Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 343 Attacking the team base

At this time, everything around him suddenly stopped, and Sok's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Does it look familiar?"

Sock walked to Pegasus and took out a microphone from somewhere: "If you have read the comics, you should know where this is, right? As you can see, we have come to the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" The game world is built for the script, and the first level you will face next is the blind man next to me - the 20-man team copy of Pegasus."

As soon as he said this, the scene was in an uproar!


Misawa Daichi squatted down in shock and patted the hard and solid deck, saying in disbelief: "This...is actually the world of a game?"

"Is this a new game released by Kaiba Corporation?"

"What a terrible black technology..."

"It looks like the real world no matter how you look at it, it's really amazing..."


Suok snorted in displeasure, and the scene immediately became silent: "Now let me explain the rules to you... The kingdom team copy is limited to 20 people at a time. Using this ship as the base camp, there are a total of nineteen small levels that need to be conquered. , you are eligible to enter the castle to challenge the game, seahorse, and finally challenge Pegasus (table) and Pegasus (inside)."

"You can get one star for each level you pass, and only ten stars can open the castle door..."

Sock paced back and forth on the deck and continued: "You can get nineteen stars in normal levels, and when night falls, a duelist killer will send you the last star. In other words, you can get up to 20 stars. , up to two people can enter the castle for the finals... By the way, if everyone fails once, they will be disqualified from continuing the game. When everyone fails, the game ends. If you fail to pass each small level, you can change people to repeat the challenge. , but if the base camp is breached by the Duelist Killer, then the game will end as well..."

Marufuji Xiang was stunned: "Hey!? Then we must leave more people on the deck?"

Suok said indifferently: "It's up to you, but there is a time limit to enter the castle. If you haven't obtained the minimum ten stars in two hours, the game will be over."

After hearing this, Sanze closed his eyes and thought for a while, then he considered, "During the Kingdom Period... this dungeon should be very simple..."

After hearing this, Sho Marufuji said happily: "Yes! Cards in this era are generally very weak, and magic traps are not very powerful. We have a deck that is seven years ahead of this era. There is no reason to lose!"

"It's not that simple!"

Asuka frowned slightly and said, "Although the cards of this era are weak and don't have many chains that can be matched, there is one thing that we cannot adapt to..."

"Completely correct."

Suoke stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, nodding appreciatively: "That is the hidden rules of this era and the hidden power of cards, which is what we commonly call the ability to speak nonsense... Each card has its own unique ability, one of the racial attributes. There is also a relationship of mutual restraint, but these will not be written on the surface. If you are complacent about having a high-strength deck, you will be tortured miserably, boys!"

"No...it's not that serious..."

Sho Marufuji still didn't believe in evil and looked at his deck: "Although my vehicle deck is not too strong, in the game environment of this era, it should be impossible to lose..."

"It's useless to talk more. You will understand after you play a few games yourself."

Sock's figure gradually faded: "You should form your own team and sign up with that black guy. The team can have a maximum of 20 people and a minimum of 10 people. Use your brains, you brats!" After saying this, Sock's figure had completely disappeared. Disappeared, and Pegasus who was originally standing on the deck also disappeared, replaced by a strong bodyguard in a black suit.

He stood there motionless, and the students looked at each other, not knowing how to proceed now.

"Everyone, please listen to me."

As the best-minded person in Duel Academy, Misawa Daichi was the first to speak: "Now the situation is very clear. We need to obtain up to 20 and at least 10 stars under the rules of Duel Kingdom, and then select the two strongest duelists and send them to them. Enter the castle for the finals! The time is only two hours, so it is best to have a full complement of 20 people. Please invite the students who scored "excellent" in the last monthly exam to come to me. Let's go to the wasteland first to try out the difficulty of the game. Everyone Any comments?"

Of course, we must use the strongest lineup to open up wasteland, and Misawa's performance has always been the first in Duel Academy, so of course everyone has no objection.

Soon, the top attack team of 20 people was ready. Misawa was responsible for guarding the deck and commanding and controlling. After signing up with the black-clad bodyguards, the game officially started!

Sho Marufuji, who was lucky enough to join the attack team as the last one in the first grade, walked down the deck and said with emotion: "Ah... It's a game, I wonder if there will be any rewards after we clear it... For example, Mr. Sok's Martyr Re-engraved decks or something, hehe..."

"Stop thinking about such impossible things."

A student with Sun God Huang next to him sighed and said: "I just hope that if our clearance efficiency is not too bad, otherwise we will probably get beaten one after another... I was really crazy at the beginning, why did I want to come to Duel Academy?"

Marufuji Xiang nodded with deep sympathy, but then he thought of Judai who was knocked unconscious by Sok, and said regretfully: "It's a pity that the eldest brother is still in a coma. If he comes, he will definitely win soon..."

A group of people spread out in the forest and went to their respective challenge targets.

ten minutes later……

Marufuji Sho looked at the tattered and corroded monsters on his field in horror: "How...how could it be!? My transportation monsters...!?"

Kajiki Yuta on the opposite side raised his lips proudly: "Hey, you are too naive, Xiang! The moisture of the sea has been corroding your metal vehicles since the first round, and now the rust attached to them makes They don’t even have the strength to attack anymore!”

"Then...this is the final blow!"

"Sea Dragon God, big tsunami!!!"

"Fusion activates!"

Asuka drew three cards from her hand with great momentum: "I fuse the 'Blade Skater' and 'Cyber ​​Star' in my hand to special summon the Cyber ​​Skate Hand! According to the effect of the 'Cyber ​​Skate Hand', Because you have two monsters on the field, the 'Wind Demon' and the 'Water Demon', her attack power is doubled!"

Electronic skateboarder, attack: 2100→4200

Asuka clenched her fists and shouted softly: "We're going! The attack of the electronic skate hand..."

"Bridge's sack!"

Brother Maze suddenly stretched out his hand and sneered: "Are you a beginner, little girl? You cannot attack in the round when the fusion monster appears!"

Asuka was shocked: "What!?"

"Now it's our turn to take action!"

Maze Brother forced the end of Asuka's turn, drew a card from his hand and slapped it on the duel table: "Come out, 'Thunder Demon God'! Then the three demon gods merged to become the ultimate and perfect monster - Thunder Feng Shui. Warcraft, summon!!!”

Thunder Feng Shui Monster, 11 stars, attack: 3750, defense: 3500

"Because the monster has changed back to one, your monster's attack power has returned to its original value!"

"it's over!"

"Thunder Wind Waterspout Bomb!!!"

"Damn it... I can't see where his monster is at all..."

At the same time, Misawa on the deck was defeated by the Duelist Killer because he could not see the monster and was unable to attack.

Since then, all 20 people have been wiped out.

The first team copy attack ended in failure.

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