Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 312 The strongest deck in the world

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Sock was the first to draw a card from the deck, took a look at it and put it on the duel plate: "I want to summon the 'Aromatherapy Furnace' in defense position, and then end the turn... It's your turn, Kagurazaka!"

[Aromatherapy furnace, 1 star, wind attribute, attack: 500, defense: 400, effect: After entering, you will gain a battle barrier (that is, it will not be destroyed by battle). At the end of both sides' rounds, your player's life will increase by 500 points. 】

"Are you looking down on me with such a thin tactic?"

Kagurazaka gritted her teeth and stared at Sok, and said bitterly: "You have to pay the price for underestimating me! ...My turn is to draw a card!" A white arc flashed across, and when Kagura glanced at the newly drawn card, Kagurazaka A sinister smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Ban's mouth: "Hmph... I really didn't expect it, Mr. Sok... we actually decided the winner in the first round. Your martyr deck is indeed very strong. It's so strong." There is no chance of winning for the opponent..."


Suoke raised his eyebrows and said without changing his expression: "Did you draw 'Oliha Gangtian Shendang'?"

"No, but it's enough to defeat you!"

Kagurazaka's pupils shrank slightly, and she fiercely inserted the newly drawn card into the duel plate, and shouted sternly: "Taste the fear of being dominated by your own deck! The magic card 'Gift of the Martyrs' is activated! According to this card The effect of the card is to recycle all the cards in my hand into the deck, and then draw double the cards!”

"My current hand has five cards..."

Kagurazaka was so excited that her whole body was trembling, and she said word by word: "So I can draw ten cards from the deck! This unreasonable way of drawing cards is simply better than taking drugs, Mr. Sok ,Hahaha……"

The duel has just begun, and the two sides have immediately opened up a four-card gap. In this extremely unfavorable situation, no matter who it is, they will feel tremendous pressure, and may even collapse directly.

But Sock was different.

He doesn't care whether he wins or loses the duel!

He only knew that if Kagurazaka dared to win, he would let him die!

The title and dignity of the Duel King?

Are you kidding me?

Are you talking to a maniac who is addicted to cheating and uses force to win in card games?

Sok yawned boredly and shouted impatiently at Kagurazaka: "Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and do it, I don't believe what shit you can pull out!"


Kagurazaka's laughter stalled at that moment, and her whole face turned red from holding it back.

Kagurazaka, who has carefully studied Sok's duel history, has a deep understanding of how crazy Sok goes. After all, he still doesn't dare to really anger the villain opposite him. Kagurazaka doesn't think he is more powerful than the Sun God. Resist beating.

Curbing his arrogant attitude, Kagurazaka silently inserted his cards into the deck and pulled out ten more cards. After taking a look, he reached out and pulled out three cards and inserted them into the duel plate: "First, I want to cover the three cover cards. , then discard all the remaining cards in your hand and special summon 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' from the deck!"

Suoke was stunned for a moment, feeling that this scene was a bit familiar.

The next operation in Kagurazaka further confirmed Sok's suspicion.

"But before the 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' appears, there are still two effects that need to be processed!"

Two cards popped up from Kagurazaka's graveyard and were inserted into the duel plate by him: "Because the opponent has monsters on the field and there are no monsters on our field, the 'Martyr Evil Dragon Knight' in the graveyard is special. Summoned! And because the card from the hand was sent to the graveyard, 'Martyr Soul Eater' is specially summoned!"

"Come out! My martyrs!!!"

With the call of Kagurazaka, a huge orange hexagram pattern lights up in the center of the venue!

Immediately afterwards, three majestic warriors descended on the battlefield!

Martyr Black Crow Knight, Attack: 7000

Martyr Evil Dragon Knight, Attack: 2400

Martyr Soul Haunter, Attack: 2400

In front of the three martyred warriors, the aromatic stove on the Sok Field was like a lighthouse in the sea, amidst the strong wind and tsunami, and people couldn't help but sweat for it.

"One, three monsters were summoned in one turn..."

In the forest behind, Sho Marufuji opened his mouth and said with shock in his eyes: "And there is also a terrifying monster with an attack power of 7000... Isn't this the winner? Kagurazaka... It turns out Is it so powerful!?"

"No, it's not Kagurazaka that's powerful, but those cards with the 'martyr' prefix!"

