Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 310 Ultimate Dragon Knight

"Tsk, you understood Muto Yugi's move of forcing the opponent's turn to end quite quickly..."

Sock lowered his head and looked at his hand. He didn't care about Kagurazaka's round declaration. He reached out and pulled out a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel plate and sneered: "It's a pity that I'm not that easy to talk to. I'll force it now." Backtracking on your declaration and putting a cover card on it, what do you think, broom head?”

Looking at Sok's cold and terrifying face, Kagurazaka was so frightened that he was sweating profusely: "No... no objection..." After Sok made no other moves, Kagurazaka then responded He cautiously tried: "Now...it's my turn..."

Suoke nodded expressionlessly: "Okay, you can start."

"Then my turn is to draw cards!"

Kagurazaka once again entered the state, subconsciously imitating the appearance and tone of Muto Yugi, turning over the newly drawn card, showing it to Sok, and then solemnly shouted: "I activate the magic card 'Greed of Desire' from my hand. Pot', depending on the effect of this card, I can draw two more cards from the deck!"

After drawing two more cards from the top of the deck, Kagurazaka took a look, reached out and slapped one of them onto the duel plate, and shouted: "Because a magic card was added to my hand, I can special summon 'Xiaomao' from my hand. Ball'! Then, offer this monster as a sacrifice..."

"Come out! Dark Magician Girl!"

As countless pink bubbles filled the night sky, a young and beautiful girl with scantily clad clothes and a good figure landed lightly on the field. Her cute yet elegant posture and playful and beautiful eyes immediately made people hide behind. Many male students in the darkness of the forest shouted excitedly!


"It's the Dark Magician Girl! It's said to be the only ultra-rare card that only Duel King Muto Yugi-san has in his deck. I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes!"

"She's so cute, I feel like I'm in love!"

"Wife! Wife!"

The boys were getting more excited than the other one, as if they had been pumped. The girls didn't know why, but they always felt like they were being compared with a virtual duel monster. Their mood suddenly became unpleasant, and they hummed sourly: "A piece of paper." We’re just filmmakers, what’s there to be happy about... You stinky boys, I wish you never find a girlfriend in your life..."

Originally, this sentence should be very hurtful, but what the girls never expected was that the boys would pat their chests without hesitation and shout in unison with all their strength to the black magician girl in mid-air. : "Paper people are paper people, Dark Magician Girl, we will always love you!"

The dark magician girl also smiled and waved gently to the boys and responded: "Thank you!"

This was so amazing that the boys all exploded in an instant!

Banners, lanterns, and small speakers, the boys flashed all these equipment in one second, waving flags and cheering for the Dark Magician Girl: "Wife, wife! We love you!"

But at this moment when everyone was overly excited, Sho Marufuji looked at Sok's sinister and strange smile on the edge of the cliff above, and his heart felt as if a bucket of cold water had suddenly been poured over him, and the ominous premonition became more and more serious.


Next to him, Misawa Daichi, who always presented himself as a tough guy, was not at all fascinated by the Black Magician Girl. He looked at the battlefield with a heavy face and said: "Even the Black Magician Girl is no match for the Necrophiliac Demon, and the Necrophiliac Demon's abilities are very... Tricky, once destroyed, Black Witch will become Mr. Sok’s monster..."

Perhaps it was God's will, but Sanze's words came true!

Just at this moment, Sok's sinister and evil voice sounded as expected, breaking everyone's carnival.

"I love you Paralysis! Counter Trap Card - 'Interception' is activated!"

[Interception, counterattack trap card, effect: It can be activated when the opponent's superior summons it, and you gain control of the summoned monster. 】

With lightning speed, Sok pressed the activation button of the magic trap on the duel disk, and shouted ferociously: "According to the effect of this card, when the opponent summons a monster, I can gain control of that monster! That is to say..."

"This little girl belongs to me now!!!"

Suddenly, a huge fishing net suddenly burst open, binding the Dark Magician Girl tightly, making it unbreakable!

The delicate skin was streaked with red marks from the fishing nets, which were constantly being dragged towards Sok's field. No matter how hard the Dark Magician Girl struggled, it was of no avail!

"Ah! Dark Magic Girl, be careful!"

"Teacher Suoke, how could you treat a cute little girl so roughly!?"

Little girl?

Suok squinted his eyes and looked at the black magic girl who was tied up and thrown in front of him, with a sneer on his lips: "She is really a master at playing with boys' hearts, a three thousand year old old woman..."

The dark magician girl was trapped in the fishing net and looked at Thok with panic on her face.

In an instant, she recognized Sok's true identity!

Like a helpless kitten trembling, the black magic girl opened her mouth tremblingly: "It's...it's you!"

"Ah...it's such an honor that you still remember me..."

Suok's pupils gradually condensed into linear shapes, and he said with a ferocious smile: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, scantily clad little girl, hahaha..." Before the laughter stopped, Suok suddenly changed his face, grabbed the black magician girl's hair, and said, He lifted her up like a chicken and yelled at the male students below: "Shut up! You idiot fans, fat nerds, and little bastards who can't walk when they see a woman!" Now your wife is in my hands, if anyone dares to talk nonsense, I will chop her!"

The scene fell silent for a moment.

The students below covered their mouths in horror, for fear of offending Suoke, the demon king who did whatever he wanted.

They really couldn't imagine how Suoke could bear to be cruel to such a beautiful and lovely little girl.

"Things are even worse now..."

Misawa Daichi looked at the situation on the field and thought to himself: "As expected, Kagurazaka is no match for Mr. Sok. The auras of the two sides are too far apart, and the rhythm of the duel is always controlled by Mr. Sok. I should say he is a fake. Are you always a fake? A true duel king shouldn't be like this..."

