Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 317 Ancient Ruins

It's a new day.

Suoke idled around the island riding a motorcycle with penguins.

The artificial island that was completely mechanized back then now has beautiful scenery, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and the area seems to have expanded a lot.

When riding a motorcycle through the active volcano on the island, Sok went to the crater to urinate in memory of DANKNESS, who was cremated by him.

After walking around in a circle, Suoke returned to his yard and lay down on the deck chair to think about his thoughts.

Many years have passed, and the evil atmosphere here is no longer just light fluctuations and DANKNESS, but there are also many dark forces lurking in the dark that are ready to move.

Sok didn't know why the monsters from the dark world were attracted to this island. Maybe they wanted to eat DANKNESS's body to strengthen themselves, but DANKNESS died from his own Sok flames. Don't they think it's hot to their mouths?

Just as I was thinking about it, my cheek felt cold.

The little penguin held a Coke can that was bigger than it and raised it high: "Dear, drink ice Coke!"


Sok stretched out his hand to pull the ring of the can and handed it back to the little penguin: "You drink it, I have to go out later."


The little penguin jumped onto the chair next to him with a little jump. While drinking Coke, he waved to Sok: "Go early and come back early."

Suoke smiled, got up and went out again.

On the way, when school was over, Sock met Asuka head-on.

"Teacher Sok."

"Oh, Asuka with big white legs."

"It's the Heavenly Courtyard."

Asuka sighed and was too lazy to say anything else. Anyway, Sock was not so shameless for a day or two.

"Teacher Sok."

Asuka looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention here, and whispered to Sok: "Recently, I discovered a place similar to ancient ruins. It is said that many strange natural phenomena have occurred there... Sok Teacher, do you have time to go and see with me?"

"Ancient ruins?"

Sock was stunned: "You mean the half-arch that looks like a donut?"

Asuka said with slight surprise: "So you know? Have you already investigated it?"

"No, I'm just going over there."

Sok put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head: "Come together, I will take you to fly there... But if Fubuki from Tenjoin really went in there, he might be mummified now."

Before he finished speaking, a strong air flow erupted all over Sok's body. Then, he spread his light and dark wings on his back, lifted Asuka on his shoulders, and without saying a word, he flapped his wings and took off!


Asuka was startled by the sudden weightlessness, but then she shuttled through the white clouds and mist, and the feeling of being unfettered by the vastness of the world immediately swept away her inner uneasiness.

"So...so awesome!"

Asuka's little face was slightly flushed with excitement, and she was about to continue saying something, but the feeling of weightlessness hit her again. Before Asuka could react, Suoke had already grabbed her and dropped vertically from the sky to her destination.

Folding his wings and putting Asuka down, Sok glanced at Asuka's skirt angrily.

Who the hell designed this uniform? Why do they have leggings underneath?

I deliberately landed vertically and tried to lift up my skirt, but I still couldn't see anything. It was really no fun at all.

Later, Asuka was holding her chest and panting slightly, and did not notice Sok's small eyes.

And Sok had already walked to the ruins of the ruins and reached out to knock on the arch covered with green moss, brushing off the moss. The arches were engraved with totems and priestly inscriptions from ancient Egypt.

At this time, Asuka finally regained her breath, walked to Sok, looked at the words on the arch, and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"This is the priestly writing of ancient Egypt. Even three thousand years ago, only the nobles of ancient Egypt could interpret it..."

Pieces of moss were brushed away, and Suoke also whispered the above sentence word by word: "I...have been...waiting...for...you..."

Asuka is already accustomed to Sock's magic.

But the words on it aroused Asuka's interest, and for some reason, why could she feel an inexplicable sadness from it?

I have been waiting for you?

"who I am?

"I"...who are I waiting for?

While still thinking about it, the world suddenly changed!

The sun in the sky split into three, lightning flashed and thundered in the clouds, and the aurora suddenly shone, and everything around seemed unreal!

Suddenly, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky, speeding towards Sok and Asuka!

Asuka screamed and quickly hugged Sok's arm.

But Suoke didn't change his expression, and casually waved away the thunder, and then stood there quietly, watching indifferently as the surrounding environment slowly turned into different colors and buildings.

A pyramid stood in front of the loess, sand and gravel. Looking at the familiar buildings and everything, Suoke seemed to have returned to three thousand years ago in a daze.

Asuka looked at the sudden changes around her in confusion, and asked Suoke in a low voice: "What... happened?"

"We are now in a different space. If you guessed correctly, it should be a masterpiece of magicians three thousand years ago..."

Sok walked through the arch and walked towards the sky-high building: "The pyramid is the highest-level mausoleum in ancient Egypt. Except for the pharaoh, generally no one is qualified to sleep here...and there is no flow of time here. The Pharaoh who will be asked to be buried here must have been a decent man during his lifetime..."

Asuka asked curiously: "Why do you say that?"

"Have you seen the mummy?"

Suok turned to look at Asuka and said with unclear meaning: "Although the body will not rot, it will become unrecognizable... and time here will stand still, and people will always remain the same as they were at the moment before death..."

Asuka smiled softly: "I didn't expect that Pharaoh also loves beauty."

Suoke raised his eyebrows and said noncommittally: "Maybe there is something hidden..."

Before they finished speaking, dense footsteps suddenly came from the surroundings. In just a blink of an eye, the two of them were surrounded by countless soldiers guarding the tomb!


"Who are you!?"

"This is the sacred tomb of the royal family! Anyone who trespasses will die!"

More and more soldiers came around, and the spears in their hands shone with an icy cold light.

Asuka was a girl after all, and she felt a little panicked. But when she saw Sok next to her, she felt full of security and compassion for these soldiers.

These people... are so pitiful.


Suok glanced around and sneered: "Keep your eyes open! Who the hell is a trespasser!!!" Before he finished speaking, Suok suddenly shouted and broke the barrier of time and space with one punch. , reached out and pulled out the starfish-headed Kagurazaka from the real world!

Kagurazaka was pushed to the ground with a "click" by Sok, stretched out his hand and shouted: "You idiots, watch carefully, who is this!?"

The soldiers looked confused at first, but then they looked at the familiar starfish head. They seemed to have remembered something, and they all knelt down with their left feet forward and shouted in fear!

"Lord Pharaoh!"

Kagurazaka looked confused: "...Huh?"

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