Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 328 Marry me


Suddenly a rough female voice sounded, and a muscular figure flipped and landed next to the tiger.

After checking the injury and confirming that it was just pretending to be dead, the curvaceous, healthy and strong woman stood up, raised her head and shouted at Sok: "Who are you!?"

"I am..."

Suok was about to answer, but after seeing the woman's figure clearly, Suok was suddenly stunned and said in shock: "Fuck, eight-pack abs!?"

The woman was also stunned, and then she put her right hand on her abdomen and raised her lips confidently: "This is exactly what a warrior should look like. I am proud of my strong body... Huh, I can beat Bass with one punch." Hammer it to the sky, you're not bad at all, man!"

It was the first time that a woman spoke to Suok in such a strong tone. Not only was she heroic, but she also had a different kind of wild beauty.

"Hey, it's just a tiger..."

Sok stretched out his hand and waved his fist, and said arrogantly: "I'm afraid of scaring you, but who have I never beaten? Muto Yugi, Kaiba Seto, Pegasus, even duel elves, as long as I'm in a bad mood, Just do it! Tearing apart the three phantom gods with your hands is just a basic operation, you are making too much of a fuss."


The woman was startled, then seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "Are you Suoke!?" After saying that, she was still a little unsure, and turned to the students who were working on the construction above and shouted: "Hey, everyone! Take a look. , is this man the man named Suoke you have been telling me about!?"

Hearing the sound, the students put down the ropes and bricks in their hands and stuck their heads down one after another.

"Teacher Sok!"

"It's Teacher Suoke!"

"Haha! The strongest man on the surface, Mr. Sok, is here, and we can finally go home!"

"You finally came to save us. I'm so touched. Woohoo..."

Suoke looked at a certain starfish head with black lines on his head, and said why he hadn't seen Kagurazaka recently. It turned out that this guy was also captured to do hard labor.

"It seems that you are indeed the legendary strongest man in the world..."

The woman's eyes flashed with wild desire, she stared at Sok, and said in an aggressive tone: "Let me introduce myself, I am Tania, the descendant king of the Amazon clan, and I am one of the Seven Stars. It is the long-cherished wish of a warrior to wager the key to the Seven Star Gate and engage in a sacred battle in this specially-made duel ground..."

Sock raised his eyebrows: "Oh, I remembered, you use the Amazon deck, right?"

"That's right!"

Tanya stretched out her tongue wildly and licked her lips, but in the next second she suddenly assumed the posture of a little girl, her rough voice instantly turned into a delicate tone, she lowered her head timidly and said: "But , the only one who can fight me is a man among men. Since I came to this world, I have always heard that you are recognized as the strongest man in the world. Today I finally saw you. As expected, you did not disappoint me, and you look so good. It’s also very good, it’s my type!”


Soko pointed his thumb at Kagurazaka and said, "If it's just a duel, that guy should be able to beat you."

"His hair is too fancy."

Tania's voice became rough again, and she took out two cards from behind and said: "Although your physical strength has won my love, your dueling strength must also be strong... I heard that you He is the King of Duels, but I still believe more in the judgment I make after personal experience... Come on, Sock! Here are two decks related to the future between us. One symbolizes courage and the other symbolizes wisdom. Please choose Bar!"

"No choice."

Suoke shook his head without any appreciation and said: "First, I have no interest in playing cards. Second, I have a mistress, and she will beat you to death."


Tania was startled, and then she showed the wild smile of a carnivorous woman: "It doesn't matter, of course a good man will have countless women to chase him, and I just need to be the strongest one among the women who pursue you!"

Suoke squinted his eyes and said: "Her attack power is 2500, you may not be able to beat her..."

His man was seduced again and again. At this time, the little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder finally lost his temper.

Pouting angrily, the little penguin stretched out his arms and pointed at Tania, and said to Sok: "You duel with her, and then summon me during the duel, the baby will beat her to death!"

If his wife makes a request, Suoke will certainly not refuse to agree.

Randomly selected a deck of cards from the system and assembled them on the duel plate. Sok activated the switch and shouted to Tania: "Then let's duel as you wish! But it's useless even if you win, I won't I will accept your pursuit! Because even if you are stronger than all the women who pursue me, you can’t be stronger than me! In the end, I am the only one who can make the decision—Sock, the Great Evil God of the Underworld!!!”

Tanya covered her heart and instantly became shy and said: "You are so stylish even when you reject me, it's disgusting, I like you more and more!"

Sok: "..."

"To be clear in advance, this duel is not a dark duel, because what I want to get is your people."

Tania held her hands over her heart and kept twisting her body, acting like a fool: "If I win, please be sure to go back to the village with me as your husband-in-law!"

Before Sok could say anything, the little penguin shouted unhappily: "You won't win!"

Tanya was jumping happily on the spot, her love was so full that it was about to overflow: "If I lose, I will be your bride and stay with you all the time. I will follow you wherever you go. , dedicate everything I have to you, Lord Sok!"

The little penguin's arm slapped on his face with a "pop" sound.

I clearly know that the other party cannot hear me, but why do I feel that I am being suppressed invisibly...

"Then the duel begins!"

Tania, LP: 4000

Sock, LP: 4000

Tania turned back into the noble beast for a second, and shouted in a rough voice: "I will attack first and draw the card! I attack to summon the 'Amazon Swordsman', then overwrite a cover card to end the round. !”

[Amazon Swordsman, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1500, defense: 1600, effect: When this card fights, the opponent will bear the battle damage suffered by the controller of this card. 】

"Then it's my turn, draw the cards!"

Sok suddenly pulled out a card from the deck, turned it over and took a look, but was suddenly stunned.

How could you get this deck if you just picked it up casually?

But...it's quite fitting!

"Coming, Tania!"

Sok suddenly slapped the newly drawn card into the duel plate and shouted sternly: "Attack position summons 'Obelisk's Armor and Armguard'. Armor of God, come into my hands!"

[Armor and Armguards of Obelisk, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1900, defense: 1700, effect: once per turn, select a monster on the opponent's field whose attack power is lower than the attack power of this card to activate. , the selected monster is sent to the graveyard, and the opponent takes damage equal to that monster's attack power. 】

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