Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 330 The outcome is decided


"I cover a cover card and the turn ends..."

Holding her chest where she was hit, Tania managed to stand up from the rubble, swaying as if she would fall down again at any time.

Her lips were slightly white, but her eyes were burning with the flame of passion that would never go out: "So strong! You are so strong! You are the man I want to find, Sok!"

"Hey, it's endless."

Suok put his left hand on his hips in displeasure, pointed at Tania with his right hand and said: "What a pity, you are not the woman I want to find. Look, I will solve it for you this round. Please understand who has the final say here now." !”

"No need to show mercy, just come here, Sok!"

Tania looked at Sok, closed her eyes and then opened them again, suddenly there was something inexplicable in her eyes: "Even if you say so, I still like you very much... But according to the rules of the Amazon family, The rule is, only the strong can decide everything, show me your strongest power, my man!"

"I told you I'm not your man...it's my turn, draw a card!"

Sock pulled out a card from the duel plate, waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "The trap card is opened, and the 'Emperor of the Origin' is activated! This card will become a monster card after it is activated, and if I discard a card in my hand, it will It can be used as a sacrifice for two superior summons!"

[Emperor of the Origin, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: After this card is activated, it becomes an effect monster (Demon type, dark, 6 stars, attack 1000/defense 2400) and is specially summoned in the monster area. This card is also used as a trap card. If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of this card, discard 1 card from your hand and declare 1 attribute to activate it. This card is used as the declared attribute. When a monster with the same attribute as this card is summoned by a higher level, it can be released as 2 monsters. As long as this card is Special Summoned by the effect of this card, you cannot Special Summon monsters that are not of the same attribute as this card. 】

"Two sacrifices!?"

Tania was startled, glanced at the 'Amazon Holy Warrior' beside her, and thought to herself: "Oh no! My health points are too low. If it is such a monster, as long as it attacks the 'Amazon Holy Warrior', everything will be over. Got it!"


Taking a look at the card she covered, Tania felt relieved: "The card I covered is the trap card 'Amazon Crossbow Team'. As long as the attack power of the monster summoned by Sok is not too high, then the duel can continue. …”

[Amazon Crossbow Team, Trap Card, Effect: This card can only be activated when the opponent declares an attack and there is a monster with the word "Amazon" in its name on your field. Change all monsters on the opponent's field into frontal attack position (reversal is not activated at this time), and their attack power is reduced by 500 points. All the opponent's monsters must attack. 】

“Immediately afterwards, I threw the monster card ‘Phantom Artifact: Titan Weapon’s Hatred’ in my hand into the graveyard…”

Suok stared intently, raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and said word by word: "Declare the race - 'god'!"

[Phantom Artifact·Hate of the Giant Divine Weapon, 6 stars, divine attributes, attack: 2600, defense: 2500, effect: When this card is sent to the graveyard due to card effects, you can add one card to your hand, deck, or graveyard 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​is specially summoned onto the field regardless of the summoning conditions. This effect will not be invalidated. After that, this card is equipped as an equipment card on 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier'. The card equipped with this card The monster's attack power and defense power increase by 2000 points. In addition, once per round, you can discard a card from your hand and select a monster from the graveyard to be specially summoned to your field. 】


Tania said in surprise: "...Two sacrificed gods?"

"Not two!"

Sok reached out and pulled out a card from the deck, slammed it into the duel plate, and shouted sternly: "Since 'Phantom Artifact: Hatred of the Titan Weapon' was sent to the graveyard by the effect of the card, I can put it from the deck. The 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​is specially summoned! Come out, the God of Destruction of the Earth - Obelisk!!!"

The blue light broke through the cage, and the majestic body of the god who could not be restrained in the death arena was directly burst open!

The phantom god that towers into the clouds, filled with endless divine power and majesty, is now lording over the earth!


"It's not over yet, Tania!"

Immediately afterwards, Sok made a move that shocked everyone: "I offered the 'Emperor of the Origin' and 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​on the field as sacrifices, and summoned those in the underworld. The ultimate evil god who is invincible and unmatched by any power - the Great Evil God of the Underworld!!!"

