Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 333 Pretending to be a big contest in front of the God of Gamblers

"Just briefly introduce yourself..."

The young man who seemed to have the words "pretend to be guilty" written on his face adjusted his appearance slightly and said to Principal Jiaodao with great momentum: "I am a gambler who travels around the world - BOY. Although I am still a junior, I am still a junior. He also has the ambition to dominate the world..."

"I heard about what happened on this island..."

BOY gently touched the red handkerchief on his chest and put one hand on the principal's desk: "How about, as long as you hire me, the cards of the three phantom demons will be foolproof, and those rats who call themselves Seven Stars will be easily fooled by me. Get rid of it, this is a good deal, Mr. Principal."

Principal Jiaodao glanced at Jonouchi next to him, shook his head at BOY and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but we have found a more suitable candidate and a more trustworthy partner..."


BOY glanced at Jonouchi next to him displeasedly, suddenly sneered, and shrugged: "Hey, are you doing something wrong? Mr. Principal, I have never seen this guy in the professional duel world. He must be just a nobody. Well, isn’t it too childish to ask him to protect the cards of the three phantom demons?”

"Who are you calling a nobody?"

Jonouchi laid down his gun for no reason. He tapped his chest with his thumb in displeasure and said: "Master Jonouchi, I am a great and powerful person, but you are. I have never heard of the words BOY, GIRL, and nobody." Return it to you intact!"

"Humph, how ignorant."

BOY pretended to be helpless and shrugged: "Because I have been involved in the gambling industry, of course you poor people will not have heard of my name, which is only spread among the upper class."

Jonouchi had blue veins on his head. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "You're such a stinker!" He patted his chest hard, and Jonouchi shouted righteously: "Even the poor have the backbone of the poor! I use my own strength and hard work to support myself. No way lower than the so-called upper class!"

Principal Jiaodao's eyes lit up and he clapped quickly: "Well said, Mr. Jonouchi!"

At this time, the door to the principal's office suddenly opened, and a group of students swarmed in, cheering for Jonouchi and expressing their disdain and contempt for BOY's character.

These voices would not have had any impact on BOY originally, because he is the most undisputed super star in the gambling world, and there are countless people who are jealous of his gambling talents.

However, among this group of students, BOY actually saw a beautiful figure engraved deep in his memory that he has never forgotten!


BOY narrowed his eyes slightly, unconsciously touched the handkerchief on his chest with his right hand, and said in a deep voice: "Long time no see, I didn't expect to see you here... Humph, you have become more beautiful, Asuka."

Asuka showed no stage fright and confronted him tit for tat: "But you are still as arrogant, condescending and water-tailed as before."

After hearing the conversation between the two, the students, Jonouchi, and Jiaodao were all stunned.

These two people... seem to know each other?

"The person who stands at the top should certainly have the courage of a king."

Shuiwei opened his arms proudly and said ecstatically: "I am the emperor of the gambling world. I have never lost a game since I debuted. This talent, which seems to have been given to me by God, is what I am naturally proud of!" Here, Shuiwei smiled softly: "But... being invincible is lonely. Now simple gambling can no longer satisfy me. I want to use my talent to dominate the duel card world and become the emperor of this field!"

"You're so arrogant, Mizuo!"

Asuka stared into Mizuo's eyes: "In that case, let me be your opponent and extinguish all your unrealistic ideas! In the world of duels, there are more people who are stronger than monsters than you can imagine! Mr. Muto Yugi, President Kaiba Seto, or the invincible evil god Sok... You are too weak, Mizuo!"

Jonouchi next to him looked depressed.

Why is it that the mentioned master has Kaiba but not himself? He was the top eight in Duel City, but he was the top four, okay?

"No problem, Asuka."

Mizuo adjusted his glasses, took out a deck of cards from his pocket and said, "But as a promise, if I win, you will be my bride!"

Before Asuka could answer, Jonouchi couldn't sit still.

Stepping in front of Asuka, Jonouchi stared at Mizuo seriously. Suddenly, a strong energy that was completely different from the past emerged like a violent storm: "You are so incompetent to make such a bet with a girl!"

Shui Wei felt a sudden chill in his heart, but then he became angry and said, "I want you to take care of me! A nobody!"

"I will definitely take care of the things that Mr. Jonouchi can't bear to do!"

A raging fire seemed to be lit behind Jonouchi, and he pointed at Mizuo's nose and said: "Let me teach you, a real gambler will never accept such a bet that insults others!"

For a moment, Mizuo was so frightened by the aura in the city that he took several steps back!

"Damn it, why are you preaching to me?"

The lenses on Shuiwei's face flashed coldly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, since you want to play, then I will reluctantly play with you! But if you lose, I will ask you to jump off the cliff by the sea!"

"no problem!"

Jonouchi also yelled: "But if you lose, leave this island immediately and never come back!" After saying that, Jonouchi looked back at Asuka: "Is that okay, young lady?"

Asuka was startled, and she vaguely saw the appearance of her brother Fubuki on Jonouchi's body.

So Asuka quickly said: "Yes... yes!"

"Then it's settled!"

It was finally decided that the duel venue would be the dedicated duel field in the academy.

Jonouchi and Mizuo stood on the left and right respectively, and a large number of principals and students gathered around.

Yujo Judai looked at the figure in the castle on the stage. The more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt, so he quietly asked Asuka beside him: "Hey, Asuka, do you think that yellow-haired uncle looks familiar?"

Asuka raised her lips and nodded: "He is very much like my brother."

"That's not what Judai said."

At this time, the always elusive Misawa came to the two of them again, looked at Jonouchi on the stage, and said slowly: "If I guessed correctly, those standing there now should be Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba. , and a legend from the same era as Mr. Sok - Katsuya Jonouchi!"

"Hey!? That kind of big shot!?"

The follower Maru Fujisho was shocked when he heard this, but then he looked confused: "...But I don't think I have heard of this name?"

"Ah! I remembered it!"

Judai Yujo suddenly clapped his hands and said excitedly: "I've seen him in the Duel City video tape and the comic! He is Muto Yugi's best friend - Tough Guy City Unouchi!"

Asuka also remembered it at this time, and suddenly laughed: "If it is him, then there is no need to worry about the duel with Mizuo."

"Yes, because Mr. Jonouchi has another nickname..."

Misawa nodded and glanced at Shuiwei on the stage with a slightly pitiful look: "The miraculous luck that breaks through fate, the sieve is always 6, the time magician is always positive, and normal people have a 1/2 chance of facing him. To me, winning is always guaranteed! The legendary God of Gambling - Jonouchi Katsuya!"

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