Next to him, Misawa Daichi, who was also proficient in dueling research, narrowed his eyes, and his breathing became much heavier subconsciously. He said in a deep voice: "Kagurazaka is just imitating Mr. Sok's duel with Duel King Muto Yugi in Duel City. It was a tactic used at that time, but even if it is just like this, if the opponent is me, I will be at my wits end...I can’t even think of anyone else in this world besides Muto Yugi who can withstand such a stormy offensive!"


Marufuji Xiang said in disbelief: "So... Mr. Sok lost?"

Misawa Daichi shook his head, his forehead covered with cold sweat due to the terrifying majesty of the Martyr: "I don't know... As the true holder of the Martyr, Teacher Sok should have considered how to deal with this situation. ... maybe now my hope lies in that monster I've never heard of - the 'Aromatherapy Furnace'!"

"Hey, it's exactly the same as what I did back then..."

Sock glanced at the three cards covered on the field, frowned slightly and said: "If they are really exactly the same, then the three cards that were folded should also be the three cards that I piled up at that time - 'Wheel of Martyrs', 'Martyr's Exoskeleton Device' and 'Martyr's Witch Spirit' are the right ones..."

as expected.

The thought just flashed through Sok's mind, and all three cover cards on the Kagurazaka field have been opened!

It is the three cards of ‘Martyr’s Wheel’, ‘Martyr’s Exoskeleton Device’ and ‘Martyr’s Witch Spirit’!

"In this way, my martyrs will have invulnerable armor. Any magic traps or monster effects will be completely ineffective against them!"

Kagurazaka waved his hand suddenly and shouted at Sok: "Then, accept the fate of defeat, Teacher Sok! This is the most impeccable cooperation between me and the martyrs! The brave and fearless warriors will stand in front of me. Destroy everything in the world! Kill the martyrs in one go!!!"

The three martyr warriors jumped up in response and attacked Suoke with the momentum of the mountains falling!

The Demon King of the Underworld stared at these fighting martyrs, with no trace of panic in his eyes, but only full of appreciation and pride.

This is how the king's warriors should be!

How majestic and majestic!

After the flash of swords and shadows, the martyrs' attack was completed in an instant and they had already jumped back to the battlefield.

But after the dust has settled, the aromatic furnace on the Sok Field is still as determined as a sea-fixing needle and has not moved at all. And Sok's health has not been damaged at all, it is still at the full value of 4,000 points!

Kagurazaka opened her eyes wide in surprise: "What...what's going on?"


Suok flicked the smoke and dust on his body, shook his head and whispered softly: "You let me down so much... You directly played all your trump cards without understanding the effects of the opponent's monsters... This kind of offensive seems fierce, but it is If you are weak in follow-up, once the opponent counterattacks, you will be defeated in an instant... I thought you would be a somewhat capable follower, but it turns out you are just a clown who can only imitate."

Having said this, Suoke pointed at the 'aromatic furnace' in front of him and said: "The effect of the aromatic furnace is that it will not be destroyed by battle, so all your attacks can't cause damage to it. Since you didn't kill it, I...it’s my turn to fight back!”

"You...stop pretending to be calm!"

Kagurazaka was flustered by Sock's words, and the invisible pressure on his body was suddenly suppressed. However, he could only grit his teeth and said: "Even if I didn't achieve the first kill, the situation on the court is still in my favor... …And the martyrs are all in my deck. Even Teacher Sok, you will never be able to complete the reversal in this situation...Absolutely!”

"Hmph, let's wait and see!... It's my turn, draw cards!"

"First of all, because of the effect of the 'Aromatherapy Furnace', I recovered 500 health points..."

Sock sneered and pulled out a card from the deck. After taking a look, he directly inserted the newly drawn card into the duel plate. The sound of shouts echoed through the sky: "Then, pay half of my life value and draw the card from my hand. Specially summon the Dragon of Destruction! Come down from the darkness and wipe out everything - 'Gandora the Dragon of Destruction'!"

Sock, LP: 4000→4500→2250

The black dragon, filled with unstable and destructive energy, broke through the boundaries of dimensions and descended on the battlefield in an unstoppable manner!

With the payment of Sok's life points, the countless blood-red gems on the body of 'Gandora the Destruction Dragon' instantly erupted into an energy fountain that annihilated everything, directly tearing apart everything on the field between the enemy and us like a destructive force!

