Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 335 Gambler of Sand

"You said I don't have the talent for gambling?"

Shuiwei gritted his teeth unwillingly and said: "What do you, a poor guy like you who is dressed in cheap stuff, know!? I am a supernova in the gambling world, a BOY who has never lost since my debut! But I accidentally gave you a slight advantage. Just lecture me so self-righteously, stop looking down on others!"

"Really?" Jonouchi smiled, raised his head with some emotion, and said slowly: "I have failed many times since I was a child, but it is precisely because of those countless failures that I have become an unyielding mortal. And the spirit of never giving up...I don't mean to preach to you, I just want to tell you that never losing is not necessarily a good thing. It may make you stop where you are now because of fear of failure. Looks like..."

"From the moment we met, you began to constantly emphasize your past glory..."

Jonouchi smiled and shook his head: "But in my opinion, it is just a protective shell to cover up your fragile heart, and the 'Second Chance' you used further proves this point... Just because you are afraid of failure, you are not a good gambler."

For a moment, Shuiwei's psychological defense almost collapsed.

Every word Jonouchi said seemed to be stabbed in his heart, so uncomfortable yet so true.

Who is this Huang Mao...? ?

Why does he understand gamblers so thoroughly! ?

"Huh, the duel is still going on..."

Mizuo couldn't argue, so he no longer tried to counterattack Jonouchi with words, but wanted to prove that his strength was unquestionable through victory in the duel: "It's my turn, draw cards! Because of the effect of 'Monster Box' , I pay 500 life points to keep it on the field!"

Water Tail, LP: 4000→3500


Mizuo suddenly pulled out a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk: "I summon the 'Sand Gambler' in attack position! Come out, my incarnation, and defeat all enemies with my gambling luck!"

[Sand Gambler, 3 stars, light attribute, attack: 300, defense: 1600, effect: toss coins 3 times. In all 3 heads-up situations, all monsters on the opponent's field are destroyed. If it turns out three times, all monsters on your field will be destroyed. This effect can only be used once per turn during your main phase. 】

Dust blew up in the duel field, and a duel monster that looked almost exactly like Mizuo fell into the battlefield!

Mizuo clenched his right fist and shouted towards Jonouchi: "The Sand Gambler is an exclusive card designed by Mr. Pegasus based on me after admiring my gambling skills. It is also my soul card and this card. The undoubted core of the group! And he has the super group-killing ability of tossing coins three times in a row. If all are positive, he will destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field!"


Jonouchi was stunned for a moment and subconsciously glanced at a card in his hand: "That guy from Pegasus... designed the card so casually..."

Ignoring Jonouchi's muttering to himself, Mizuo immediately activated the special ability of 'Sand Gambler'!

Although the first coin toss came up tails, due to the 'second chance' effect, Mizuo started a new round of coin tossing!

front! front! front!

To a certain extent, this guy's setting is scary enough.

The conditions were met, and with a "boom", the "one-hit kill warrior" on the castle field was blown into powder. Now, there is nothing on the castle field!

Shuiwei laughed proudly: "Haha, then the next step is to attack directly, the unknown person!"


Sho Marufuji said in surprise: "Do you still need to launch a direct attack with an attack power of only 300? If the opponent summons a powerful monster next turn, then the health points will be reduced a lot!"

After hearing Marufuji Sho's analysis, Mizuo mockingly took out a card from his hand and shook it: "Mediocrity will never understand the tactics of a genius..." At this point, Mizuo reached out and inserted the card into the duel disk. Medium: "Before attacking directly, I have to activate this equipment card - 'Shield Blast' to exchange the attack power and defense power of 'Sand Gambler'!"

[Shield Bash, Equip Magic Card, Effect: Exchange the attack power and defense power of the equipped monster. 】

Sand Gambler, attack: 300→1600, defense: 1600→300

"This will greatly reduce your health, no one!" Shuiwei waved his hand and issued an attack command: "Go, 'Sand Gambler', launch a direct attack on the opponent's player! Flush with flying cards!"

After giving the order, the "Sand Gambler" immediately jumped up on the spot, took out five poker cards from his pocket and shot them towards the castle.

Seeing the attack approaching, Jonouchi did not panic at all and raised his lips: "The same trap, I will return it to you intact now!" After that, Jonouchi pressed the trap card activation button on the duel plate: " The Ambush Card activates the 'Monster Box'!"

Shuiwei was shocked: "What!?"

"I believe the effect of this card does not need to be explained again."

Jonouchi threw the coin high with his right hand and shouted sternly: "Goddess of Luck, please answer my wish and spin it, the coin of fate!"


Almost at the same time as Jonouchi made his declaration, coins fell from the sky!

It’s clearly the front!

The playing cards flying in the air instantly fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string, losing even a little bit of its lethality.

The audience below looked stunned.

Marufuji Xiang murmured: "The duel between the two sides... seems to be carved from the same mold..."


Misawa Daichi shook his head in a deep voice and said: "Mizuo relies on his 'second chance' to keep hitting, but Mr. Jonouchi can always hit the target with his ridiculous luck! The advantages and disadvantages of both sides are already very obvious. Got it!"

"Damn it, what's going on with this outrageous gambling luck..."

Shuiwei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He was no longer as calm as he was at the gambling table. At this moment, he was in a state of confusion: "My round is over."

"Then, it's my turn to draw the cards."

Jonouchi slowly drew a card from the deck: "I will not pay the life points and let the 'Monster Box' be destroyed. Then, activate the magic card 'Angel's Alms' from the hand and draw three cards from the deck. Then discard two."

[Angel's Alms, Magic Card, Effect: Draw 3 cards from the deck, then select 2 cards from your hand and discard them. 】

"Next, it's the end..."

Jonouchi selected a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate: "Since you called out the core of the deck, in response, I will use a similar card to end this battle..."

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