Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 323 Fallen Angels


Sok waved away the dust splashing in front of his eyes indifferently, took out a card from the deck and inserted it into the duel plate: "Because the 'Evolutionary Bug-Rabbit Crocodile' was destroyed, I can special summon another one from the deck. "Evolved Bug·Rabbit Crocodile", and then the effect of the second evolved bug was activated, and I sent "Evolved Dragon·Ceratosaurus" from the deck to the graveyard."

[Evolution Dragon·Ceratosaurus, 4 stars, fire attribute, attack: 1900, defense: 1400, effect: When this card is specially summoned by the effect of a monster with "Evolution Bug" in its name, the attack power of this card Up 200. After that, if this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you can add 1 monster with "Evolution Bug" in its name from your deck to your hand. 】

"Keep sending monsters to the graveyard...what are you planning on doing?"

Although Camula didn't understand what kind of tactics Sok was executing, for some reason, an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart: "But it's useless. I have this card with the legendary strongest single card 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon'." In front of the equally-matched 'Vampire Creator', you are too weak without using Martyr, Sok! I cover a cover card and end the turn!"


Suoke was stunned for a moment, then laughed wildly: "Hahaha... interesting, so interesting, woman! This is the first time someone dares to say in front of me that I am not strong enough, and you don't know anything about power!"

Kamulasu clenched his hands and shouted tit for tat: "Stop bluffing! If you are really as strong as the legend says, let me see how you can defeat my ace monster!"

"Hey, if that's the case, then I'll reluctantly show my hand..."

Sok suddenly pulled out a card from the deck and said with a ferocious smile: "My turn, draw a card! The magic card 'Bargain Shopping' is activated, and I send 'Fallen Angel Geralt' from my hand to the graveyard. Then I drew two more cards... Immediately after, the magic card 'Stupid Burial' was activated, and I sent 'Fallen Angel Superbia' from the deck to the graveyard!"

[Fallen Angel Geralt, 8 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2800, defense: 2300, effect: If there are 4 or more types of dark attribute monsters in your graveyard, this card can release 1 dark attribute monster as an advanced level call. You can send 1 dark attribute monster from your hand to the graveyard, and destroy all monsters on your opponent's field. This card is destroyed during the end phase of the turn this effect is activated. 】

[Stupid Burial, magic card, effect: Select 1 monster from your deck and send it to the graveyard. 】

[Fallen Angel Superbia, 8 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2900, defense: 2400, effect: When this card is successfully special summoned from the graveyard, you can use "Fallen Angel Superbia" in your graveyard "Except 1 Angel-type monster is Special Summoned. 】

Camula was surprised and confused: "Another card that sends monsters to the graveyard... What on earth is he thinking?"

"I can see the confusion in your heart..."

The smile on Suoke's face became more ferocious, and his pupils suddenly condensed into linear shapes. He slowly took out a card from his hand, turned it over, and said in that cruel voice: "Let me tell you now, I keep Why are you piling up graves, hahaha... Activate the magic card 'Altar of the Fallen Angel'! Resurrection, 'Fallen Angel Superbia'!"

[Altar of the Fallen Angel, magic card, effect: "Altar of the Fallen Angel" can only be activated once per turn. Select 1 "Fallen Angel" monster in your graveyard and Special Summon it in defense position. 】

Before he finished speaking, a fallen angel with blood-red wings fluttered up from hell and rushed back to the world!

"It's not over yet!"

Sok reached out and drew another card from the graveyard and put it on the duel plate: "Because of the effect of 'Fallen Angel Superbia', when it is resurrected, it can also special summon another angel from the graveyard! Wake up— —'Fallen Angel Geralt'!"

The fallen angel warrior holding a sharp blade also returned to Sok from hell at this moment!

"Then next...the magic card 'Premature Burial' is activated!"

Suok opened his arms and roared wildly: "Use your divine fire to burn the earth again! Special summon - 'The Flame King Divine Beast·Roc Phoenix'!!!"

Camula looked at Sok's series of operations in horror, and said in disbelief: "Unexpectedly... three monsters were summoned in an instant!"

"If you are surprised to this extent, then it will be very difficult for me..."

Sok drew a card from his hand and threw it into the graveyard, sneering: "You want to see my power... Then now, as you wish... I will use the 'Enchanted Demonic Dragon Zahak' in my hand. Send it to the graveyard and activate the special ability of 'Fallen Angel Geralt' to destroy all the monsters on your field!"

"Come on, Geralt! Destroy everything! Blood Angel's hellish burial!!!"

As the ‘Demon Dragon Zahak’ paid, the long knife in the hand of ‘Fallen Angel Geralt’ suddenly glowed with a faint death aura, and then instantly turned bright red as if soaked in blood!

A moment!

Before Camula even had time to react, the blood knife had easily beheaded the 'Vampire Creator'!

The round, ugly head rolled several times on the ground!

Its eyes were still open, full of resentment and unwillingness.

After a "boom" explosion, the 'Vampire Creator' was completely annihilated.

"Well, it's over, Camula!"

Sok stretched out his hand, pointed his index finger directly at the tip of Camula's nose, and shouted: "'Fallen Angel Geralt', 'Fire King Divine Beast Roc Phoenix', launch a direct attack on Camula! Burial in hell! Holy annihilation flames" !”

"I won't let you succeed easily!"

At this critical moment, Camura suddenly waved his hand and shouted: "The cover is opened, and the trap card 'Suspicious Red Moon' is activated! The effect of this card is to discard an undead monster in your hand, and the monster you are attacking will be The attack power becomes my health, and then the combat phase ends!"

[Suspicious Red Moon, trap card, effect: When the opponent's monster attacks, we recover the health value of that monster's attack power, and then end the combat phase. 】(animated version)

The divine fire of the Phoenix Phoenix burned Camula's body fiercely, as if it was going to burn out her soul as well.

But in this huge pain, Camula's health continued to increase, giving her an indescribable and unstoppable pleasure!

Camura, LP: 4000→6700

"Ha ha……"

After finally surviving the burning of the divine fire, Camula finally regained her breath, with an inexplicable blush on her face: "What a pity, Sok! Your momentum does look very good, but it's a pity that you don't seem to be able to." You have caused harm to me, you must be extremely disappointed now, hahaha..."

"No, on the contrary I am very happy..."

Camula's laughter stopped abruptly.

Suok looked at Camula across from him with a strange expression, and said with a ferocious smile: "Maybe you don't know me, but what I like to admire most is the constant death struggle of those ants who think they are powerful in front of me..."

"I am Sok, the Great Evil God of the Underworld..."

"Torturing your opponent with a duel is the pleasure that belongs only to the evil god..."

"Okay, now my turn is over..."

Suoke stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, put one hand on his hip, held his head high and sneered: "Please do your best to please me, woman! Hahaha..."

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