Simple and crude!

This is the exclusive card for money-making players - the modified version of the Destruction Dragon!

The advantage established by Kagurazaka collapsed in an instant, and everything seemed as unreal as the moon through the mirror.

The students watching in the woods behind were shocked!

"What...what kind of monster is this!?"

"Gandora the Destruction Dragon!? Isn't that a super powerful card that Duel King Muto Yugi holds? And isn't that a high-level monster that requires two sacrifices to be summoned? Why is this from Mr. Sok..."

"The situation has turned around! If possible, Kagurazaka will lose this round!"

"Damn it!"

Kagurazaka watched everything on his field being destroyed but could do nothing. He could only struggle as best as he could: "The effect of 'Martyr Evil Dragon Knight' is activated! When he leaves the field, I can draw it from the deck. Two cards! And the effect of 'Martyr Haunter' is that when it is destroyed..."

"It's not destruction, it's exclusion!"

Suoke mercilessly interrupted Kagurazaka's last glimmer of hope, and sneered: "If it is not sent to the cemetery, then there will be nothing the Soul Eater can do... And, let me tell you some good news, 'Destruction Dragon Gandora' is a special summon, and I can also perform a normal summon this round..."

Kagurazaka's pupils shrank violently: "Wha...what!?"

"Present the 'Destruction Dragon Gandora' on the field as a sacrifice..."

Sok reached out and pulled out a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel disk, and shouted sternly: "Come out, condense the dragon of miracles-'Crystal Dragon'! Launch a direct attack on Kagurazaka, Crystal Storm!!!"

[Crystal Dragon, 6 stars, light attribute, attack: 2500, defense: 1000, effect: once per round. This card can be activated when the attack is successful and it is alive. Select an 8-star dragon monster from the deck to add to your hand. Card. 】(Duel City Edition)

The crystal dragon waved its wings, and countless broken crystal blocks hit Kagurazaka. The sting was like a real iron needle piercing his body!

Kagurazaka, LP: 4000→1500


Kagurazaka knelt on one knee with convulsions all over her body. The arms holding her arms kept shaking. She managed to open her eyes and said with a trembling voice: "It's completely different from...the duel just now...this kind of pain, It’s definitely not something that virtual images can do…”

"Humph, isn't that natural..."

Suok raised the corner of his mouth evilly: "You don't really think you can use my deck unscrupulously without any consequences, do you? The martyrs are the gods who once protected this world, even if they are just forged cards, even if I give Without your special authority, once those cards are officially used, the weight of their existence will crush you... Maybe you don't realize it, but every time you call out a new martyr, your 'soul' will be seriously affected. The hidden injury..."

"How about it?"

Suoke's face gradually became more ferocious, and in a daze, Kagurazaka seemed to see a devil grinning at him.

"Do you want to continue this duel that will kill you?"

"Are you kidding...?"

Kagurazaka looked down at her trembling hands, her eyes dull and murmured: "Why... it's just a duel, why is it so serious to lose one's life..."

Suoke folded his hands on his chest and looked down at Kagurazaka arrogantly: "How can there be so many reasons? No one is obligated to give you a reason. All you have to choose is to move forward or retreat. How about it? Isn't it simple?"

After that, Sok finished his turn: "Due to the effect of 'Crystal Dragon', I added an 8-star dragon monster from the deck to my hand, then I covered two cover cards and ended the turn. ."

The waves crashed against the shore, and the sea breeze blew against Kagurazaka's face like a knife.

Looking at the card in his hand, Kagurazaka was struggling in his heart.

If used, you will die.

But if you don't use it...

Maybe I will never have the chance to drive such a powerful deck in my life, or maybe I will always be a poor imitator, a loser who will be defeated by Osiris Red's poor students.

I gave up this only chance...

Giving up this only opportunity to use the world's strongest deck...

What a pity that would be!

Kagurazaka's eyes suddenly ignited an inexplicable fighting spirit!

Even if he will die, even if he will be defeated, even if... his opponent is the invincible Sok, Sok Nenufa!

I also want to burn out my fighting spirit and let the whole world see...

The backbone of my Kagurazaka!

"The duel continues!!!"

An extremely powerful aura suddenly erupted around Kagurazaka, and she pulled out new cards from the deck without hesitation, as if even the air was vibrating!

"My turn, draw a card!!!"

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