Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 338 The Dice Demon

"remember me?"

Jonouchi was stunned for a moment, then said "poof": "I don't know a monster like you!"


The monster laughed wildly, its neck twisting in a weird posture: "Yes, I am a monster! I was tortured by that damn bastard until I lost my humanity, and even turned into a monster that is neither human nor ghost like it is now!"

The monster became more and more crazy, and Jonouchi looked a little scared: "You... what are you talking about?"

"Hmph... I changed this body, no wonder you can't recognize me..." The monster stuck out his tongue, let out a breath of fishy wind, and said slowly: "Do you still remember, the one who was beaten by Sok in the city? Become a crippled and pitiful prophet—Kuzanono?"

Jonouchi shook his head blankly: "Too many people have been crippled by Sok. Who are you?"


Fox Zangano's face twitched slightly, and then he said: "...The fat otaku with the most female fans."

Jonouchi was suddenly stunned. He stretched out his hand to the other party in shock and said, "Is it you!? Didn't you suddenly disappear? How could it be like this!?"

"All this is thanks to him...Sock!"

Fox Zangano clenched his right fist tightly and said through gritted teeth: "A few years ago, I was exiled to a different dimension and endured countless sufferings. I even turned into a demon and wanted to return to this world to seek revenge on Suok! But... when When I met him again, he was a hundred times stronger than before, but I... was beaten to death by him!"

Jonouchi swallowed quietly and asked tentatively: "You...are you a ghost?"

"No, but it's almost the same."

Fox Zangano recalled the scene of being slaughtered by Suoke that day in his mind, and said every word with hatred: "If the devil I transformed into had not had special abilities, I would have been completely wiped out at that time..." said At this point, Fox Zangano reached out and tapped the mask on his cheek with his thumb, and sneered: "This is an ability that will only be triggered after my death - the mask of last words, and my luck is not bad after all. To top it off, near where I was killed, there happened to be such a broken body - Tony Titan!"

"Sock is so powerful that it's a bit ridiculous..."

Fox Zangno, who had occupied the Titan's body, gradually glowed with black light: "Although I was resurrected some time ago, when he was on the island, I didn't even dare to move. I could only eat the bugs brought to my mouth to satisfy my hunger. , now I finally let him wait for the opportunity to leave this island. When I escape from here, this world will become my next playground of destruction! And you, and everyone on this island, will be reborn as me The first living sacrifice in the future, hahaha!"

"You guy!"

Jonouchi waved his hand and shouted: "I thought you were a little pitiful at first, but now it seems that you deserve to die!"

"Hey, so what?"

Fox Zangnai suddenly stretched out his hand, and with a fishy wind, he slapped Jonouchi fiercely: "Even if I die, you will definitely die in front of me! Accept your fate, Jonouchi!"

"The guy who bullies the weak and fears the strong!"

Jonouchi did a backflip to avoid Kitsune Zangno's attack, then stepped forward in two steps, raised his stick and slashed at Kitsune Zangno's head!

One hit, but no pain or itch!

Because he is a dead person, even if his skull is smashed, it will have no effect on him at all!

Fox Zangno sneered. Just when he was about to raise his hand to kill Jonouchi, an evil will suddenly invaded his brain hidden in the mask!

"This body full of resentment is really wonderful..."

A gloomy and strange voice sounded in Kitsune Zangano's mind. Immediately afterwards, Jonouchi saw that Kitsune Zangano's body suddenly began to tremble violently. He stretched out his left arm as if he was out of control, and said in a jerky voice: "Jue... …duel!"

In an instant, the dark space covered the sky!

The screams and wails of the innocent souls can be heard in all directions!

It's a dark game!

Jonouchi understood what was happening immediately, but he couldn't figure out why this guy wanted to duel with him when it could be solved with fists?

"Damn it!"

Kitsune Zangano is a high-level demon after all, and he quickly broke free from the control of the evil will, but the evil will immediately broke away from Kitsune Zangano's brain, giving Kitsune Zangano no chance to use his mental power to fight back.

Fox Zangnai was so angry that he wanted to go crazy.

It was clear that he could kill the mortal in the city with just one punch, but suddenly he came out of nowhere and launched this high-level dark game!

In a dark game of this level, victory or defeat can only be determined by duel.

The winner lives, the loser dies.

If you resort to violence, you will immediately be swallowed by darkness. Except for the evil god of the underworld who controls all darkness, no one can resist the rules of the dark game!

"Now that things have come to a point, it seems I have to use a duel to kill you, Jounouchi!"

Fox Zangano pulled out five cards from the duel plate and said angrily: "I hope this guy's deck is not too bad, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with later..."

Of course Jonouchi knew the rules of the dark game, and he also opened the duel disk at the same time: "If there is a duel, I will be with you at any time, Mr. Jonouchi! But you disappeared a long time ago. Do you really understand the rules of duel monster cards? If you say Hu, I won’t agree!”

"You don't have to worry!"

Fox Zangano snorted coldly and shouted: "In another world, duel disks exist as weapons, and duel monster cards are rituals where souls and lives are staked. I fought my way from that mountain of corpses to level eight The Masked Monster!"

Jonouchi wiped his nose and raised the corners of his mouth: "Then I won't take advantage of you, so you can go ahead and do it!"



Tony Titan, LP: 4000

Jonouchi Katsuya, LP: 4000

"I attack first and draw cards!"

Fox Zangano took the lead in pulling out a card from the deck. After taking a look, he was a little relieved: "Is it the demon deck? It seems that I am lucky, it is a race that I am good at using... So, 'Karma Fire Queen Demon', Attack means summon!"

[Karma Fire Queen Demon, 4 stars, attack: 900, defense: 1500, effect: The controller of this card pays 500 basic points in each of his preparation phases. When this card becomes the target of an effect of a card controlled by the opponent, roll a dice when dealing with the effect. If a 2 or 5 is rolled, the effect is invalidated and destroyed. As long as this card remains on the field, during the preparation phase of each turn, designate 1 monster with the word "Devil" in its name on your field, and the designated monster's attack power increases by 1000 points. 】(animated version)

"Dice Demon deck?"

Jonouchi was stunned for a moment, then took a look at the cards in his hand, and secretly decided on a strategy: "If that's the case... then let's use this guy to deal with the enemy later!"

"The effect of 'Karma Fire Queen Demon' is that each round you can designate a demon whose attack power will increase by 1,000 points!"

Fox Zangano sneered, pointed at the 'Karma Fire Queen Demon' and said: "I designated her myself, so her current attack power is now 1900 points!"

"Of course, such a powerful effect will also bring terrible negative effects... In the preparation stage of each round, I have to spend a huge amount of life points to maintain her existence..."


At this point, Kitsune Zangano drew another card from his hand and inserted it into the environmental magic area: "If there is this card again, it will be different! Chaos darkness, let it become a paradise for demons! Environmental Magic's Ten Thousand Demons Hall -Devil's Lair' activates!"

[Ten Thousand Demons - Demon's Lair, environmental magic card, effect: Monsters with the word "Devil" in their names do not need to pay basic points during the preparation phase. When a monster with the word "Demon" in its name is destroyed and sent to the graveyard by means other than combat, you can select a monster card from the deck that is lower level than the destroyed monster and has the word "Devil" in its name. Add the card to your hand. 】

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