Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 325 Fallen Angel Lucifer

"Then at this moment when it's my turn...!"

Suok raised his right hand and raised it to the sky and shouted: "The souls from the underworld will respond to the call of this world, burn everything with absolute divine fire, and be resurrected - 'The Flame King Divine Beast·Roc Phoenix'!!!"

The blazing sun rises into the sky again!

Compared with it, the light of the Illusion Demon Gate is as dull as the light of a candle compared to the sun and the moon!


Camula looked at the resurrected Phoenix Phoenix on the Sok field in disbelief, and said in shock: "You clearly didn't activate any cards, how could it suddenly come back to life!?"

"Hey, I already said it was a phoenix, I thought you could guess..."

Suok clenched his right fist with a grin, and showed his power towards Camula: "The effect of 'The Flame King Divine Beast Roc Phoenix' is that after it is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the graveyard, next time I The special summon comes on stage during the preparation phase of the square round! Then..." At this point, Sok said every word, for fear that Camula wouldn't hear clearly: "Destroy everything on the field except the Roc Phoenix..."

"All! There are! Monster! Beasts!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Phoenix Phoenix, who transformed into the sun, had launched countless flaming meteors towards the Camula field, directly blasting the 'Fallen Angel Geralt' into coke!

"Because Geralt is my monster, when it is destroyed, it will return to my graveyard..."

Sock looked at Geralt who died generously, and whispered: "Come back, my warrior." The corpse of 'Fallen Angel Geralt' turned into a stream of light and returned to Sock's cemetery, and then Sok reached out and pulled out a card from the deck: "Next, we enter the card drawing stage. I draw a card from the deck..."

"The magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead' is activated!"

"Fallen angels in hell, respond to my call, once again spread the scarlet wings of hell, and open up a way for me to end everything!"

Sok directly drew two cards from the graveyard and slapped them hard on the virtual duel board: "'Fallen Angel Superbia' was Special Summoned in attack position! Then due to its effect, it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard again.' Fallen Angel Geralt'!"

Three level eight super powerful monsters gather together again!

What a powerful unfolding ability this is!

In just a moment, countless powerful and terrifying combat powers can be gathered!

Fallen Angel Superbia, Attack: 2900

Fallen Angel Geralt, Attack: 2800

Flame King Divine Beast·Dapeng Phoenix, Attack: 2700

Total 8400!


Camula immediately panicked: "The total attack power of the monsters has exceeded my health!" At this time, Camula could no longer think calmly, and anxiously pressed the activation button of the magic trap on the duel disk. Button: "... Damn it, how could I be defeated by you so easily? The trap card 'Vampire Awakening' is activated! Based on the effect of this card, I can special summon a new vampire from the deck!"

[Vampire Awakening, Trap Card, Effect: Only 1 card with this card name can be activated in 1 turn. Special Summon 1 "Vampire" monster from your deck. The monster specially summoned by this effect is destroyed at the end of this turn. 】

Turning over the deck, Camula picked out a card and slapped it on the duel disk: "The monster I chose to summon is this one! Come out, 'Vampire Red Bane'!"

[Vampire·Red Bane, 6 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2200, defense: 2200, effect: If this card is summoned or specially summoned successfully, once per turn, pay 1000 basic points to use "Vampire·Red Bane" "Can be activated only by targeting 1 "Vampire" monster in your own graveyard. That monster is Special Summoned. The monster specially summoned by this effect cannot attack this turn. This card can only be activated when the battle phase of a monster destroyed by battle ends. Special Summon those monsters from the graveyard to your field as much as possible. 】

Sok waved his hand and shouted: "2200 attack power is still not enough, Camula!"

"You don't need to remind me!"

Camula's body glowed with a blood-red light, and she gritted her teeth and shouted: "Immediately, I will pay 1,000 points of life to activate the special ability of 'Vampire Red Disaster', and once again call on my trump card - Vampire Creation. host!"

Camura, LP: 6700→5700

The fishy wind swept across, and the burly and ugly Vampire Creator struggled to crawl out of the ground, beating his chest angrily.

"That's it... that's good!"

Camula wiped her cold sweat and showed a proud smile towards Sok: "The attack power of 'Vampire Creator' is 3000. What a pity, Sok, you don't have a monster on the field that can surpass its attack power! As long as you wait until the next round, my undead army will start to counterattack and completely defeat you!"

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity that you don't have the next round..."

Sock glanced at his hand, then raised his head and stared at Camula's slightly pale face, and suddenly smiled, a smile that made people's hair stand on end: "Have you forgotten that this round, I haven't been as normal yet?" Summoned?"

Camula was shocked and reluctantly said: "Then...so what?"

"Hmph... You have summoned the creator of vampires, so next, I will show mercy and let you see the dawn star of the fallen angel..."

Sock slowly stretched out his hand, pulled out a card from his hand, and inserted it into the duel plate: "I offer the 'Fallen Angel Subobia' and 'Fallen Angel Geralt' on the field as sacrifices. The overlap between the underworld and the present world, the arrogant fallen angel of the thunder of hell, I hereby call you by your true name! 'Fallen Angel Lucifer' summons!!!"

[Fallen Angel Lucifer, 11 stars, dark attribute, attack: 3000, defense: 3000, effect: This card cannot be specially summoned.

①: This card can only be activated when the upper level summon is successful. Special Summon "Fallen Angel" monsters from your hand or deck up to the number of effect monsters your opponent controls.

②: As long as there are other "Fallen Angel" monsters on your field, this card gains the 'monster, magic, trap' barrier (that is, it is not affected by any single target or group effects).

③: Once per turn, randomly send cards equal to the number of "Fallen Angel" monsters on the field from the top of your deck to the graveyard. The number of cards sent to the graveyard by this effect is restored x 500 base points. 】(Duel City Edition)

His face was as sharp as a knife and an axe, and his wings were as black as ink and dagger-like. Dark energy danced with his pale long hair, and the pure black sword in his hand was surrounded by a dark halo!

Fallen Angel Lucifer!

The most powerful BOSS in the Fallen Angel series of cards!

Now that the king is traveling, how can he not have any followers to protect him?

"The special ability of 'Fallen Angel Lucifer' is activated!"

An extremely malicious smile appeared on the corner of Sok's mouth: "You have two effect monsters on the field, so in contrast, I can specially summon two fallen angels from the deck! And of course my choice is..."

Black feathers are falling from the sky, and the new "Fallen Angel Superbia" and "Fallen Angel Geralt" in the deck have arrived again!

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