic: "This... This is for you...I managed to get it with great difficulty..."

After saying that, Xianglu left as if running away.

Suoke stared blankly at Xianglu's retreating figure, and then looked down at what she had just stuffed for him.

Through the tear, Suoke could clearly see the familiar golden egg.

It’s golden egg bread!

No wonder Judai didn't win, it turned out to be her.

In the past few days, I have been grabbing Judai's golden bread, but she didn't expect that she would remember it in her heart...

I don’t know what to do, so I can only give you the best I can do.

As long as I have it, as long as you want it...

I didn’t expect that in this era, there would be such a girl.


Suoke smiled with a complicated mood. For a moment, the bread in his hand became heavy.

Beauty is kind and generous.

But how can we fall in love in different dimensions?


Tomorrow Muto Yugi and Sock's decks will be on display, and all visiting tickets have been distributed.

But after all, there are too many students in the school, and it is impossible for everyone to get a visit pass. Therefore, in addition to the elites in Obelisk blue, there are naturally only a small number of poor students in Osiris red and middle-level students in Sun God yellow. People can attend the exhibition.

The students almost fought for a ticket.

"Hey!? Mr. Yugi's deck is coming to school!?"

During dinner in the morning, Yujo Judaihou felt that he had received the news. He stood up from his seat in shock and asked Marufuji Sho opposite: "Is it true!? Is this true!? The Duel King's The deck will actually be on display at school, so you must go and see it!"

"of course!"

Sho Marufuji took out two tickets with a smile and said: "I already got the visit ticket yesterday, and I also specially won one more from Sun God Huang's students, just for my eldest brother!"

"Oh! That's so sweet of you, Sho!"

Yujo Judai excitedly took the visit ticket and said in anticipation: "I really want to see Mr. Yugi's deck, the Card of the God of Exorcism, the legendary duelist who reigns at the top of duelists..."

"Brother, you are too excited..."

Marufuji Sho laughed dryly and stopped Yujo Judai who was about to get on the table: "Because the replica cards are only on display, it seems that the Phantom God is not included... but the replica of Mr. Sok, who is also the Duel King, The engraved deck will also be on display, which is said to be the strongest 'martyr' deck with strength beyond this era and dimension!"

"Teacher Suoke..."

Perhaps because he was scared of being beaten by Sok two days ago, Judai suddenly returned from fantasy to the real world. He scratched his head with a smile and said, "But having said that, although Mr. Sok is now a teacher in this school, I seem to have never seen it before." But he used his decks with the 'martyr' prefix to duel..."

"In that case, why don't we go to the venue quietly at night and take a look, brother..."

Marufuji Xiang lowered his head and said quietly: "The card exhibition will be at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, so the card set will definitely be delivered to the school tonight. If we go and ask for it, maybe it will be shown to us..."

"Oh! What a great idea!"

Next to him, Maeda Nagito's eyes lit up: "Besides, there will be a lot of people at the venue tomorrow, so we won't be able to take a closer look at the so-called 'strongest' decks!"

Yucheng Judai grinned and said: "Then it's settled..."

But before Judai could finish his words, a voice suddenly came from behind that made Judai's hair stand on end.

"What have you agreed upon?"

It's Sok!


The shadow of the Great Demon King covered the sky. Judai, Hayato, and Xiang screamed in fright, hugging each other tightly and trembling, looking at the terrifying figure in front of them with trembling eyes.

"Sit down!"

Suok sat down across from the three of them in displeasure, knocked his feet on the table like an uncle, and snorted coldly: "You don't have to guess anyway, you guys are going to secretly see Chapo's deck at night, right?"

"What...I can't hide anything from you, Teacher Suoke..."

Marufuji Sho smiled and rubbed his hands, bowed his head and said: "Actually, we would like to see your 'Martyr' deck, teacher. After all, it is the strongest deck recognized by the dueling community and is invincible..."

Suoke stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, nodded in approval and said, "You have a good sense!"

"But teacher..."

Yujo Judai quietly stuck out his head and said carefully: "Since your 'Martyr' deck is so powerful, why have you never used it in school? It is said that you used the Martyr deck for a continuous session during the entrance exam. Is it true that he killed forty people in return..."


Sok shrugged and said: "Because it's too boring to keep crushing, so I don't use it anymore. Obviously the times are improving, but in the DM era, you can still compete with me, but you have no chance of winning at all. It's simply the worst. A bad term.”

