Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 342 City of Duel

The supreme light broke the shackles of darkness, DANKNESS's skeletal body was shattered and peeled off piece by piece, and even the last remaining thoughts were burned away by the light!

The dark game in another dimension was also defeated by this light and ended without any problem.

It seems that the enemies that will appear this time are not that great, but Suoke, who has been to the future, knows that the devil from another dimension is not a powerful character that can be easily dealt with.

In order to cope with the inevitable future, in addition to the two evil gods of chaos from the past and the future joining forces, other preparations must be made.

for example……

This is a huge version update of the Duel City system.

The uneasy atmosphere and darkness that enveloped the island gradually disappeared. Jonouchi also stayed away from Sok during the duel with DANKNESS. He really didn't want to meet Sok unless necessary. After all, he didn't have many memories of going to school together. good.

In this way, the Seven Star Gate incident finally came to an end, and the first semester of Yujo Judai and others also came to a satisfactory end.

the next day.

In the alchemy class that was supposed to belong to Daitoku Temple, an uninvited guest came very suddenly.

"Dong dong dong..."

The door to the classroom opened, and a terrifying figure that made all the students frightened strode in and stood on the podium.

"Dateji disappeared suddenly, so from now on, I will take over his subject."

Suoke, who was standing on the podium, had an evil smile on his lips. He tapped the table with his right index finger, and his voice was not loud, but it was thunderous: "Boys, your good days are over... Now, give them all to me." Stand up and call teacher hello!!!”

Except for one person, all the other students at the scene seemed to have their tails stepped on. Their hairs stood up, and with a sudden "squeeze", they all stood upright and shouted in a loud voice: "Teacher! Teacher! OK!"


Yujo Judai, who was always used to sleeping in Daitokuji classes, was woken up. He rubbed his eyes and got up from the desk. He looked around sleepily and said blankly: "What's wrong with everyone..."

Marufuji Xiang, who was standing next to him, spoke with pity and said without looking away: "Brother... you are dead..."

After hearing these words, Judai suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart. He turned around and saw Sok's gloomy figure standing in front of his desk!

Judai was sweating profusely, and stretched out his hand as if he were dead: "Wait a minute! I understand the rules!" Then without saying a word, he removed the duel plate from his arm, raised his hand and hit himself on the head, knocking him unconscious, while the students around him He didn't dare to move or even look at him.

It was really sinful for a student to be so frightened by him.

He is still a child after all.

Suok sighed unbearably, reached out and used the ability of "Physical Strength Enhancer Super Z" to revive Judai, then grabbed him and punched and kicked him again.

Leaving behind the bruised and swollen Judai who was beaten, Sok turned his head, with murderous intent on his face, slammed the table, and shouted: "Whoever dares to desert my class in the future and make me unhappy, this jellyfish head belongs to you. Role model! Do you remember everything!?"

The students straightened their backs even more and said in horror: "Remember!!!"


Sok returned to the podium and looked at everyone like an emperor: "I requested this substitute lesson, but I won't teach you deceptive tricks like alchemy, nor will I teach you additions and subtractions within a hundred. Multiplication and division are the kind of lessons that should be learned in elementary school..." At this point, Sok used the remote control to open the big screen at the back of the classroom: "My teaching philosophy is - if you can't learn it, beat you! Beat you until you are beaten to death. !”

All the students were horrified.

"Then, let me introduce to you the main content of my class..."

Sok switched the big screen, and a comic popped up: "I believe everyone has read this comic "Yu-Gi-Oh!" with the protagonist Muto Yugi as the protagonist. Although the plot is fictional, I believe that the powerful characters in it are The villain must have left a very deep impression on you brats, right? Pegasus, Kaiba, Naia, and Datsu... answer me, boys, who is the villain who impressed you the most! ?”

All the students shouted in unison and without hesitation: "Sock, the Great Evil God of the Underworld!!!"


Sok nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, your survival instinct is very strong. I am in a good mood now... Okay, so today, I will introduce to you a perfect game based on the "Yu-Gi-Oh" comic. A replica of a copycat game - "Duel City"! You are lucky, you can directly play the evolved version, which also gives you the precious experience of joining forces to challenge the original BOSS..."

"But to play the game, you must have certain configurations."

Sock stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the classroom door opened. The staff who had been waiting outside began to distribute the virtual duel disks and game helmets made by Sock to the students one after another.

The students accepted the props without knowing why, and then under Sok's instructions, they all put on virtual duel disks and game helmets.

A login window popped up on the helmet's display interface. After entering the main menu, Sock's voice sounded directly from the headphones that came with the helmet: "This is a mind-controlled game helmet. You can operate it as long as you think about it. Now, click on everything At the beginning, fill in my invitation code 1nt6ut, so that your subsystem can connect to my host and start a new version of the adventure!"

The students followed the instructions one by one, and in the system invisible to others, the little penguin was also staring at an icon similar to an energy tank, watching the energy inside continue to rise.

Just after the energy tank was full, in an instant, all the students' eyesight went dark at the same time, and a feeling of weightlessness came to their hearts.

When I opened my eyes again, I was surrounded by a completely unfamiliar environment. More than 60 students in a classroom appeared on the deck of a cruise ship at the same time!

"WELCOME! Duelists!"

Just as everyone was looking around blankly, a man with silver hair covering half of his face appeared on the bow of the boat. Using a weird grammar that was a mixture of Japanese and English and a unique voice, he opened his arms elegantly and said to everyone: "Welcome to the kingdom of duelists! I believe everyone must have prepared their strongest decks for this day, right? Of course, card exchange between duelists is also OK. Next, I will explain this to you. The rules of this competition!”

The figure of that man was extremely familiar, and it could even be said that there were few people in the world who didn't know him!

The Father of Duel Monsters - Becca J. Croftor!

How is this going! ?

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