Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 320 Seven Stars

"Teacher Sok!"

The calls of Asuka and Kagurazaka behind him awakened Sok from his meditation.

Squinting his eyes and taking one last look at the dazzling afterglow, Sok turned around and said, "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter..."

Kagurazaka ran to Sok, scratched his head in distress and said: "Teacher Sok, I was eating my lunch, and suddenly you caught me here, and then out of nowhere a lot of people called me Pharaoh. What's going on with Wang...and President Kaiba..."

"You have a lot of questions."

Suoke raised his eyebrows and crossed his hands in front of his chest very arrogantly: "But I'm not going to tell you anything. Do you have any opinions?"

Kagurazaka wilted at that time: "No..."

Seeing Kagurazaka's deflated look, Asuka smiled softly, and then asked Sok: "So are we back to the original world now, Teacher Sok?"

Suoke nodded: "Well, let's go."

The silhouettes of the three people gradually moved away. Suddenly, a dragon roared in the sky, clearing the sky. Asuka and Kagurazaka were startled, but when they looked back, they saw only a clear sky and everything was as before.

the next day

The principal held an emergency meeting.

Although Suoke, as a physical education teacher, should not need to participate, this time, Principal Jiaodao personally went to Suoke's home to extend the invitation.

It happened to be boring, so Suoke didn't refuse.

But after arriving at the gate of the principal's office, Suoke not only saw the teacher, but also found that several students from the school were here.

Marufuji Ryo, Misawa Daichi, Tenjoin Asuka, and Yujo Judai.

The first three are the well-deserved top students among the students of Duel Academy, while Yujo Judai defeated the emperor of the academy shortly after enrolling and is currently the most popular figure in Duel Academy.

When Sok arrived, they were talking quietly, but after seeing Sok, Yujo Judai immediately squatted down and held his head subconsciously, while Marufuji unconsciously took two steps back.

Asuka looked at the two of them inexplicably: "What are you doing?"

Sock glanced at the two of them and sneered: "Isn't it obvious? Judai is doing squats, and Ryo Marufuji may have a leg cramp."

"Ah...that's right!"

Yucheng Judai quickly stood up and squatted down, doing squats continuously, and laughed very nervously: "I don't know why, I suddenly have so much strength that I can't use it, hahaha..."

Marufuji also reluctantly said: "I seem to be...a little anemic recently..."

At this time, the door to the principal's office opened, and Xianglu and Daitokuji appeared at the door.

Daitokuji looked at everyone with a smile, and said in his usual meowing voice: "Everyone is in good spirits, meow."

Xianglv first nodded slightly towards Suoke, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, please come in, Mr. Principal is already waiting for you."

Sock walked in first and saw a box on the principal's desk at first sight.

If I remember correctly, this plot should be about the seven stars competing for the Phantom Demon...

"Tsk, no wonder you specially called me here..."

Suoke unceremoniously pulled a chair from the side and sat down, crossing his legs and saying, "Why, some fool wants to break the seal on this island and take away the three phantoms?"

Principal Jiaodao sighed: "As expected of Mr. Suoke, you completely guessed it."

"If you gather together some pretty good students in the college, I can probably guess what's going on."

Having said this, Suoke glanced at the box on Principal Jiaodao's desk: "If I guess correctly, these should be the seven seal keys I gave to the president back then, right?"

Principal Jiaodao nodded: "I can't hide anything from you."

Everyone behind them also came in one after another, listening curiously to the inexplicable conversation between the two.

Seven keys?

what is that?

"The predecessor of this school was an artificial island used by the Kaiba Group to manufacture war weapons..."

Principal Jiaojima saw that everyone had arrived and immediately began to explain: "But after President Seto Kaiba came to the throne, this place was abandoned and later became the place for the final battle in Duel City..."

This is a secret that no one has heard of, but no one knows why Principal Jiaodao suddenly mentioned this.

"I believe you all have watched the video of the Duel City Finals, right?"

Principal Jiaodao continued: "That duel was filled with smoke, and many monsters and supernatural powers from the dark world were displayed during the game. From that day on, dueling elves is no longer a secret, and the dark duel is also widely known... ...And among the eight finalists, there is a demon king who holds a terrifying card called 'Phantom Demon'. Her name is Tairiang Tianyin..."

"Tairiang Tianyin!"

Misawa Daichi was the first to react: "I remember! Those phantoms almost destroyed the duel monster cards all over the world!"

"That's right."

Principal Samejima nodded and said: "But fortunately, Taira Amane was later defeated by Mr. Sok, and even her soul was destroyed... But the card of the three phantom demons remained and has been sleeping underground on this island. Many years..." At this point, Principal Samejima glanced at the volcano emitting black smoke in the distance through the window, and said with emotion: "The Demon King has been eliminated, but the evil people who spy on the power of the Phantom Demon have never stopped. Yesterday, news came from the Haima Group that an organization called 'Seven Stars' had quietly sneaked into the school..."


Asuka asked in shock: "Do they know where the Phantom Card is?"

"The existence of the phantom demon is not a secret, and the method to remove the seal is not airtight."

Principal Samejima opened the box on the table and said to everyone: "These are the seven keys that can lift the seal of the phantom demon. Once these keys fall into the hands of the 'Seven Stars', the phantom demon will awaken, and the world will follow. It will be annihilated, so I will give the key to you, the strongest ones in Duel Academy, and I hope you will protect the key and not let it be taken away!"

"Of course, just in case you all are defeated, I also specially invited Mr. Sok, who personally sealed the phantom demon today..."

Principal Samejima looked at Sok with pleading eyes and said extremely seriously: "If things really come to an irreversible point, I hope Mr. Sok can take action and seal the three phantom demons again! Please!"

Suoke shrugged indifferently: "Ah, it's trivial."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's nerves, which had been a little tense due to Principal Samejima's encouragement, gradually relaxed.


The school is already home to the most powerful demon king in the world, so why should we be afraid of three remnants of the era?

After all, I really hate him when I get beaten in class.

But if something big happens, Suok will become an impenetrable barrier, full of security.

"Actually, I have a simpler and more direct way."

While everyone was sighing in their hearts, the voice of the evil god came again.

Sok reached out and grabbed all the keys in his hand, and squeezed them hard! Immediately afterwards, there were several crisp sounds of "click", and after opening it again, the seven keys had become a pile of broken iron pieces!

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