Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 331 The world is so big, I want to see it

A month has passed since Tania was defeated.

Perhaps because he was frightened by the terrifying destructive power of Suok's punch that shattered the world, during this period, no challenger belonging to the Seven Stars appeared, and Suok became more and more leisurely.

Dark Duelists pursue the pursuit of forcing the enemy into a corner, and then enjoy the pleasure of the opponent's face turning red with despair, and being swallowed red by darkness.

But for an unreasonably strong monster like Sok, no matter how crazy the dark duelist is, he must avoid it.

Things at the Seven Star Sect seemed to have been calmed down for the time being, and life returned to its usual routine and tranquility.

Until one day later.

A submarine docked at the island's port broke the tranquility.

"Boys from Duel Academy!"

A greasy middle-aged man with gemstone rings on his hands jumped out of the submarine. Holding a microphone, he enthusiastically greeted the onlookers: "You all look very energetic! I am traveling around the world. Merchant of all oceans—Anassis!" The booming sound accompanied by the harsh electric microphone made the students cover their ears in pain.


"It's so noisy!"

"Who the hell are you!?"

Facing the anger and doubts of the students, Anasis didn't care at all and still used his noise microphone to loudly say: "I came here this time for a certain treasure I want to get! For this purpose, no matter how much money it costs, Okay, I can take it out! Please convey it to me, boys, hahaha..."


Enduring the sting of the electric wheat, Sanze Dadi below was suddenly startled. He pointed at Anasis in shock and said: "Are you from Seven Stars? Did you also come to this island to win the three phantom demons!?"

"Three Phantom Demons?"

Anasis was also stunned, and then he waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "That's just by the way, I don't care if I can get it. What I really want is the three illusory gods and martyrs who are more superior to the phantom demons! Of course , the holder of those cards - Sok Nenufa, I won't let him go either! Hahaha..."

The middle-aged uncle uttered arrogant words, and the students below were all infected by his heroic ambition. They all stood in awe, looked at Anasis in awe, raised their thumbs, and secretly called Niubi.

Who the hell could come out of nowhere and be so unafraid of death?

Can't you see that there are so many monsters and ghosts in front of you being beaten one by one by Suoke? This guy doesn't seem to be anything special, but he actually dares to take the initiative to come to his door and kill him?

If he dares to talk to Suok like this, he will definitely be killed...

Below Misawa Daichi sighed.

Although this guy was rude, being killed was too much, so he couldn't bear to dissuade him: "Sir... do you know what you are doing? Leave quickly. If you stay, you will have your life." dangerous……"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Anasis scratched his head inexplicably: "The Kaiba Group has recruited a duel king, so as a competitor, I must have the same amount of chips! For the new duel academy plan I am about to launch, I must have my own Unique and recognized as the strongest symbol in the world - the Three Illusion Gods and the Martyrs! And Duel King Sok, he will definitely become mine! One hundred million, one billion, whatever he asks for! I can give him whatever he wants! Get up! No one will have trouble with money..."

Anasis was still talking here, and a voice over there that made the students' hairs stand on end suddenly sounded from their ears.

"I'm taking a nap...I can hear the endless noise coming from far away..."

Suok rubbed his eyes and walked over from behind with a look of displeasure. His nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes. He looked at Anassis with his hands on his hips and said, "Which unit are you from? Do you dare to act wild on my territory?"

The students tacitly made way for Sock and looked at the poor guy on the submarine with pity.

This guy is finished.

"Who are you?"

Anasis had only heard of Sok's reputation but didn't know what Sok looked like, so he patted his chest like a nouveau riche: "I am a superman who controls 80% of the trade volume of the world's oceans. Businessman, the only big capitalist in the world whose size is equal to that of the Haima Group—Lord Anassis the Sea Parrot..."

Suoke raised his eyebrows in displeasure: "Huh?"

ten minutes later

Anasis, who had been beaten with a bruised nose and face, was tied up and drifted in a small wooden boat, shirtless.

All the large gold chains, large gold watches, gemstone dueling disks, cash and credit cards he had on him were confiscated, and even his submarine was seized.

Looking at the invoice issued to him by Risok, Anasis burst into tears and burst into tears.

You are still making money ruthlessly!

On the other side, Sock, who had a submarine, decided to take the little penguin on a trip to the deep sea, and he couldn't stop him.

After Principal Samejima sent Sok away, he fell into deep uneasiness.

Although only Sok can open the seal of the Seven Star Gate, those dark duelists may not believe this news.

Once he is gone, maybe Duel Academy will cause another shocking wave...

as expected.

The day after Sok left, Principal Samejima found that his office had been destroyed, the safe had been broken open, and documents and various items were scattered on the floor.

After the procedural report, Principal Samejima looked into the distance through the window.

Daitokuji is a member of Qixing. Principal Samejima has known this for a long time, and it was only after discussing with him that he agreed to go to Qixing and become an undercover agent.

The forces of darkness are at work.

At that time, he asked President Kaiba and President Pegasus for help, and President Pegasus immediately invited Duel King Sok. Since then, the dark forces on the island have indeed been suppressed a lot.

But Suoke is not a free man who will be bound. No one can restrain him wherever he wants to go. Of course, in fact, he has no obligation to help him eliminate these dark forces...

And this time, the incident of his office being invaded may also reflect from the side. The mastermind behind the Seven Stars no longer trusts Dade Temple...


It’s such a rough road. I don’t know what this school will become in the end...

After receiving the alarm, the local police station immediately arranged for the police department to come to the island to investigate.

It was a middle-aged man with an eyepatch engraved with the Eye of Truth on his face - Magure.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Magure stared at the approaching Duel Academy, his eyes flashed with a strange light that he was in control, thinking about the task assigned to him by the monster...

Find the key to the Seven Star Gate.


A relaxed smile appeared on Magure's face: "This kind of task is really easy..."

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