[The Great Evil God of the Underworld·Soknenufa, 12 stars, divine attributes, world-destroying gods, attack: infinite, defense: infinite, effect: This card requires three god-attributed monsters as sacrifices or with 'The Great Evil God of the Underworld' ·Slate' can only be specially summoned by the effect of 'Slate'. This card is not affected by any card effects. When this card is summoned, all winning conditions are invalid and we win directly. 】

Dark clouds gradually enveloped the world, and the immortal illusory god turned into scorched earth in an instant.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the earth began to shake violently.

The volcano erupted, and seven terrifying tornadoes blew out of thin air on the isolated island!

"The Great Evil God of the Underworld!?"

Tania, who has always been proud of being brave and fearless, felt the fear that penetrated her bones for the first time, and even her soul seemed to be trembling: "This... this feeling that is almost breathless... what is it?" yes……"

Natural disasters and earth-shattering changes.

The doomsday scene continued.

But the summoned evil god of the underworld was never projected by the duel disk.

The fear of the unknown lingers in everyone's heart.

After a while, just when everyone was about to collapse, Suoke opened his legs and stepped forward in two steps.

In the distance between these two steps, horns sprouted from Suoke's forehead, and wings wrapped with dark death energy spread out from his back.

Tania's eyes widened, full of disbelief: "Is it... could it be..."

"Darkness has already swallowed everything, and all those who do not surrender will turn into scorched earth..."

Suok raised his hand and tapped his chest with his clawed thumb: "And I... am the aloof and arrogant person in the apex, the Great Evil God of the Underworld who even looks up to him and his soul is shattered - Suok! "

"Sock...I will always remember this name!"

Although her body was still shaking due to trembling, a satisfied smile appeared on Tania's lips and she opened her arms: "For thousands of years, I have been looking for a strong man who can match my clan... It seems that in the end I met the strongest duelist and the strongest warrior!"

Suok didn't answer, he just punched with his magic hand!

Endless dark energy poured out in an instant. The arena, forest, sea, and everything in front of Sok were all destroyed by the supreme dark energy!

The students' eyes widened and they covered their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming in terror.

They had only heard of Sok's magical power in rumors. That kind of thing that transcended all things in nature and seemed like a myth was simply unbelievable.

But today...

This power to command everything is finally revealed in front of everyone.

This is... what a terrifying monster!

After one blow, the outcome was decided.

Thok turned to leave.

Gradually, the darkness behind her dissipated, revealing Tania's figure. Everything around her turned into desolation, and she was the only one left alive...

Apparently, Sock showed mercy.


Tania suddenly called out the name, pursed her lips and said: "I... lost. According to the agreement, I will leave this borrowed body and return to the elf world..."

Suoke didn't look back or stop, as if he didn't hear anything.

Tania shouted at Sok's back with all her strength: "I will wait... as long as I can! Wait for the day you come to marry me! Even if the world separates us, love will never disappear. of!"

After shouting, Tania took out a stack of envelopes from behind and put them on the ground. She waved to the students in the stands and said with a smile: "Finally, thank you all! Thank you for helping to build this place! I was going to hand it over to everyone personally. Thank you, now I can only say goodbye in advance with regret... I have... found my lover, everyone, please bless me!"

Before the sound lingered, Tania's body suddenly glowed with purple light.

The human body began to fade away and transformed into the appearance of a white tiger.

The girl who temporarily resided on it has left this world...

The leaving figure of Sok paused for a moment, but ultimately did not look back.

When passing by Daitokuji, Daitokuji squinted his eyes at Suok in a funny way and said, "Teacher Suok's charm is so powerful, even the tiger is fascinated by you, meow."

Sock snorted angrily: "You know what the hell, only sissies are women, real men are Transformers!" After that, Sock left without looking back.

Dadeji was left behind with a confused look on his face.

Why haven't you updated it recently... Because I was shocked by the blind date, and the woman thought I was fat.

After some reflection, 180 pounds is indeed a bit too fat...

So recently I have been working out, running, trying to lose weight successfully, and find a partner after losing weight...

At present, the momentum is good, I hope I can stick to it

Eunuchs don’t know how to be eunuchs, so they can still write when they are free on Saturdays and Sundays.

Set a goal for yourself and finish the book with one million words——

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