Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 337 Question and Answer Theater

It has been a week since the water tail challenge.

Sock still hasn't come back, so Jonouchi temporarily lives on the island to ensure that the academy will not be challenged by some inexplicable guy during this period.

In the past week, although Qixing has not appeared again, many students always like to come to Jonouchi's dormitory every day and gossip about Muto Yugi and Sok's past school days.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Jonouchi!"

The room was neatly filled with students from the three dormitories. They looked at Jonouchi in the middle with bright eyes, the fire of gossip burning in their hearts.

Although Sok himself had been on the island before, basically no one dared to ask him questions.

Now that we have finally encountered a legend from the past, how can the students let him go so easily?

Looking at the room full of students, Jonouchi closed his eyes and laughed dryly: "Ha...ha...you are here again..."

The students noticed Jonouchi's absent-mindedness and quickly asked with concern: "Huh? Mr. Jonouchi, you don't seem to be energetic. Is it because you didn't rest last night?"

What do you mean by not getting a good rest? You didn't give me any rest at all!

Jonouchi scratched his head in distress and sighed helplessly.

Since the first day I lived here, I have basically been idle every day. Students come to ask questions every day. I was originally quite excited to show off my glorious deeds to others, but no matter how excited I am, I can't hold it for a Sunday. God said.

The game is okay, but I and Sok have only been classmates for a year, and I don't know a lot of things.

for example:

Student 1: "Mr. Jonouchi, why is Mr. Sok so powerful? Is it because he eats green peppers and drinks milk?"

Jonouchi laughed dryly: "...I also want to know how that guy managed to catch the howitzer with his bare hands."

Student 2: "Mr. Jonouchi, are all the "Yu-Gi-Oh" comics currently on the market true? If they are true, then the author must be an acquaintance of yours, right?"

Jonouchi scratched his head: "Ah... How should I put it? Although many things in it are false, after reading it, I always feel that those things really happened."

A certain girl held her face in her hands, her eyes filled with little stars: "It must be true! Yugi Muto and Kyoko Masaki, Seto Kaiba and Chisara, you and Mai, and Hiroto Honda and your sister..."

At first, Jonouchi was still nodding, but when he heard the last one, his face turned dark. He clenched his fist and slammed the ground: "If that bastard Honda dares to do anything to my sister, I will kill him!" But then Jonouchi raised his hands again. He crossed his arms and said distressedly: "But recently they seem to be getting closer and closer. The letters between Shizuka and me keep mentioning that bastard. It's really disturbing..."

Student 3 raised his hand: "By the way, Mr. Jonouchi! Mr. Sok is obviously a legendary duelist of your era, but in that comic, Mr. Sok seems to only appear as the final boss at the end. Instead, there is a new person named 'Tairang Le' around you. Is he a character based on Mr. Sok?"


Jonouchi lowered his head and looked forward with unfocused eyes. After a while, he shook his head: "No, Tapirang actually existed, but later... for various reasons, he was killed by Sok."

The students looked at each other with lingering fear and whispered: "Fortunately, Mr. Suoke's temper is not as bad as before... Becoming Mr. Suoke's classmate is really a dangerous thing..."

Jonouchi heard this, nodded in agreement, and said with emotion: "Yes, during that time, as long as Sock participated in the competition, the referees had to wear bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets. Now think about it, we could have learned from him back then. It’s a miracle to survive…”

At this time, the girl asked Jonouchi expectantly: "Hey, now, Mr. Jonouchi, when you were in school, did any girls like Mr. Sok?... I think boys like him, in fact, It’s very charming!”

"……Yes, I have."

Jonouchi sighed with some envy: "Actually, Ms. Peacock Dance, Rebecca, and Ms. Isis all like him. There are also many girls in the school who are pursuing Sok, but the guy has not accepted any of them. He often talks to himself. , I guess she is used to living alone... Although I don't want to admit it, the world that Suoke lives in is far beyond the reach of ordinary people. In fact, I also want to know what kind of woman can be worthy of him..."


A sudden tremor interrupted Jonouchi's answer.

The originally sunny sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and there was even heavy rain and hail!

"Why...is it an earthquake!?"

The students were not too alarmed because the island is connected to an active volcano, so earthquakes occur frequently and are mostly harmless.

But through the window, Jonouchi saw a twisted and terrifying figure in the sky outside!


The rotten wings made of flesh and blood kept flapping, and the burly body was shrouded in dark arrogance!

A mask that seemed to be split in the middle became even more weird and terrifying amidst the lightning and thunder, and its scarlet pupils were as evil and chaotic as a man-eating beast!

This is... what a monster! ?

Jonouchi saw the monster floating in the air, and the monster immediately saw him!

For a moment, an inexplicable chill ran through my body!

Jonouchi made a quick decision and jumped out of the window without any hesitation, shouting loudly: "I'll lure it away, and you guys can take the opportunity to escape!"

Only then did the students notice the monster hiding in the darkness, and they screamed and huddled together.

"How can it be repaired? What is going on with this island!"

While Jonouchi ran towards the forest, he picked up pebbles from the roadside and threw them at the monster in the sky, hoping to attract its hatred and prevent it from harming the students.

It seemed that Jonouchi's provocation worked. The monster in mid-air ignored the large group of students in the room and flew directly towards Jonouchi!

It was extremely fast, and it landed in front of Jonouchi in just one second, blocking Jonouchi's way!

"Hey! Can't you run away?"

Jonouchi casually broke off a thick branch from the tree on the roadside, held it with both hands, and shouted: "Monster, come and compete with me!" After shouting, Jonouchi rushed over to strike first.

But at this moment, the monster suddenly spoke!

"Jouchi... Katsuya..."

A dull voice came out through the mask. The monster's body kept squirming, and the mask on his face gradually opened, revealing a strange face: "I still remember you..."

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