Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 324 The Gate of Phantom Demon

"What a disgusting laugh..."

Camula narrowed her eyes, stared at Sok with disgust, and gritted her teeth: "But I really want to know if you can still laugh when you see the guests I specially invited..."

Suoke raised his eyebrows: "Guest? Did you invite Damu Anthony?"

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

The corners of Camula's mouth gradually cracked, revealing the fangs and slender tongue in her mouth: "The happy mood is divided by a hundred times, and now I am going to give you a little punishment... My turn, draw cards! Activate the magic card 'Phantom Gate'!"

[Phantom Gate, magic card, effect: Destroy all monsters on the opponent's field, and then unconditionally summon any monster used by both sides in this duel to your own field. 】

The scorching wind rolled up Camula's skirt, and a thick cloud of smoke suddenly filled the entire place!

From the depths of hell, an ancient door engraved with strange words slowly rose up, shining with dazzling light!

"The effect of the Phantom Gate is to first destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field!"

Camula's original slender and elegant voice suddenly became ferocious and rough at this moment: "Accept the sanction of the phantom, Sok! This card extended from the ultimate power of the dark world is absolutely powerful and unrivaled! Haha! Ha ha……"

In an instant, the door opened!

A gust of wind swept across the entire field, blowing all the monsters on Sok's field into powder!

The advantages that Sock had established through continuous chaining were all reversed in an instant!

Fallen Angel Legion, completely destroyed!

"Oh, good job, woman."

Suok sent all his monsters on the duel plate to the graveyard without changing his expression, and sneered: "However, because they were sent to the graveyard, the effect of 'Evolution Bug·Rabbit Crocodile' is activated again. I want to remove it from the deck." Special summon the third 'Evolved Bug Rabbit Crocodile' to come on stage."

The light emerged, and the tenacious yellow lizard once again occupied the Sok field, ready to face Camula's next offensive in a defensive manner.

"There is no doubt about that kind of weak monster..."

After gaining the advantage, Camula regained her grace, covered her mouth and chuckled: "Hmph, let me tell you one more good thing. This card can also cause the monsters used in the duel to be specially summoned to my field regardless of conditions. Even the martyrs you hold will never be spared..."

Suoke applauded appreciatively and said: "Awesome, awesome. Even the Pharaohs are not as good as you in sealing cards. From this point of view, apart from your appearance and body, you still have some shining points."

"It's not wrong to say it's an Inka, because this is exactly the gift given to me by the Phantom Demon..."

Camula opened her slender jade arms and was deeply intoxicated by this extremely powerful power: "Of course, it comes at a high cost. The activation condition for this card is my own soul. If I lose the duel, , my soul is the stuff of phantoms."

Suok tsked and shook his head: "You are just talking nonsense. If you can lose to such a stupid card, I will admire your snake-skin skills."

"This is a dark card that puts my soul on the line, so I have to be very careful about the negative effects I may have to bear..."

Only then did Camula finally catch her eye and revealed her fangs hidden in the dark: "For this reason, before the duel, I specially asked my children to catch a substitute for me, even if I lose the duel. , I won’t have any losses..." At this point, a coffin engraved with a bat pattern suddenly fell behind Camula, and a girl with long light yellow hair was lying there quietly!

It’s Tenjoin Asuka!

Camula actually kidnapped Asuka here in advance!

"Hey, hey, Sok Nenufa..."

A bat flew to Camula's shoulder and landed on it. His eyes glowed red. Camula looked at Sok as if he were mocking him and said, "My children have already explored all your information as vanguards. Whether it’s you beating students in class, or not paying for meals or peeing on the ground, I know everything! This duel actually started before you and I met!"

Sok whistled: "You have done a lot of homework."

"These are all necessary preparatory actions. After all, the man I want to kill is a man with the title of Duel King... Although it seems now that you are just in vain..."

Camula reached out and pulled Asuka's hair against her chest, and then bit Asuka's snow-white neck.

The beauty crossed her neck, and blood slowly flowed down Asuka's skin. This meant that the ritual had been established, and it was Asuka's soul that was the bet for activating the Phantom Gate!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sock couldn't help but sigh: "It always feels like both parties have made a profit... But it's a bit regretful that I didn't bring Sho Marufuji with me, so that I could stuff Sho into your mouth."

"I don't understand anything you say...but there's no need to understand it!"

Camula stretched out her hand and threw the unconscious Asuka aside, and shouted with her high-pitched voice: "Offer the soul of 'Tenjoin Asuka' as a sacrifice! Come to my field - 'Fallen Angel· Geralt'!!!”

A bloody knife cut through time and space, and the 'Fallen Angel Geralt', whose body was even brighter red, fell into Camula's field, pointing the knife directly at Sok!

Camula waved her hand suddenly: "Go, 'Fallen Angel Geralt', break down the last barrier on Sok's field! Blood Angel's hell will be ruined!!!"

The bloody light suddenly appeared, and it was cut in two!

The last 'Evolved Bug - Rabbit Crocodile' on the Sok field was also destroyed, and since then, there has been nothing left!

"Oh? You actually chose to resurrect my Geralt instead of your vampire creator..."

Thok raised his eyebrows slightly and sneered with a hint of appreciation: "Are you afraid that I will use the altar of the fallen angel to resurrect Geralt and activate his ability to destroy... Humph, you are very thoughtful, woman, you let me I was impressed.”

what happened……

His fearless attitude...

A flash of uneasiness flashed through Camula's heart. He clearly had the advantage in the situation, so why didn't he feel even a little worried?

Does he think the sanctions of Dark Game are fake? Or is it that even in this unfavorable situation, he thinks he will win! ?

Hey, I seem to be underestimated!

It is obvious that the health gap between the enemy and us is like an abyss. The opponent's field is empty, and there is also Sok's strongest monster, Geralt, on his own field. With this overwhelming advantage, no matter what happens, his own field is empty. Victory will never change!

Camula clenched her silver teeth and shouted: "I will put a cover card at the end to end the round! It's your turn, Sok!"

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