"Damn it, the monster was actually taken away..."

Kagurazaka bit her lip and kept thinking about tactics in her mind. She thought to herself: "But fortunately, my goal is not the Dark Magician Girl. Even if she is taken away, it doesn't matter..."

Thinking of this, Kagurazaka raised his head, took out a card from his hand, slapped it hard on the duel plate, and shouted: "Teacher Sok! Your Gaifuka is indeed difficult to deal with, but the original purpose of summoning the Black Magic Girl is Instead of using her to defeat the dark puppet, she will send the soul of light to the cemetery... Now, the conditions for the appearance of the strongest swordsman in the legend have been met..."

The vortex of light and darkness continues to flow in the air and gradually merges into one!

The power of chaos almost breaks through the sky!

Suoke raised his eyebrows slightly: "This is..."

"I excluded the 'chestnut balls' and 'little fur balls' in the cemetery from the game..."

Kagurazaka clenched his fists with both hands and looked up to the sky and shouted: "Come out! The unrivaled strongest warrior who will cut off everything for me - the Chaos Warrior - the Messenger of Creation!!!"

The space shattered, and armored warriors holding sharp blades and shields rushed out of the chaos, and their majesty swept the entire place instantly!

"Take the move, Teacher Sok!"

Kagurazaka pointed at the Dark Puppet on the Sok field and shouted: "The effect of the Dark Puppet will be activated once it is destroyed, but the Chaos Warrior has the special ability to banish monsters to another dimension! Once per round, give up the attack. Opportunity, select a monster on the opponent's field to exclude! Take the move and start a continuous dance!!!"

The red rays of light gathered on the blade in the hands of the Chaos Warrior. The Chaos Warrior raised his hands high and slashed straight down!

The chaotic energy broke through the cracks in the different dimensions, and an irresistible suction suddenly broke out from it!

The dark black doll screamed and was sucked directly into the crack, leaving no trace of it again!

"Tsk, Chaos Warrior..."

Suoke looked at the place where the corpse-loving monster disappeared, with no expression on his face: "When I dueled with the dwarf last time, I remember that this bastard was also the one who got rid of my soul-eating monster. It's really a narrow road for enemies..."

"Chaos warriors are the strongest warriors and will not be defeated easily..."

Kagurazaka reached out and inserted the last card in her hand into the duel plate, thinking to herself: "The card I put on the field is the universal counterattack card 'God's Declaration'. No matter what trick Mr. Sok uses in the next round, it will be useless." ..." Thinking of this, Kagurazaka finally felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief: "The round is over."

"Then it's my turn...to draw a card!"

Sok reached out and pulled out a card from the deck, but was suddenly stunned for a moment. Looking at the newly drawn card, Sok suddenly smiled, so unbridled and arrogant!

Kagurazaka's nerves were tense again: "You...why are you laughing?"

Suok stopped laughing, looked at the Chaos Warriors at Kagurazaka with an unknown meaning, and said slowly: "I laugh at the legend that I have never seen in the previous era, and now it will reappear in this era..."

Kagurazaka asked nervously: "What...what do you mean?"

"Hmph... According to legend, the five-headed dragon in the dark world dominates one area. All the places it passes by are scorched earth, and those who do not surrender are turned into skeletons."

Sok raised the corner of his mouth and sneered: "Although in the end it was slapped into a meat pie because it offended me, but the prophecy that was once circulated predicted that there would be an ultimate warrior who was fused with the White Dragon of Light. The dragon warriors come to defeat it and make the world free again..."

"Now, I'll let you see the strongest dragon knight!"

Earth-shaking energy suddenly burst out from Sok, and the pressure that even froze the air and time almost caused Kagurazaka to collapse!

"First, I have to summon the 'Goddess of the Heart's Eyes' to come on stage..."

Suok smiled grimly and took out a card from his hand and threw it into the graveyard, then inserted another card into the duel plate: "Then, the quick-attack magic 'Super Fusion' is activated! Combine the Chaos Warriors on your field and mine. Instead of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the Heart-Eye Goddess was used as the fusion material to specially summon——"

"Wait...wait a minute!"

Although I don’t know what monster Sok wants to fuse, but the materials for his summons turned out to be the Chaos Warrior and the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, so it must be a terrifying monster that is too strong to be defeated!

We must not let him succeed!

Kagurazaka opened the cover without hesitation and shouted with all his strength: "I won't let you get what you want, Mr. Sok! Counterattack trap - 'God's Declaration' is activated! The effect of this card is, pay me half of Health points can invalidate magic traps or monster summons! I will pay half of my health points to invalidate Mr. Sok's 'super fusion'!"

[God's Declaration, counterattack trap card, effect: activate by paying half of the base points. The activation of a magic or trap card, the summoning of a monster, the reverse summoning, or the special summoning are all invalidated and destroyed.

Kagurazaka, LP: 1→0.5

"Hmm...hahaha...it's useless, it's useless!"

Sok opened his arms and laughed wildly: "'Super Fusion' cannot be targeted by any effect. If your 'God's Declaration' is three speeds, then my 'Super Fusion' is four speeds. This spans dimensions." You will never be able to catch up to the gap, Kagurazaka!!!”

"The ultimate soul is condensed here, and its scattered stars will show off infinite power - the ultimate combination of the ultimate warrior and the ultimate dragon..."

"Come out! Ultimate Dragon Knight!!!"

[Ultimate Dragon Knight, 12 stars, light attribute, dragon type, attack: 5000, defense: 5000, effect: fusion: "Chaos Warrior" + "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon". This monster can be Fusion Summoned but not Special Summoned. For each Dragon-type monster you control other than this card, this card's attack power increases by 500. 】

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