Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 311 The duel resumes

The white light broke through the darkness, and a dragon knight riding a three-headed white dragon arrived here!

His majesty and courage are rarely seen in the world!

An ultra-level light as dazzling as the sun erupted from his body, and even the great evil god of the underworld, Sok, turned his attention to it.

"It turns out that he is the ultimate dragon knight..."

Kagurazaka was dumbfounded and subconsciously took two steps back: "Why have I never heard of such a fusion monster...it actually uses the Chaos Warrior and the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon as the fusion material..."

"Of course you haven't heard of it..."

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder whispered softly: "That was originally a monster designed by the five big guys, and the Chaos Warriors used as the material should be ritual monsters..." At this point, the little penguin lowered his head and stared blankly at Suoke said: "My dear, you are talking nonsense again..."

The corner of Suoke's mouth twitched slightly: "Shh... please keep your voice down..."

Kagurazaka collapsed and hugged her head, as if she was stupid and kept repeating: "Impossible...impossible...this is also the Duel King's deck, why don't I even have Mr. Sok, the martyr?" There's no way I can win... I've obviously completely mastered Muto Yugi's dueling style and tactics... I shouldn't be able to fail again!"

The Ultimate Dragon Knight has already established the ending.

Countless people raised their heads, looking at the upcoming finale and Kagurazaka's gaffe and madness.

It's different from before.

This time, no one laughed at him.

After watching this duel, all that everyone can remember in their hearts is Sock's overwhelming power and invincibility!

He is worthy of being the evil god who destroys everything, the strongest duelist in the world!

There is no shame in losing to the Duel King.


Misawa Daichi, who had been paying attention to the battle below, sighed: "If Kagurazaka uses God's Declaration to destroy Mr. Sok's mind-eye goddess, then Kagurazaka will win... If it is Mr. Muto Yugi himself, it probably won't If you make this mistake, the impostor will always be an impostor, and he is not in the same world as the Duel King at all..."

Sho Marufuji looked at Kagurazaka who seemed to be crazy not far away, and said softly: "Oh... Kagurazaka is obviously the thief, why do I sympathize with him..."

"Because people subconsciously sympathize with the weak. Compared to thieves, Teacher Suoke is a real devil..."

Misawa Daichi clasped his hands on his chest with emotion: "I think... maybe this is the difference between the duel king and ordinary people. Even if you have the strongest deck, you can't get the courage and no matter what the real duel king has. A mind that can calmly think and respond at all times... Kagurazaka has done well. If it were me, I might have lost due to the power of Mr. Sock..."

After finishing speaking, the scene was silent for a long time.

At this time, Marufuji Sho noticed Yujo Judai who had been silent since the beginning.

Judai Yujo's eyes stared unblinkingly at the last card in Sok's hand on the cliff, without looking away for a second.

Marufuji Xiang asked curiously: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

After a long time, Judai finally spoke slowly: "...No, even if Kagurazaka destroyed the goddess of the heart's eye, Mr. Sok won this game!"

Next to him, Misawa Daichi was startled, turned around and said in surprise: "...What?"

"I can feel!"

Judai clenched his fists tightly, and a look of excitement gradually appeared on his face: "Even if the goddess of the mind's eye is destroyed, Teacher Sok can still complete the ultimate reversal with that last card! ... Amazing! It's really amazing! I I’m so envious of Kagurazaka! I really want to have the opportunity to duel with such a powerful guy!”

"Is this...is this..."

Misawa Daichi looked at Judai's fighting spirit and suddenly smiled: "Yes, you deserve to be the first place! Indeed... as the duel king, it is indeed impossible for Mr. Sok to win today just by luck. of."

On the cliff over there, Sok seemed to notice Judai's gaze, looked back, sneered, and inserted the last card in his hand back into the deck.

What is printed on the card surface is the magic card - "Resurrection of the Dead"!


Suok looked at Kagurazaka who was kneeling on the ground in front of him expressionlessly, sneered, and said with a sneer: "Looking at your panic and cowardly look now, can you imagine Muto Yugi kneeling in front of me? You You don’t have the posture that a duel king should have at all. Even if you have the strongest deck, you are still pitifully weak..."

The little penguin on the shoulder mumbled and whispered softly: "Of course I can imagine it. It's not like Muto Yugi has never been beaten by you..."


Suoke pretended not to hear, raised his right hand high, and shouted sternly: "Then, this is the end, suffer death, Kagurazaka!"

"The 'Ultimate Dragon Knight' launches a direct attack on Kagurazaka!"

