Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 318 A meteor streaked across the sky

"What...what's going on?"

Kagurazaka rubbed her eyes vigorously, suspecting that there was nothing wrong with her mental state.

He was obviously having lunch in the school cafeteria just now, so why was he standing here inexplicably in the blink of an eye, and then more than a hundred black men called him Pharaoh?

Kagurazaka was stunned for a long time without speaking, and the soldiers below did not dare to raise their heads.

But Suoke roughly knew the relevant information about this pyramid from the reactions of the soldiers.

First of all, these soldiers knew Haixingtou, that is to say, they were all tombkeepers during the Atum period.

Secondly, they did not find the living Atum strange or difficult to understand, so the person sleeping in this pyramid was definitely not Atum himself.

If not Atum, who else is qualified to enjoy this kind of treatment?

Could it be Seth?

Thinking of this, Suoke pretended to be a self-respecting emperor and waved his hand calmly: "Everyone loves me, the pharaoh has been ill recently. I, the high priest Suoke, give orders on all matters."

Hearing the sound, Kagurazaka realized that Sok was behind him and opened his mouth in surprise: "Teacher Sok..."

This call of teacher directly confirmed Suok's identity.

Even the Pharaoh called out this, so of course the soldiers below did not dare to have any objections. They quickly turned around and saluted Suoke: "High Priest!"

"No gift."

Suoke put his hands behind his back and shouted condescendingly to everyone: "Call the leader of your tomb-guarding clan to see me immediately. I have something to ask him!"


Immediately some soldiers left to report the news, and not long after, an old man who looked like a village cadre came over with a group of people.

Just like the reaction of all the soldiers when they saw Kagurazaka, the tomb-guarding clan leader was also startled when he saw Kagurazaka. He subconsciously wanted to kneel down, but then stopped abruptly.

Back then, I saw the Pharaoh and the evil god of the underworld die together, so how could he suddenly appear here?

And... why is this pharaoh's skin so white?

He had doubts in his heart, but the head of the tomb guarding clan did not dare to jump to conclusions, so he bowed slightly towards Kagurazaka in a polite but vigilant manner and said: "This visitor from another world... may I ask his name?"

Before Kagurazaka could speak, Suoke had already pulled him behind him and snorted coldly like a superior: "So what if you ask? The real name of the Pharaoh is not something someone of your status can know. , even if I say his name is Goudan, you can’t tell the truth from the lie, right, old man?”


The chief of the tomb-guarding clan was at a loss for words when his thoughts were revealed.

But he didn't gain anything, because he could vaguely see that the current leader in the scene was not the pharaoh who didn't know the truth, but the man in front of him who claimed to be the high priest.

Three thousand years ago, the Pharaoh's master was Priest Mahat, and the high priest was the priest Simon of the previous generation.

The person in front of me has no resemblance to anyone else.

But the strange thing is that I actually feel an inexplicable familiarity with this person, and it is also that kind of... very unpleasant familiarity...

Is it an illusion?

Thinking of this, the head of the tomb guarding clan temporarily put aside his identification of the authenticity of the Pharaoh and turned to Sok and asked: "Please forgive me for being rude, but as a tomb guarding clan, I must fulfill my duties... I don't know what I call the high priest. , I seem to have never seen you in the palace three thousand years ago...How come you and the Pharaoh suddenly appear here?"

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely be questioned by now, but Sok is different...


With a sharp shout, a thousand-year-old wheel of wisdom flashing with dazzling golden light suddenly appeared on Suoke's chest!

The Eye of Truth in the roulette wheel directly sent out a violent shock wave that flew the tomb-guarding clan leader more than ten meters away. Even countless soldiers were thrown to the ground and were in a state of embarrassment.

"You can also question my identity!?"

The clothes around Suok changed and gradually turned into a divine costume with yin and yang fish printed on it. The hem of the skirt lifted up without any wind. The other six thousand-year-old artifacts behind him continued to rotate around Suok, and a divine light broke through the sky: " I am the only Chaos God in heaven and on earth. Of course you, a mere mortal, are not qualified to see my face! Do you have anything else to say now!?"

Suoke's status is too high, so of course the tomb-guarding clan leader doesn't recognize him.

But the tomb-guarding clan leader is very familiar with the thousand-year-old artifacts on Sok's chest and behind him!

At this point, the tomb-guarding clan leader finally had no doubts anymore. He took the lead and knelt down in a large area.

"Please forgive me, Lord High Priest!"

So strong and powerful, Kagurazaka and Asuka were dumbfounded.

As expected, he is indeed the most invincible and powerful evil god in the sky and on earth. No matter in the past or present, as long as he is here, there will be no one else who can dominate the world!

"Okay, I forgive you."

Suok waved his divine robe and asked the tomb-guarding clan leader: "I have a question to ask you..."

But before he finished speaking, a dazzling meteor suddenly flashed across the sky, and another figure hit the ground not far away, splashing countless smoke and dust!

The smoke that obscured his vision gradually dispersed, and a blue light from a star suddenly lit up.

A man wearing a white cloak and holding a blue-light virtual duel disk similar to an arm guard gradually stood up from the ground.

Ancient Egyptian architecture…

The same pharaoh as in the game...

There are also thousand-year-old artifacts and countless soldiers wearing ancient Egyptian costumes...

Kaiba clenched his fists slightly.

Have you... finally succeeded? After countless failures, falling from space at super speed and gaining super-dimensional power, I finally see you again, Yugi!

The news conveyed in the comic called "Yu-Gi-Oh!" turns out to be true!

In this game, you are really the Pharaoh from three thousand years ago!

"who are you!?"

After being briefly surprised, the soldiers guarding the tomb immediately followed their mission faithfully and surrounded Haima.

After all, Kaiba is the world's leading capitalist. Faced with such a scene where he could die at any time, he still didn't change his expression. Instead, he shouted sternly towards Kagurazaka not far away: "Game! Traveling through time and dimensions, I finally found you. ! Duel with me immediately, all the failures in my life must be erased!"

Kagurazaka didn't expect to see a big shot in the real world here, so she stammered: "Kaiba...President Kaiba?"

Fortunately, Sock saw the opportunity early and covered Kagurazaka's mouth in time.

But at this moment, the soldiers guarding the tomb suddenly felt that Kaiba looked familiar, and they always felt that they had seen it somewhere...

After thinking for a long time, the faces of all the soldiers changed drastically, and they all knelt down and shouted: "Priest Set!"

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