"That's because Mr. Sok, your deck is too strong!"

Judai Yujo was unconvinced and said: "If someone else uses your deck, even Mr. Sok, you yourself can't win at all, right?"

"not necessarily."

Sok smiled mysteriously: "The deck that has invested money may not be weaker than the Martyrs. If you are lucky, you may soon be able to see the power of the VIP13 players in Duel City..."

"Damn it! Why... why did you lose to a poor student in Osiris Red!?"

In the Sun God Huang dormitory, Kagurazaka, who had just lost the visit ticket to Sho Marufuji during the day, pulled her hair in pain, her face full of unwillingness, gritted her teeth and said: "Muto Yugi, Kaiba Seto, Kuro North...Except for Mr. Sok's Martyr, which I didn't experiment with because he couldn't get it, I've studied almost all the famous duelists, and tried to imitate the deck as much as possible, but why can't I win...Where is it? Is it different!?"

"What's the difference..."

Kagurazaka looked up at the brochure showing the Duel King deck posted on the wall, gritted her teeth and said, "It seems I have to confirm it in person..."

Night has completely fallen, and a bright moon hangs in the sky, illuminating the earth.

Under the guise of night, Kagurazaka sneaked into the venue alone in advance, smashed the exhibition cabinet, and escaped as quickly as possible with the deck for display.

After running to the coast in one breath, Kagurazaka couldn't wait to look at the deck he had received, and his excitement was palpable.

Oriha Gang·Tian Shendang...

Martyr, God of Hell...

Destruction Dragon Gondola...

Chaos Emperor Dragon·Messenger of the End...

Chaos Warrior·Herald of Opening...

"So strong! It's terrifyingly strong!"

Kagurazaka's breathing became heavier and heavier, but he didn't seem to notice it, with an obsessed and greedy smile on his face: "Although Muto Yugi's deck is already very strong, compared with Mr. Sok's, it's almost as good as As fragile as ants, it’s no wonder that ‘Martyrs’ is called the strongest deck beyond this dimension. It’s not just a casual statement...”


Kagurazaka suddenly laughed wildly: "This is what I am pursuing! I have the decks of the two duel kings. If I have thoroughly studied the duel tactics of Muto Yugi and Soknenufa, I can 100% If I recreate their duel, I will never lose again! What does Kaiba mean, what does Chronos mean, and what does Marufuji Ryo mean!? I am the emperor of this school, and I want to be the emperor of this world. !!!”

"Stop wishful thinking, broom head."

A cold voice came from not far away, startling Kagurazaka.

He turned around hurriedly, and at some point, a figure appeared on the cliff opposite.

The moonlight shone down, reflecting the man's appearance...

Sok Nenufa!

"My deck cannot be used by everyone..."

Suok looked at Kagurazaka with no expression on his face, and snorted coldly: "No one can completely control Muto Yugi's deck except himself, because you can't lock blood or print. Cards... Of course, the most important thing is that you don’t know how to talk nonsense... You don’t know anything, and you want to dominate the world with that pile of cards? Humph, it’s really hilarious!”

"Hey! Were you discovered so soon..."

Kagurazaka knew how terrifying Sock's force was, so he could only grit his teeth and try to defend himself: "These are replica cards from International Illusion Company. Even if I stole them, it has nothing to do with you, Mr. Sock! "

"Of course it's relevant."

Sock sneered and shook his neck and said: "Pegasus copied my deck privately. I will naturally settle the score with him, but you, a madman who dares to try to drive my 'martyrs', will do the same with me." I’m not going to let you go!”

"Damn it! If that's the case, let's let the duel speak for itself!"

Kagurazaka reached out and opened the duel plate and shouted: "Teacher Sok! If I lose, I will return the deck to you, but if I win, then you must let me go!"

"It's okay if you want to duel, but what you said about the consequences of winning or losing is wrong..."

Suok also opened the duel disk, and a cruel smile suddenly appeared on his lips: "If you lose, I will hang you in the sky and fly a kite. If you win... then your life will end here! Hahaha... …”

The pressure of the Great Evil God constantly impacted Kagurazaka's mind, almost giving him the illusion that he was in the middle of the sea, surrounded by rough waves and violent storms!

The endless darkness and arrogance on the horizon made Kagurazaka clearly feel her own insignificance for the first time!

"Damn it, I won't lose!"

Holding the deck tightly in her hands, Kagurazaka gritted her teeth and kept thinking in her mind.

If both sides use martyrs equally, then he must be less skilled than Sok!