"The Milky Way is shattered!!!"

Three smoky white dragons exhaled the dragon breath of destruction, and the Chaos Warriors also raised their Chaos Swords. The two forces converged here, and the white light of annihilation seemed to swallow everything. Along with Kagurazaka's shrill screams, his health also increased. At the same time it returns to nothingness.

Kagurazaka, LP: 0.5→0

After the white light passed, Suoke sneered and hooked his hand at Kagurazaka: "Okay, you lose! Kagurazaka, should you tie yourself to the kite yourself, or should I break your legs myself and tie you to the kite?" How about lighting sky lanterns on kites?”

Lying paralyzed on the ground, Kagurazaka seemed not to hear anything, but kept mumbling: "Why...why did I lose? Didn't I already have the strongest deck..."

As he spoke, Kagurazaka seemed to suddenly understand!

Those originally dull and dull eyes suddenly burst into astonishing energy!

Kagurazaka's eyes widened, her pupils shrank violently, and she shouted loudly: "I know! I know!... Because my imitation is not good enough! I haven't turned myself into a real duel king yet!"

"Hehehe...hahaha! Sok!"

Somersaulting up from the ground, Kagurazaka pulled out the second deck and inserted it into the duel plate. His eyes instantly became extremely evil, and he smiled dangerously at Sok and said: "It's not over yet! I still have a second deck. ! Now... play boxing with your own shadow! As a martyr, I cannot lose to you!"

For a moment, the phantom of the Great Evil God seemed to overlap with him, and even Suok himself was slightly startled by the evil energy that seemed to be real.

The cold wind blew by, and there was actually a faint black light wrapping around him!

That kind of madness and evil...so familiar!


Looking at Kagurazaka, which reflected his own reflection like a mirror, Suok's eyes flashed with admiration. He turned to the little penguin on his shoulder and whispered: "Hey, penguin... this is the first time I want to think about someone." A student is admitted into my dormitory of 'Great Evil God Black'. If this guy is in the demon world, he might be able to become a level 10 high-level demon..."

"Okay, Thok!"

Kagurazaka opened the duel disk and shouted sternly: "The second duel has begun, come and compete with me!"

"Hmph, interesting..."

Sok narrowed his eyes and looked at the martyrs who appeared behind Kagurazaka, ready to punish him at any time. He raised his lips and smiled: "Since you have the courage, then I will give you a convenience... I used it without permission. Martyr duelists will be punished, and their souls will fall into hell and be torn apart. But now I have given you extra permission to control my martyrs temporarily. If you can't make me happy, I will kill you. The soul is extracted from the body, and then tortured for fun, do you understand, hahaha..."

As soon as Sok said these words, the martyrs who were about to stab Kagurazaka's neck with their knives stopped and calmed down their anger.

"Hey, you don't need to tell me, I will let you see how powerful I am!"

Kagurazaka closed her eyes, and her mind kept replaying Sok's past actions, demeanor, and tone. She suddenly opened her eyes: "No matter who the opponent is, my martyrdom is invincible!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, even Kagurazaka himself frowned.

Because this is just in vain, I can't imitate the innate aloofness and cruelty of Sok, nor can I make my brain circuit consistent with Sok's, so as to imitate his behavior!

Kagurazaka panicked at the time: "What... is going on? I can even imitate Muto games, why... why can't I imitate Mr. Sok at all..."

Hearing Kagurazaka's muttering to himself, Sok was also a little curious. He turned and asked the little penguin: "Madam, do you know what is going on?"

"The reason is very simple."

The little penguin kicked his little feet and said, "My dear, do you still remember those stone slabs in the Tong Shiye Art Museum that are engraved with the battle between the Pharaoh and the evil god three thousand years ago?"

Suoke was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized: "That's it."

The little penguin winked at Sok and said with a smile: "Because, dear, you are a three-dimensional person, and your identity in this world is the great evil god of the underworld. You have a supreme status that cannot be remembered, and you are superior to all things. The unique divinity of God, since it is the only one, can certainly not be imitated.”

"Hey, I'm moody, and it's not so easy to find out..."

Sok once again opened the duel plate and sneered at Kagurazaka, "Hey, Broomstick! I still won't use the martyr in the duel this time, but I will let you see how powerful the RMB players are!"

"No need to say more!"

Kagurazaka opened the duel disk and shouted: "Duel!"

Suoke's pupils gradually changed, and he responded coldly: "Duel!"

Kagurazaka, LP: 4000

Sock, LP: 4000

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