Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 313 Oriha Gang·Giant Soldier

As this card was drawn, a strong wind suddenly rolled up from the sea!

The majesty of God swept across the ocean, sky and earth with Kagurazaka as the starting point. The originally bright moonlight was gradually obscured by clouds, and glistening blue light spots quietly fell in the sky.

"I...got it..."

Kagurazaka's right hand holding the card trembled slightly, but her eyes were as hot as fire: "I drew the card that calls for a miracle for me, I drew the god who can defeat you!"

Suoke raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh?"

"Feel the majesty of God, Teacher Suoke!"

Kagurazaka used all his strength to insert the newly drawn card into the duel plate, and roared sternly: "Pay me half of my health, the god of destruction that breaks the earth, please listen to my call, by Wake up from your long sleep!——'Olihagang Titan Soldier'!!!"

Kagurazaka, LP: 1500→750

【Oliha Gang·Giant Soldier

10 stars, divine attribute, legendary beast clan

Attack: 4000, Defense: 4000

Effect: You need to use three sacrifices or pay half of your health to summon. This card is not affected by monster effects or magic traps when it is summoned or at any time. When this card is on the field, put two monsters on our side or the opponent's field. As a sacrifice, activate one of the following effects:

1. This card will not be destroyed.

2. All cards on the opponent's field are destroyed, and the opponent's health is damaged by 5,000 points.

3. The attack power of this round is infinite and you can directly attack the opponent. 】

The obelisk broke through the earth, and the sky was filled with rolling arcing sparks.

The superior god came here, and almost everyone's hair stood on end, as if even the air had become stagnant and solid!

"It's... it's God!"

"Is that... the three phantom gods of Orihagan that are stronger than Mr. Muto Yugi's three phantom gods!? That kind of majesty and terror is simply a despair that can only appear in nightmares!"

"There was obviously no card left in the last round, but this round he summoned the gods easily... No wonder Mr. Sok's deck is one of the strongest in the world. It is impossible for anyone to be able to do this kind of deck. Defeat it!"


Kagurazaka enjoyed the looks of fear or surprise from everyone, and her heart was filled with satisfaction that she had never felt before.

Staring at Sok, Kagurazaka seemed to be saying to Sok, and seemed to be laughing triumphantly at the people behind Sok: "If this surprises you, then it will be difficult for me to handle next." ,Hahaha……"

After saying that, Kagurazaka reached out and pulled out the deck, picked out a card from it and slapped it on the duel plate, shouting: "I want to pay another half of my health to special summon a new warrior from the deck... Come out, the sharp blade that destroys everything - the 'Eye of Olhagang'!"

Kagurazaka, LP: 750→375

Eye of Oriha Gang, attack: 3500, defense: 0


Kagurazaka stared at Sok and raised the corner of his mouth confidently: "'Orihagun Giant God Soldier' ​​has resistance that will not be affected by magic traps and monster effects. No matter what card you are ambushing, Mr. Sok, After launching the general attack this time, it is also the end of the duel... By now, you should have recognized my strength to some extent, Sok... teacher!"

"Oh, that's how it is."

Sock glanced at his folded cards, then stretched out his right hand, ticked it with his little finger, and showed a provocative and contemptuous smile: "If that's the case, then why don't you attack quickly, why do you have to talk nonsense to me first?" How about adding to that pitiful sense of security?"

"Hey! You don't need to tell me I can do it too!"

Kagurazaka thought about it again and again, waved her hand and shouted: "Go, 'Olihagun Giant Divine Weapon'! Crush the 'Crystal Dragon' on Mr. Sok's field, the Divine Fist will be crushed!!!"

A flash of red light flashed in the eyes of 'Oliha Gang Giant Divine Soldier', carrying the power of the heaven and earth shattering, and he punched the 'Crystal Dragon' on the Sok field with one punch!

But at this moment, Suoke suddenly showed a successful smile on his face.

"Activate the trap card!"

The cover card covering Sock's field suddenly opened!

Kagurazaka was shocked, but she still clenched her fists and shouted: "It's useless! Trap cards are ineffective against gods. Teacher Sok, you should know this very well!"


The corner of Sok's mouth raised in an arc: "Who said that trap cards are aimed at giant gods? Watch carefully, Kagurazaka! The trap card I activated is an 'energy boost' that can increase the attack power of monsters on your side!"

[Energy boost, trap card, effect: I can activate it when a monster is attacked, and increase the attack power of the attacked monster by 1500 points. 】

Kagurazaka was horrified: "What!? It's actually an energy boost!?"

Watching helplessly as the crystal wings on the Crystal Dragon's body suddenly erupted with dazzling red light, and its attack power quickly increased to 4000 points, which was the same as the attack power of the 'Olihagun Titan Weapon', Kagurazaka was unable to do anything.

The blue divine fist shock wave and the red dragon's breath collided fiercely, creating a stalemate!

Not long after, there were two sudden "clicks", and pieces of the divine armor on the body of 'Olihagang Giant Divine Soldier' ​​collapsed, and the body of 'Crystal Dragon' was also shattered, and both died at the same time!


Kagurazaka glanced at the remaining monsters on his field with lingering fear, and calmed down a little: "Fortunately, I still have another monster on the field. As long as the 'Oliha Gang's Eye' continues to attack, the winner will still be It’s me who won’t change…”

But the reality is so cruel.

Before Kagurazaka could finish the thoughts in her mind, the voice from the opposite side that made Kagurazaka's hair stand on end came again!

"The moment the 'Crystal Dragon' was destroyed, another card I had ambushed on the field was also activated at the same time!"

Sock mercilessly pressed the activation button of the magic trap on the duel disk, and shouted sternly: "Be buried with the gods, activate the trap card 'Fellow Traveler'! Destroy the 'Eye of Oliha Gang' on your field! "

[Fellow Traveler, Counter Trap Card, Effect: When a monster on our field is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, it can be activated. Select one monster on the opponent's field to destroy. 】

After the explosion of "Boom!", the battlefields of both sides were cleared at the same time.

"Ha ha……"

After the excitement subsides, the negative effects begin to show up.

Kagurazaka's eyelids gradually became heavy, and she was even breathing heavily as she was a little unsteady on her feet.

too strong……

Even without the use of martyrdom, Thok is still hopelessly strong...

Lowering his head stiffly and looking at the last card in his hand, Kagurazaka forced himself to insert the card into the duel plate and slowly closed his eyes: "I...I put the last cover card...and then, End of round..."

As the end of the round was announced, everyone watching below seemed to feel the same pressure as Kagurazaka.

There are obviously phantom gods one after another, and monsters with super powerful attack power one after another.

But why...

But Kagurazaka was forced into a desperate situation?

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