Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 336 The legendary gambler

"The 'Legendary Gambler' is summoned in attack position!"

[Legendary gambler, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 500, defense: 1400, effect: toss coins 3 times. 3 times it is heads up: all monsters on the opponent's field are destroyed; 2 times it is heads up: 1 random card is discarded from the opponent's hand; 1 time it is heads up, 1 card on your field is destroyed; 3 times it is heads up In the case of tails: Discard all cards in your hand. This effect can only be activated once per turn during your main phase. 】

The prodigal son in the wind has the same face as Jonouchi.

He was just leaning there, but he had a strong aura that no one could ignore.

"The legendary gambler..."

Daitokuji, who was watching, covered his mouth and chuckled: "Just based on the name, I completely win. He is indeed Mr. Jonouchi, the God of Gamblers."

"I don't know if this card is based on me, but since it has the same face as mine, I'll just add him to my deck."

Jonouchi smiled, put one hand on his hip and said: "Now, it's my turn to toss a coin again. If I get three heads, then I have definitely won this duel. After all, the two of us Whoever has better luck will give the answer this time."

"Come on, legendary gambler!"

At this moment, the world seemed to have become quiet, and only the shouts in the city that contained endless confidence and power were left: "Coin toss! GO!"

There is no need to look at the results anymore.

While the coin was still tumbling in the air, Shuiwei already knew the outcome of this duel...

front! front! front!

What outrageous luck!

The legendary gambler raised his hand, and then held it empty with his right hand. In an instant, the 'Gambler of Sand', which represented the incarnation of Mizuo in the deck, turned into powder.

"The magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead' is activated!"

Jonouchi raised his hand and inserted a card into the duel plate, shouting with great courage: "I want to resurrect the monster that was just sent to the graveyard because of the 'Angel's Charity' to my field!" The card popped up from the graveyard, Jonouchi used all his strength. slapped on the duel plate: "Come out, 'artificial human-electronic robot'!!!"

Artificial Man - Electronic Robot, Attack: 2400, Defense: 1500, Effect: This card is present, all trap cards are invalid, and trap cards cannot be activated.


Asuka looked at Jonouchi with bright eyes: "This way Mizuo's 'Monster Box' won't be able to activate!"

"Next, the quick attack magic 'Special Amplification' is activated!"

Jonouchi drew another card and inserted it into the magic trap area and shouted: "This card can choose the value by which the attack power of a monster on the field will be increased by half of the defense power. The target I want to choose to increase is of course the 'cyborg-electronic robot'! "

[Special boost, quick attack magic card, effect: Select 1 monster on the field to activate. The selected monster's attack power is increased by half of its defense power. At the end of the phase, that monster is sent to the graveyard. 】

Artificial Human-Electronic Robot, Attack: 2400→3150

"This is the end!"

Jonouchi punched with all his strength: "'Artificial Man-Electronic Robot' and 'Legendary Gambler' launched a direct attack! The joint special move - Jonouchi Laser Flame!!!"

The energy mixed with magic power and red rays instantly penetrated Shuiwei's body!

Accompanied by screams, the duel between the gamblers came to an end.

Water Tail, LP: 3500→0


Mizuo was lying on the ground, with a forced smile on his face: "Jounouchi...Laser Flame...would have such a shameful name for a trick, are you...the man who is known as the favored by God in the gambling world-Jounouchi Katsuya?" ?”

"Hey, you are so rude, how shameful is this name!"

Jonouchi snorted dissatisfied: "Jounouchi is the uncle, but I don't ask any god to take care of me. I have always made money and lived with my own efforts and sweat."

"It's unimaginable...that a man blessed by God could live in such embarrassment."

Shuiwei reluctantly sat up from the ground, his eyes full of jealousy and envy: "You are obviously so lucky, why don't you use this luck to make money? If you want, you can even use the money earned from gambling to buy a country! "

Jonouchi snorted in displeasure: "What are you talking about, you bastard? Master Jonouchi, I have lived a pretty good life, okay!" After that, regardless of Mizuo still having something to say, Jonouchi turned around and opened the duel field. He opened the door and shouted towards Shuiwei: "Hey! According to the agreement, you kid, leave this island immediately and never come back again!"

Mizuo choked, adjusted his glasses angrily, stood up and walked out of the duel field.

Although he has an annoying personality, he has the bottom line of a gambler - he is willing to admit defeat.

Before stepping out of the door, Mizuo turned back and took one last look at Asuka. After much hesitation, he finally took off the red handkerchief from his jacket pocket and handed it to Jonouchi: "...Give it back to Asuka for me. There are no second chances in the world of gamblers, and the same goes for love... Sigh, maybe I shouldn't have come here, my career and relationship have been hit hard..."

Jonouchi took the handkerchief, looked at Mizuo for a long time, and suddenly said: "Don't you want to know why I don't use my luck to gamble and win money? If you want to know, I will tell you."

Shuiwei was stunned and nodded subconsciously.

"When I was very young, my mother separated because of my father's gambling..."

Jonouchi turned his head away, looked at the sunset outside the corridor, and said slowly: "My father was heavily in debt because of gambling, and suffered the blow of divorce. He drank alcohol every day to escape reality, and beat and scolded me frequently. If he hadn't met the game, he might As a gangster, I had already died on the streets... I could have had a happy family, but everything was ruined because of gambling... From that time on, I swore that I would never use my luck to gamble in this life. To live a down-to-earth life with labor and sweat...it may be difficult for you to understand, but this is what I really mean."

Mizuo didn't expect Jonouchi to say this to him, and was a little stunned for a moment.

Jonouchi turned his head and smiled at Mizuo: "I have no right to dictate other people's lives, but I also hope that you can respect those ordinary people who are down-to-earth and eat with labor and sweat. No one is superior to anyone else. Every mortal bone has its own mortal bones. Pride and perseverance.”

Suddenly, Mizuo was moved by Jonouchi's words.

In Jonouchi's body, Mizuo seemed to see a light that was more precious than gold.

The sun sets.

Shuiwei left the island on the motorboat he came from.

The direction he went was not to the familiar gambling boat. He took one last look at the Duel Academy, rolled up the waves, and disappeared without a trace.

He wanted to try...a new life.

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