Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 346 Do you have any questions?

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Naia was floating in the air, pretending to be a ghost, and asked Suoke: "Ignorant mortal, do you know how long it took God to create the world?"

Suok sneered: "Ten billion years, I will give you time to slowly talk nonsense."


Naia choked and said angrily: "It's six days! And I will crush you completely after the first six rounds of the world!"

Suoke reached out and took out a 40-meter-long machete from behind his buttocks and put it on Naiya's neck. He said angrily: "You are talking nonsense, I don't have time to wait for you for so long! I will kill you in one go. It takes you six rounds to kill whoever you see, so why are you bragging in front of me?"

Naia was startled by Suok. She didn't know how Suok could hide such a thick knife behind her.

"Damn it!"

Naia became angry: "Since you want to be killed by me quickly, then I will do what you want!" After that, Naia reached out and took out a card, slapped it on the duel plate and shouted: "Magic card 'Great Flood' Activate! Humans have blasphemed the gods, so the gods will use floods to cleanse the earth! All monsters in the hands of both sides will be destroyed!"

[Great Flood, magic card, effect: Destroy the cards in both sides' hands and all monsters on the field. 】(Animation exclusive, simple and crude)

Sok looked down at the two cards in his hand: "Fire King Divine Beast·Roc Phoenix" and two "Phoenix God of Nephthys" and almost laughed out loud.

I was worried about what to do if my hands were stuck, and this little brat helped me a lot.

[Phoenix God of Nephthys, 8 stars, fire attribute, attack: 2400, defense: 1600, effect: If this card is destroyed by the card effect and sent to the graveyard, during your next preparation phase, this card will start from Special Summon from the Graveyard. When the special summon with this effect is successful, all magic and trap cards on the field will be destroyed. 】

But just when Suoke had just sent four cards to the graveyard area of ​​the duel plate, Naia on the opposite side suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute! At this moment, the special ability of my deck leader is also activated immediately! All those who have been The destroyed monsters will be contained by the 'Miracle Ark'!"

"Contain? What a beautiful idea!"

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Sok's mouth, and he waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "At the same time, my deck leader's ability will also be activated! In ancient Egypt, the dead are sacred, and they serve as the 'Valley of the Royal Family' that carries the remains of the pharaohs of all generations. As the leader of the deck, he has two abilities. One is to hold on. When a card is destroyed, it must be sent to the graveyard! The other is to sleep, and it is forbidden to use any card that targets cards in the graveyard!"


Sok's tone suddenly turned cold, and he raised his right index finger: "Now you should know why I chose this card as the leader of the deck, right?"

"Is that what it's for?"

Naia looked at the cards in his hand and gritted his teeth with an ugly face: "You seem to know the ability of my deck leader well... It doesn't matter, then let you live for one more round. I will cover a cover card and end the round. !”

"Then it's my turn..."

Suok pulled out a card from the deck perfunctorily, raised his right arm high, and shouted loudly: "Phoenixes and phoenixes sleeping in the cemetery, turn into immortal fire to break through the boundaries of life and death, and rise from the ashes. Be reborn in the midst of it! Summon the Flame King beast, the Phoenix Phoenix, and Nephthys!!!"

A crack opened in the barren earth, and two burning souls carrying magma intertwined with each other and soared upward from the crack in the earth!

Dapeng's divine fire baptized the earth, and then, the Phoenix divine fire exploded again!

It’s not over yet. There are four cards that have just been destroyed and sent to the cemetery. Before the remaining fire has dissipated, two more burning lights and shadows fly out of the cracks in the earth!

The second Dapeng killed the Dapeng and Phoenix on the field, and the second Phoenix followed closely behind.

If Naia can survive this round, then the Double Roc Explosion Field will continue in an infinite cycle. However, just now, Naia's last cover card was burned by the Phoenix God. Obviously, this round he has already Completely cold.

"Wait...wait a minute!"

Naia looked at the two divine birds in front of her in panic, no longer as calm and calm as before: "Isn't your deck command ability a card that prohibits all resurrection or reincarnation? Why can these two monsters continue to be connected? resurrection!?"

"It's very simple."

Suoke stood among the divine birds, pinched his waist with one hand and said: "Although the call of the living cannot be conveyed to the underworld, the thoughts from the other side can still awaken miracles."

Naia blinked blankly: "I...I don't understand..."

Suoke thought for a while, raised his eyebrows and said: "To put it simply, my 'Wang Family's Sleeping Valley' is about digging graves and not deceiving corpses. How about that? It's easy to understand, right?"

Naiya's little face suddenly said: "Ah! Put it this way, it does become a lot clearer!"

"Then it's over!"

Suoke waved his hand and issued the final general attack command: "Direct attack of Dapeng and Phoenix! Kill the sacred phoenix in one strike!!!"

"Ah! Wait...wait!"

Naia looked at the cards in his hand in panic, trying to find a solution to the current predicament from the cards in his hand, but the divine fire of the Phoenix and the Phoenix did not give him time to think about the countermeasures, and directly emptied Naia's health points to zero. .

Duel City Twelve Player Dungeon

Just like the previous dungeons, Sock once again reached the finals like a chopping of melons and vegetables. The quarterfinals defeated Haima in seconds, the semifinals defeated Malik in seconds, and the finals defeated Muto Yugi in seconds. He killed everything in one go, and it didn't matter at all. Give your opponent a second chance.

This greatly disappointed the students who had been looking forward to another peak duel between the two dueling kings.

After all, the Muto game in this system is just a simulated high-level NPC, similar to Kagurazaka. Although everything looks exactly the same, once he faces the real duel king Sok, he will definitely lose completely.

Dazi ten-person copy

Needless to say…

The three swordsmen of Doma were jointly killed by Suok in one round. Dazi had no choice but to appear in advance. As a result, in the first round, he faced Suok with a Celestial Swing, and the loser looked confused.

The dungeon clearance demonstration has been completed, and Suok and a group of students have returned to the real world.

The students all understood the general rules, but to be honest... apart from showing how awesome Sock's deck was, this demonstration had no teaching effect at all.

Suok tapped the table with his knuckles lightly and said to the students: "Okay, the current dungeons only reach Dazi. These dungeons are the ones you need to focus on in the next semester. Do you have any questions? ?”

The first-grade students complained endlessly: Of course there are problems, how do you pass the first level of Pegasus...

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