Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 327 Colosseum

The Chaos Phantom Demon didn't dare to let go of anything, so he obediently carefully returned Asuka's soul to Sok.

But Suoke didn't even blink, and slapped him twice with his backhand: "Apologise!"

The Chaos Phantom was so aggrieved that he almost cried. His huge body huddled in the corner, sniffing pitifully: "Yes...I'm sorry..."

Sok let out a bad breath, grabbed Asuka's soul and turned away.

Walking to the door, Sok turned back and pointed at the nose of the Chaos Phantom Demon and warned: "Well, this is the second time someone has used you to deal with me. If it happens a third time, I will remove your shell and twist off your head." , and then throw it into the river to catch crayfish, remember?"

If it weren't for the lack of an excretory system, the Chaos Phantom would have been frightened to the point of peeing.

While wiping his tears and nodding desperately, the Chaos Phantom Demon was so frightened by Sok that he raised his paws and trembled and swore: "Don't worry, Lord Evil God! From now on, if anyone wants to borrow my power, I will Kill him immediately and we will never cause any more trouble to the Great Evil God!"

Suok looked at the Chaos Phantom up and down, and finally turned and left the world without saying anything.

The heart of the chaotic phantom behind was pounding, and he quickly used magic power to repair all the passages between the phantom space and other dimensional worlds. From then on, he lived here with peace of mind until the end of the world...

The first Seven Stars had been eliminated, but Sok waited for several days, but the second challenger never appeared.

Living an ordinary life every day, Suoke was almost too idle to stay any longer.

He was hospitalized for seven years and has now fully recovered.

Just as Suok packed his backpack and was about to travel around the world with the little penguin, Dadokuji suddenly came to the door.

"Teacher Suoke, I have something to ask for your help, meow..."

Dadeji is still the same as before, holding his fat cat named 'Pharaoh' and standing at the door of Sok's house with a distressed look on his face: "Many students have not come to class recently, although they all asked for leave. But it’s really weird, meow…”


While packing the package, Suoke said casually: "Isn't it your trick, Qixing Dade Temple?"

When Suok revealed his identity, Dadeji didn't panic at all. Instead, he scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "I knew I couldn't hide it from Teacher Suok, meow... Although I am indeed a member of the Seven Stars, I still I wasn’t prepared to reveal my identity so soon, meow…”

"Your looks alone are not suitable for being a villain...but your hairstyle does look like Dazi..."

Suoke folded the box and sat on a chair on the side. He waved to Dade Temple and motioned for him to sit down too: "Why, isn't it your Qixing's fault this time? You want me to help you." Kill the accomplice?"

"Although we both belong to the Seven Stars, our action plans do not interfere with each other, meow..."

Daitokuji sighed, pushed up his glasses slightly, and said to Sok with a rare serious expression: "I came to ask you for help, but it is actually another matter, meow... maybe Mr. Sok, you Already know... Mr. Kagemaru, the chairman of this school, is the leader of our Seven Stars. Because he wants to gain a young life, he has been looking for ways to live forever..."

Sok nodded: "Well, I know the general plot. He wants to borrow the power of the phantom to restore his youth? What a pity. The 'Chaos Phantom Amitair' just swore two days ago that whoever dares to make a wish to him will be The old man put so much effort into killing someone, but it would be easier than just stabbing himself."

"The chairman did plan that, meow..."

Daitokuji sighed worriedly: "But now Nanahei no longer belongs to Chairman Kagemaru. On the day when Tenjoin Fubuki obtained the remaining dark power on the island, Nanahei changed owners, and Tenjoin Fubuki also controlled He defeated Chairman Kagemaru and made a new plan..."

"Fubuki... wants to be the new DANKNESS!"

Suoke shook his head when he heard this: "It's really worthless."

"In the eyes of us ordinary people, he is already very powerful, meow..."

Daitokuji looked at Sok and said seriously: "Some time ago, Fubuki seemed to have contacted someone, so he challenged the Duel Academy to a dark game, but his purpose was not to get the cards of the three phantom demons, but to To deal with Mr. Suoke... I will continue to inquire about the specific information... Please, Mr. Suoke, please defeat Qixing and save the chairman!"

"Deal with me?"

Suoke scratched his head in distress and said: "Modan, everyone is obviously a villain, but instead of dealing with the protagonist, they all come to fight with me. There is something really wrong!"

While the two were talking, a female teacher wearing an orange uniform appeared at the door of Sok's house.

"Teacher Daitokuji, we found traces of those students who took leave collectively in the forest!"

"Oh! Really, that's great, meow!"

Dadeji stood up happily and asked Suoke: "Teacher Suoke, do you want to go and see it together?"

Suoke thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement: "Okay, killing one or two people won't waste time anyway... Actually, if you just tell me where Fuxue is in Tianshangyuan, won't it be over once and for all if I go and kill him?" Why bother trying to fight them one by one?”

Daitokuji sighed: "Unfortunately, I don't know where he is, nya."

"Forget it."

Sok stood up, moved his arms twice, and said in a loud voice: "No wonder the first Seven Stars who came to the door was Camula. It turns out that Fubuki has already been promoted and made a fortune... He wants to become a new DANKNESS, so you come to deal with me? Didn’t he see how DANKNESS was killed by me during my game?”

After finishing complaining, Suoke and Dadeji followed the female teacher into the forest.

After walking around for about twenty minutes, my eyes suddenly opened up.

A building that looks like an ancient Roman Colosseum stands in a clearing in the forest, and the sound of "ding-dong-dang-dang" can still be faintly heard inside.

Daitokuji moved his ears curiously: "...What is this sound, meow?"

Suok shrugged and said: "Maybe the five bronze heroes are having a good time inside."

Dadeji looked confused: "Five... Xiaoqiang? What is that?"

Without answering Dadeji's question, Sok strode directly towards the Colosseum, passed through the entrance, and came to the interior of the Colosseum.

At this time, Suoke discovered that those "ding-ding-dong-dong" sounds were the sounds of construction here.

And those construction workers who are busy are all students of Duel Academy!

Looking at the buildings that looked like works of art around him, Suok tutted and said: "You can't make a living with this kind of craftsmanship, so why do you have to learn how to play cards? If you go back to work as a contractor, you won't make more money than playing cards..."


Suok was admiring the buildings full of ancient Roman atmosphere. Suddenly, a tiger as tall as a person jumped in front of Suok and let out a deafening roar! And in the next second, he pounced fiercely towards Sok!

"Don't make any noise, beast!"

Suoke punched the tiger on the jaw, sending it flying into the sky. It took more than a minute before it fell heavily from the sky, leaving a huge hole in the originally flat ground!

The tiger lay in the pit and kept twitching, but when it saw that Suoke seemed to want to come over and give him a punch, he quickly closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue to pretend to be dead.

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