Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 339 Dice Pot

"In this devil's paradise, not only do I not have to bear the huge side effects of using devils, but the devils also gain the ability to reincarnate after being destroyed by the effects!"

The mask on Fox Zangno's face was filled with a dark, deathly aura, like a whisper from hell: "Here..."

"I am the invincible and absolute devil!"

The darkness condensed into a whirlpool, and it began to rotate with Fox Zangno as the center. That kind of terrifying aura, apart from Sok, Jonouchi had only seen DANKNESS!

"Dark Game..."

Jonouchi's fighting spirit was as high as ever: "I'm not afraid of the dark, Fox Kurano! It's my turn - draw a card!" A card was suddenly drawn, and Jonouchi chose a card from his hand to cover it. Monster area: "I will summon a monster in defense position on the back, and then end the turn! If you have the courage, just come over, rotten and ugly monster!"

"Hmph... Such a naive and childish tactic."

Fox Zangano twisted his facial muscles and let out a low, arrogant smile: "There is no trap set, so it is obvious that the covered monster must be an effect monster with counterattack ability. Is it a man-eating insect or an instant bomb?... ...Hmph, it’s useless no matter what, my demon has the absolute ability to counteract monster effects! It’s impossible to be hit by such a low-level trap! What a pity, Jonouchi!”

Jonouchi spat softly: "It's endless, if you don't attack, please end the round quickly!"

"Of course we're going to attack!"

Fox Zangno laughed evilly and drew a card from the deck: "My turn, draw a card! First, I want to summon the 'King of Extermination Demon'! Then activate the special ability of 'Karma Fire Queen Demon', increasing it by 1000 Point of attack power!"

[Demon King of Extermination, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2000, defense: 1500, effect: This card can only be summoned or reverse summoned when there is a monster card with the word "Devil" in its name on your field. The controller of this card pays 800 base points for each of its preparation phases. When this card becomes the target of an effect of a card controlled by the opponent, roll a dice when dealing with the effect. If a 2 or 5 is rolled, the effect is invalidated and destroyed. The effects of effect monsters destroyed by this card's battle are negated. 】

In the darkness, countless vampire bats gathered together and condensed into a dark shadow.

The demonic shadow walked out of the clouds and burst out with unparalleled power!

Exterminate the King Demon, Attack: 2000→3000

"Accept the sanction, Jonouchi!"

Fox Zangano controlled the Titan's body, waved his hand and shouted: "The 'Karma Fire Queen Demon' launches an attack on the covered monster, and then the 'Extermination King Demon' launches a direct attack on the city! Go ahead, double death coil!"

The eyes of the 'Devil Queen of Karma Fire' glowed red, and as soon as she glared, an invisible sword energy immediately brushed towards the covering monsters on the field in the city!

Cards cut in half!

And the hidden monster finally revealed its true appearance!

A human-faced pot with a big tongue sticking out was licking two dice, and a human-faced pot that was too ugly to be described in words popped out with a bang!

"The reversal effect of 'Dice Pot' is activated!"

Jonouchi raised his right hand, and a dice immediately fell into his hand: "When he reverses, both sides throw a dice. Whoever has the lower number will accept the punishment game! Come on, Fox Zangano, with your own hands Decide your own future!”

[Dice pot, 3 stars, light attribute, attack: 200, defense: 300, effect: reverse: both sides roll 1 dice each. The player who throws a lower number than the other side takes damage equal to (the number thrown by the other side × 500) of basic points. If the player loses when the number rolled is 6, the losing player will suffer 6000 points of damage. In the event of a draw, another roll is made. 】


Fox Zangano was stunned: "It's actually this card?"

Since the effect of the 'dice pot' does not target Kitsune Zano's demons, of course the demons' special abilities cannot be activated.

And Kitsune Zangano, who is not very familiar with the castle, is completely unaware of the even more terrifying reality hidden behind this seemingly ridiculous monster...

Holding the dice tightly in his right hand, the gambling souls in the city are as dazzling as the sun!

When the coins or dice are in hand, the city has already entered the terrifying realm of 'gods will kill gods if they block them, and Buddhas will kill Buddha if they block them'!

An inexplicable momentum rushed into the sky at this moment!

Jonouchi raised his head, his eyes full of confidence and indestructible terrifying will!

At this time, victory is already in my hands!

"Burn, my gambling spirit!!!"

"Please look after me, devil of fate!"

Jonouchi and Kitsuno threw dice at each other at the same time. The two constantly rotating dice were like two tornadoes rising from the ground, constantly colliding and attacking!

Both sides did not give in at all, and sparks of sparks appeared from the collision!

With a "bang" sound, Fox Zangano's dice finally stopped first, and the side facing up was the largest "6" point!

"I win, Jonouchi!"

Fox Zangano's whole body was twisting and swelling, and his voice was so wild that he said, "No matter what you throw, you can't beat me! Accept 6,000 points of direct health damage, then rest in peace and become the nourishment for the evolution of my body!" Hahaha!!!"

"Tired of Wadokana?"

Faced with such a desperate situation, Jonouchi still put his hands in his pants pockets and stood there with a calm expression: "My dice haven't stopped yet. Don't make too early a conclusion about who will win, Kitsune Zangano."

Fox Zangnai sneered: "Fighting to the death, no matter what you throw, I will also..."

But at this moment, the dice that were still spinning in the city suddenly twisted out of a strange trajectory, and violently hit the dice of Fox Zangno that had stopped, causing it to spin again!


Fox Zangano had cold sweat on his masked face: "Dice... the dice actually started spinning again!?"

“This time, it’s the real victory or defeat!”

Jonouchi raised the corner of his mouth and pointed his right index finger directly at Kitsune Zangano: "I'll give it back to you intact if I say the same thing! 6,000 points of health will be directly damaged. Eat it completely, Kitsune Zangano!!!"

In an instant, the two dice stopped spinning at the same time!

Within the castle: 6 o'clock!

Fox Zangano: 1 point!

"How could it be...impossible!"

Fox Zangano's distorted face was full of horror, and his huge body stepped back unconsciously: "I actually...I lost!? I still...still have so many tactics and operational skills that I haven't used yet... …I am not willing to give in…I will never be willing to give in!!!”


With this scream, the monster hidden in the darkness instantly tore Kitsune Zangno's body and soul to pieces!

This time, it was really over.

The Dark Game eliminated Fox Zangano, but his resentment seemed to break through the barriers of this world and connect to another different dimension!

At the same time, a submarine surfaced and docked at the dock.

Suoke, who had returned from his trip, walked out and saw the resentment not far away at first glance.

"what happened?"

Suok frowned and was about to fly to take a look, but suddenly, the sky was covered by shadows, and a huge golden spaceship blocked in front of Suok!

"I won't let you interfere, Sok!"

On the bow of the golden spaceship, a man wearing a golden mask and Pharaoh's costume looked coldly at Sok in mid-air, and said slowly: "I am the undefeated god of duels in my life, the legendary Pharaoh - Ah Bidus III!"

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