Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 321 Camula

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What's going on? Isn't this key very important? You just made the matter so serious, and you broke all the keys in one fell swoop!

Facing the disbelieving gazes of everyone, Suok frowned impatiently and said: "It's not like I don't know how capable I am of beating you. I originally made these keys to defraud the president of his money. In fact, from beginning to end, these keys were just simple keys. decoration, the only one who can break the obelisk and unlock the seal of the phantom is me!"


Everyone was shocked at that time: "Then what's the point of us coming here today?"

"It makes no sense."

Suoke raised his eyebrows and waved his hands towards the students: "So you all go back, do what you are supposed to do, and stop meddling in other people's business! I'll leave it at that. Those ruffians and gangsters can do whatever they want, and I'll beat them up every time I see them. do you understand!?"


Everyone shouted in unison and shouted very loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers originally summoned by the principal turned around and left, not worried at all that the Seven Stars would cause trouble.


Regardless of duel strength or deck strength, let me ask you, do you dare to win the duel between Qixing and Sok?

If you lose, you pay money; if you win, you pay your life.

Dare to trouble the evil god of the underworld, everyone seemed to be able to see the seven stars counting each other, with the word "death" written on their faces.

After they were gone, Sok jumped out of the window and left.

When he got home, Suoke spread cards all over the bed, preparing to make several entertainment card sets to play with Seven Stars.

Daitokuji is Nanahoshi's traitor, so he will definitely report to Kagemaru what he said at the meeting today - only he can unlock the seal of the phantom.

Needless to say, the seven assassins of Qixing must all come to find him.

Whether it's a one-on-one fight or a group fight, with their junk decks, there's definitely no need to send out martyrs.

It just so happens that a lot of new cards have been released in Duel City recently, so you have to try them out to see if they are fun.

By the way, the first of the seven stars should be Genfukiyuki from the sky...

Then the duel venue is the crater...

So, the most suitable one for this battlefield is of course...

That night

Sok and Little Penguin yawned while playing games.

Blurred eyes glanced at the clock.


It's already one o'clock in the morning. Is Fubuki from Tianshangyuan still here?

Although it has been confirmed in the real world that you have been a brother-in-law before, but you dare to be so perfunctory now, I will see if your legs will be broken when we meet later!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Seeing the little penguin yawning sleepily, Suok simply stopped waiting.

After putting the little penguin on the bed and covering him with the quilt, Suok was going to the bathroom to take a cold shower. However, as soon as he got in and took off his clothes and got naked, the bathroom door suddenly opened automatically, blowing in a gust of cold wind mixed with mist.

Immediately afterwards, Sock seemed to hear a woman's scream, and then a black shadow flashed past.

Still want to run! ?

Suok suddenly became energetic, put on his pants and went to the next door to grab the duel plate, and then rushed out of the door in a hurry, rolling up his sleeves and cursing: "What a puppy, how dare you let me, Uncle Suok, wait for so long! You know how to make me angry all day long, don’t you!? Fubuki, knock your mother! Do you hear me, I’ll knock your mother!”

Following the extension of the dark power, Suoke suddenly realized that the direction was wrong!

This is not the way to the crater. The guy who blew open the door of his house is running away to the beach!


Fubuki, that funny guy, aren't you going to go to the crater to show off?

Coming to the beach with doubts in his heart, Suoke saw a dark castle appearing on the sea level in the distance.

A red carpet stretches from the other end to the coast, seemingly inviting you to come over.

This scene...

Isn't this the second Seven Stars to appear - the vampire Camula?

Why is Fubuki missing?

"Tsk, it doesn't matter to anyone anymore."

Sock strode onto the red carpet and put on the headphones of the virtual duel board, which glowed with blue light: "I heard from Penguin that she is a beautiful lady who is good at facial expressions. She is indeed more attractive to me than Fubuki..."

Stepping into the castle, the surrounding environment is dark and cold, which is completely consistent with the vampire's residence in the story.

When we reached the auditorium at the end, a beauty with long green hair was already standing there.

"We are waiting for you, the Great Evil God Sok..."

Camula caressed her chest gently and said politely: "I am the noble lady of the Seven Stars - the vampire Camula. In order to gain the power of the phantom, I woke up from my long sleep..." For some reason, at this point, Camula There was a slight blush on Murat's face, "But I didn't expect to see such a dirty scene just after I woke up... Why did you take a shower in the middle of the night..."

"Oh, you've seen it all?"

Suoke was stunned for a moment, then he thought for a while, took out two hundred-yuan coins from his pocket and threw them on the ground: "Then, let's just pretend that nothing happened. How can we continue?"

"You dare to humiliate me!?"

Camula's pretty face turned cold, and she reached out and took out a doll from her waist: "In that case, I won't be polite! The dark game is ready. The winner will go to the next path, and the loser's soul will be sealed in Is this doll ready to wake up, Sok!?"

"Tsk, Tapir Liang plays with the remaining things and dares to show his eyes in front of me..."

Without saying a word, Sok opened the virtual duel disk. The blue fluorescent virtual cards were shuffled one after another and then randomly arranged into the card slot. It was very cool, and the fashion value instantly exploded.

"Ah! What a beautiful duel plate!"

Although Camula is a vampire, she is still a woman after all, and she simply cannot resist such technological and shiny things: "When you lose, not only will your soul become my collection, but this duel disk will also belong to me." Got it!"

"Hey, you are very discerning, woman!"

Sok raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and his face instantly became dangerous and mysterious: "But you have to be alive to take it... If you lose, I will make you into a vampire specimen, hahaha..."

The evil god's evil smile echoed in the auditorium. Even as a vampire, Camula felt a little creepy for a moment.


"Damn... Duel!"

Sock, LP: 4000

Camura, LP: 4000

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Although Kamula has just woken up, she has also heard of Sok's name. If she wants to win against such a master of the duel king level, she must first establish a huge advantage!

So as soon as the duel started, she took the initiative without hesitation.

"I want to summon the Vampire Girl in defense position, then ambush a card to end the turn!"

[Vampire Girl, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1550, defense: 1550, effect: Whenever this card causes combat damage to the opponent, declare the type of 1 card (monster, magic, trap), and the opponent selects its card Select 1 card of this type from the group and send it to the graveyard. 】

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