The only chance to win now is to use the deck of Sok's old enemy, the legendary duelist Muto Yugi. Only then will you have a chance!



Kagurazaka, LP: 4000

Sock, LP: 4000

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Sok reached out and pulled out a card from the deck. After taking a look, he smiled slyly at Kagurazaka and said, "Humph... Since you are a student, I will give you special treatment... In this duel , I don’t know how to use ‘martyr’, how about it, are you relieved?”

Although I don’t want to show my timidity, to be honest, Kagurazaka is indeed a lot more relaxed.


If Sock doesn't use the words of martyr, then he has nothing to fear...

Sock saw Kagurazaka's expression in his eyes, then glanced at Yujo Judai and others hiding in the woods over there, sneered, reached out and slapped a card in his hand into the duel plate: "I Summon the 'Giant Virus' in defense position, then end the turn, it's your turn, Kagurazaka!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Kagurazaka suddenly pulled out a card from the deck, and the fighting spirit in her body boiled instantly. For a moment, it seemed as if the ghost of Muto Yugi flashed: "I want the 'Phantom Beast King Gazel' and 'Baphomet' is merging, come out! The winged fantasy beast Chimera!!!"

[Winged phantom beast Chimera, 6 stars, wind attribute, attack: 2100, defense: 1800, effect: fusion: "Phantom Beast King Gazelle" + "Baphomet", when this card is destroyed, use your own graveyard It can only be activated by targeting 1 "Baphomet" or "Gazel, the Phantom Beast King". That monster is Special Summoned. 】

The light flashed, and two beasts sprang out from Kagurazaka's hands, and then merged into one!

The two-headed phantom beast landed on the field and let out a deafening roar towards Sok!

Suok frowned slightly, plucked his ears, then took out a mace and threw it at the head of the winged fantasy beast Chimera, and said impatiently: "Mom, you beast, don't make any noise!"

With a "bang", a big head of Chimera was smashed by Sok at that time, and he was killed by Sok before he could even scream.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! ! !

Kagurazaka was shocked when she saw the "Winged Fantasy Beast Chimera" card that popped up on the duel plate!

Duel Monsters can still be played like this! ?

He had long heard that Sock could directly attack virtual duel monsters. Kagurazaka originally thought this was just a rumor, but today he finally saw the miracle with his own eyes!

At the same time, a group of students hiding in the woods screamed in surprise!

The sound of shit is endless.

Only then did they notice each other, and they pointed at each other in surprise.

"Heavenly Courtyard, you also..."

"Misawa...why are you here too?"

"Ah! Caesar?"

"Kanda, didn't you say you went to take a shower?"

It took a long time before everyone here finished greeting each other and squatted down in tacit understanding, looking at the duel that was still going on over there with bewildered expressions...

This is no longer a duel, it is simply a fight between gods...

"Damn it! There must be a system failure..."

Kagurazaka kept cheering herself up, reached out and drew a card from the graveyard and shouted: "Although I don't know what happened, because the 'Winged Fantasy Beast Chimera' was destroyed, I can activate its effect. From 'Baphomet' is specially summoned in the cemetery! Go, Baphomet, attack the giant virus!"

[Baphomet, 5 stars, wind attribute, attack: 1400, defense: 1800, effect: This card can only be activated when summoning or reverse summoning is successful. Add 1 "Phantom Beast King Gazelle" from your deck to your hand. 】

With a "pop", a winged beast jumped out of the cemetery, tearing apart the huge virus on Sok's field with one claw.

This time it learned the lesson, and after the beating, it turned around and ran away. It squatted obediently on the Kagurazaka Field, not daring to say a word, for fear that Sock would take out a mace and kill it...

Kagurazaka, LP: 3500

"Phew...even though I was hurt, the attack finally worked..."

Kagurazaka breathed a sigh of relief and slowly announced: "End the round!"

"Humph, it doesn't hurt or itch."

Sok selected two cards from the deck and inserted them into the duel disk, and sneered: "Because the giant virus was destroyed by the battle, two other giant viruses can be specially summoned from the deck... And this will also become my call. The opportunity of ace..."

"It's my turn... draw a card!"

Sock drew a card from the deck, sent the two giant viruses on the duel disk to the graveyard, and shouted sternly: "I want to offer the two giant viruses on the field as a sacrifice and summon my ace - —Come out! "Olihagun Evil Wizard"!!!"

Chaos opens up and dark clouds sweep across!

