Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 334 You have no talent for gambling at all



Within the castle, LP: 4000

Water Tail, LP: 4000

"I'm going to do it, you nobody!"

Shuiwei obviously didn't recognize that the person in front of him was the super European emperor with unlucky luck. He opened the duel plate very arrogantly and drew a card: "I will attack first and draw the card!" After taking a look, Shuiwei will The newly drawn card is inserted into the duel plate: "I summon the 'Gambling Angel Bunny' in attack position!"

[Gambling Angel Bunny Girl, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1200, defense: 1200, effect: flip a coin and guess heads and tails. If the guess is correct, 1000 points of damage will be dealt to the opponent. If you guess wrong, you will suffer 1000 points of damage. This effect can only be used once per turn during your main phase. 】

Before she finished speaking, a sexy beauty with rabbit ears on her head and black fishnet stockings landed on Shuiwei's field. A pair of furry rabbit paws were cute but hidden danger.

"Wow! What a sexy duel monster!"

A group of little furheads who had never seen the world were shouting and whistling towards the bunny girl.

The bunny girl responded enthusiastically, waved her hand and winked playfully.

"Hmph, what a bunch of innocent children."

Mizuo drew another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate, then waved his hand and shouted: "I cover a cover card, and then activate the special ability of 'Gambling Angel Bunny Girl'! Throw a coin, and if I guess correctly, I can give You get 1,000 points of damage!" After taking out a coin from his arms, Shuiwei threw the coin high into the sky and said with a proud laugh: "I guess tails! Feel the malice of fate, nobody! My gambling deck is Invincible!"

Jonouchi crossed his arms with an unhappy expression and shook his feet: "It's really unpleasant to use the same type of deck with such a stinky guy..."

The coin flipped in the air and fell into Shuiwei's hand.

But Jonouchi took a closer look and almost laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! You big idiot!"

Jonouchi made a face while sticking out his tongue at Mizuo: "You said you were a gambling genius, but you guessed wrong the first time. I think you might as well go to the beach to pick up shells, at least you will make more money than you did from gambling, hahaha... …”

"Stop being so proud of me!"

Shuiwei sneered: "The next moment is the real fate-deciding moment. I have to toss the coin again!"

Jonouchi was stunned and pointed at Mizuo angrily: "You want to cheat!?"

"No, because I activated this card!"

Mizuo pressed the start button of the duel disk, and the cover card he had just placed was turned over: "The sustainable magic card 'Second Chance' is activated! This card is my trump card to turn the situation around, and it is also the secret to my continuous victory. arms!"

[Second Chance, Continuous Magic Card, Effect: As long as this card exists on the field, you can invalidate the effect of your own coin toss once per round, and toss a coin again. 】

He obviously used the same gambling card set, but Jonouchi scratched his face in confusion: "Huh?! Are there any cards like this?"

"Hmph, he is indeed a nobody who has never seen the world..."

Shuiwei once again threw the coin into the air, his face full of confidence: "This time I still choose tails!"

The coin fell into his hand, and this time, he guessed it right!

"At this moment, the effect of 'Gambling Angel Bunny' is activated!"

Shuiwei waved his hand suddenly and shouted with utmost mockery: "Your health will be damaged by a thousand points! Go ahead, gold coin rain!"

Following Mizuo's command, the bunny girl jumped into the air and threw coins wildly.

The gold coin hit Jonouchi hard, taking away a full quarter of his health!

Within the castle, LP: 4000→3000

"Ambush a card and end the turn!"

After finishing his turn, Mizuo stretched out his hand towards Jonouchi and said provocatively: "Okay, now let me see the deck of a nobody like you! I hope you are strong enough, otherwise I won't have any sense of accomplishment. Arrived, hahaha..."

The audience below looked at this clown-like posture and sighed.

Misawa Daichi covered his forehead with one hand: "I said...does he really not know that the other party is the god of gambling in the city?"

Asuka smiled and shook her head and said: "Even if I knew, he wouldn't care, because he has been so conceited since he was a child and looks down on everyone... It's a pity that this time, he picked the wrong person."

Sho Marufuji looked at Mizuo on the stage with pity: "Thinking about the next scene, I suddenly feel a little pity for him."

"Hey, you're so proud, boy!"

Jonouchi reached out and pulled out a card from his duel plate, took a look at it and slapped it hard on the duel plate: "I summon the 'One-hit Kill Samurai' in attack mode! Go ahead, 'One-hit Kill Samurai'!" Attack the 'Gambling Angel Bunny'!"

[Kill the Samurai with one hit, attack: 1200, effect: When this card is in battle, flip a coin and guess the head or tail before calculating the damage. If the guess is correct, the opponent's monster is destroyed by the effect. 】

Seeing a big, round-headed warrior charging towards his field, Shuiwei was a little surprised and said, "You are actually using a gambling deck?"

"Hmph, although the nature of the decks is the same, I don't need cheating cards like the second chance!"

Jonouchi punched hard with his right hand and yelled: "If you can't even believe in your own luck, how can you win the favor of the goddess of luck!? For a real gambler, just one chance is enough! One! Hit! Must! Kill!"

Jonouchi's astonishing courage almost stopped Mizuo's heart for a second, but after all, he had been through the storm for a long time, and he immediately reacted and pressed the trap card activation button on the duel disk: "Don't even think about succeeding! The ambush card is opened, and the permanent trap 'Monster Box' Activate! Toss a coin. If you guess correctly, your monster's attack power becomes 0!"

[Monster Box, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: Every time the opponent's monster attacks, guess the head or tail of the coin. If the guess is correct, the attacking monster's attack power becomes 0. Pay 500 points to maintain each stage of your own preparation. Not paying to maintain this card is ruinous. 】

Throw the coin into the sky!

The first time he guessed wrong of course, but the second time, Mizuo finally hit the answer!

"The effect activates!"

Mizuo clenched his fist proudly and shouted: "Your monster's attack power becomes 0!"

"So what, kid!"

The whole body of Jonouchi was burning with an astonishing flame of fighting spirit: "It doesn't matter even if the attack power is 0, the 'One-hit Kill Samurai' is in my hands and will always be invincible! The special ability of 'One-hit Kill Samurai' is activated!"

Jonouchi reached into his pocket and took out a coin and threw it into the sky: "I guess heads!"

When the coin falls, it turns out to be heads!

With a flash of arc light, the one-hit killer had cut the Gambling Angel Bunny into two and defeated her in an instant!

Shuiwei used his arms to cover the smoke and dust of the explosion, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it!"

"I ambush two cards and end the turn!"

Jonouchi reached out and took out two cards from his hand and inserted them into the duel plate. Then he stared at Mizuo and said word by word: "You said a lot in the principal's office just now, but I think you are wrong!"

Shuiwei narrowed his eyes and said hatefully: "What did you say?"

Jonouchi took a deep breath, and his words echoed throughout the duel field!

"You have no talent for gambling at all!"

These words swept through Shuiwei's inner defenses like a stormy wave.

It was clear that the person standing in front of me was just an ordinary-looking poor man, but why was my soul trembling pitifully as if it had encountered a natural enemy? ?

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