In the dark sky, a blood-red reverse hexagram array suddenly lit up!

The magician descending from the sky, burning with black magic fire—Olihagun Evil Magician!

[Oliha Gang·Evil Magician, 8 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1, defense: 1, legendary beast family, effect: When this card is destroyed, the opponent's upper limit of health becomes 1, and the damage you receive this round is 0. 】

"Watch carefully, Kagurazaka!"

Kagurazaka was still shocked by this strange phenomenon, and Sok took out another card from his hand and put it on the duel plate: "Immediately, I want to eliminate three huge viruses in the cemetery and specially summon the corpse-loving demon from the demon world. ——Come out, 'Dark Doll Nicolofia'!"

[Dark Doll Nicolofia, 8 stars, Attack: 2200, Defense: 2800]

"Then that's the end!"

Sok waved his hand suddenly, roared with a ferocious smile: "'Olihagang Evil Guide', attacks 'Baphoon', the evil guide wave! Then 'Dark Doll Nicolofia' continues to attack 'Baphoon'! Go, Dark Curse!!!"

Two monsters entwined with dark death energy fiercely charged into the battlefield of Kagurazaka!

Kagurazaka said in a panic: "Are you...are you crazy!? Your evil magic attack power is only 1, how is it possible..."

"ZZ Youth Hall, nothing is impossible!"

Sok laughed wildly and said: "The effect of the evil wizard is that when he is destroyed, your upper limit of health becomes 1, and I will not take any damage this round. Now you understand how far the gap between us is. Come on, you bastard!!!"

Kagurazaka was horrified and inexplicable: "What...what!?"

The evil wizard was torn apart by Baphomet in response. In an instant, Kagurazaka's original 3,500 health points suddenly became 1!

What's even more terrifying is that the Dark Doll's attack follows closely behind!

If this attack is carried out, Kagurazaka will be killed instantly!

"Damn it! How could you succeed so easily!?"

At this most critical moment, Kagurazaka quickly drew a card from his hand and threw it into the graveyard, shouting: "I discarded the 'Churigo Ball' from my hand. This round, all the damage you did to my health is 0." !”

There was a "boom"!

Baphomet was defeated, but Kagurazaka finally managed to survive.

"Tsk, you saved my life..."

Sok sneered: "But even if the damage this round is 0, the effect of the evil guide is not damage, so it is still effective... Now I have manually locked your blood. If it were Muto Yugi himself, he would definitely be able to complete the Jedi counterattack." Kill... but can a fake like you do it?"

"As long as there is still life, even just a little bit, there is still hope..."

Cold sweat continued to flow down Kagurazaka's forehead. After gritting his teeth and finishing speaking, he looked down at the cemetery and said softly to the chestnut ball in the cemetery: "Thanks to you, partner, I have been saved by you many times..."

The shadow of Li Ziqiu appeared, looking at him pitifully with a caring look in his eyes.

"But...since I've been allowed to persevere, it's my turn to counterattack!"

The sea breeze blew up Kagurazaka's scarf, and her body seemed to be ignited with an inexplicable flame. Even her eyes became sharp and aggressive: "It's my turn... draw a card!!!"


Judai, who was hiding in the woods, clenched his fists excitedly: "Teacher Sok is so awesome! Kagurazaka should work hard too!"

However, Sho Marufuji was very dissatisfied with Kagurazaka. He turned to Judai and said, "But brother...he can't even win against me. How could he beat Mr. Sok, who is also the duel king with Mr. Muto Yugi..." "


Behind him, Misawa Daichi came over at some point, looking at Kagurazaka on the field who seemed to have changed. He said seriously: "Kagurazaka's memory is really good, and the deck I composed unconsciously It will be very similar to other people's decks. Because of this, previous battles have been unsuccessful, but his imitation will allow him to understand the personality of the duelist holding the deck in an instant, and reproduce that Duelist's tactics... If that guy is holding the strongest deck now..."

"Then he will also become an invincible duelist at this moment!"

There is no eunuch——

But writing a book is very tiring, and the book doesn’t make any money.

It is really because of my love for Yu-Gi-Oh that I am writing this today.

During the Chinese New Year, I don’t have to write a book. I can rest and play games as I like. It’s a joy that I couldn’t imagine in the past -

Will update in the future

It will definitely be written.

Because the finale has been planned for a long time

The final enemy has already been planned.

Ah, dungeons are so fun, I want to buy 24 annual sets--

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