Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 347 End of the First Semester

"Dialogue duel, this is not difficult to understand..."

Ryo Marufuji was the first to raise his hand. After agreeing, he stood up and asked: "Teacher Sok, I heard that gods have extremely strong resistance, but what specific aspects are embodied and covered, such as which effects can affect gods and which effects do not?" It can influence gods, can Teacher Suoke tell us?"

"You're very confident. You haven't passed Pegasus yet, and you're already thinking about how to deal with the gods?"

Suoke clicked his tongue, and after thinking for a while, asked: "Have you read the "Yu-Gi-Oh" comics?"

Marufuji nodded and replied: "I've seen it, but just because I've seen it, I can't be sure about the god's resistance... The giant god's divine fist crushing is ineffective against the sun god, but Osiris's summoning thunder bomb is effective. The sacred The protective shield is ineffective against the Titan Soldier, but the collapsed earth is effective against the Titan Soldier. The soul capture is ineffective against the Sun God, but the Twilight of the Gods is effective against the God... This kind of contradictory manifestation makes it difficult for me to summarize the power of God. Specific resistance…”

"It's very simple."

Suoke's words were concise and concise: "God does not eat the effects other than the stuttering."

Ryo Marufuji looked confused: "A mouth... a mouthful?"

"Yes, give me an example."

Sok stretched out his index finger and explained to Ryo Marufuji: "Whether the three phantom gods accept the effect or not depends on the verbal skills of both parties. The holder only needs to shout with great momentum, 'Such a small card, it is good for the gods. It has no effect!' or 'It's not a monster, it's a god!', then the god will not take the effect, but if the opponent calmly analyzes and suppresses the opponent with his verbal skills, then the god will take the effect for one round. Do you understand now? ."

Marufuji was dumbfounded at the time and stammered: "Okay... I seem to understand..."

Suoke nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, you sit down, next."

Yujo Judai, who had just been beaten yesterday, quickly raised his hand and asked: "Teacher! Teacher! This game is very interesting, but why does it only end with reaching posture? Isn't there a great evil god of the underworld to defeat later?"


Suoke's face turned cold, and he reached out and slammed the table: "If you want to fight with the evil god of the underworld, you don't have to go to so much trouble. Come to my dormitory, I will accompany you at any time!"

After Sok said this, Judai remembered that the original form of the great evil god of the underworld in the comics was standing here now!

Judai quickly covered his mouth after reacting, trembling with fear from Sok's murderous intent.

"Okay, that's enough questions!"

Suok glanced around the students and said slowly in his unique evil voice: "Wait a minute, the staff will distribute the virtual duel disks connected to this game. The first semester will be over soon. Before that, all students must clear the Kingdom of Pegasus dungeon at least once, no matter what method they use, and students who cannot do so will fail and all will repeat the grade!"


The second and third graders were okay, but the first graders who tried out how difficult this game was yesterday were furious and cried out.

But Suoke didn't care about their feelings, so he turned around and left the classroom.

Before leaving the door, Sok glanced back.

Work hard, you brats!

The harder you work now, the more people will survive when you face that guy in the future. Although the future seems to be doomed, I am also willing to give you a chance to become stronger...

The first semester is over in one month.

The time is not short, but it is definitely not long. It is very difficult to capture the legend of the previous era within a month, even if it is a counterfeit.

At first, the first-year students wanted to seek cooperation from the senior students, but the senior students who had not yet suffered a loss saw how easy it was for Sok to pass the level. They all looked up and laughed at the first-year students for being too cowardly. , and then confidently entered the Pegasus Twenty-Man Edition.

The first-year students frowned and laughed.

Soon, the senior students came out of the copy. The first thing they did after coming out was to bow their heads to the first-year students and apologize very sincerely: "I'm sorry."

The first-year students finally took a breath and generously expressed their forgiveness.

Since then, the students of the three grades have settled their differences and worked together to conquer the Twenty-Man Edition of Pegasus.

The elites from the whole school were gathered together, and the momentum of attacking the difficult situation immediately became overwhelming.

In addition to Yujo Judai, Kagurazaka, and Marufuji Ryo, the three strongest players in each grade, they have experienced countless failed attacks and withstood the courage and attack of the Duel King, and more duel masters have begun to emerge!

Finally, twenty days before the end of the semester, Kagurazaka and Marufuji joined forces and succeeded in their first attack!

It's like a replica of the game Kagurazaka vs. Kaiba Seto.

It's like Seto Kaiba's replica of Ryo Marufuji versus Yugi Muto.

This fateful duel is continued by their respective shadows in the next generation. They continue to catch up with the footsteps of their predecessors, becoming stronger and stronger with the ambition to surpass the legend!

After clearing the two obstacles of Kaiba Seto and Muto Yugi, Kagurazaka and Marufuji Ryo were already mentally prepared to face a more difficult dilemma, but they did not expect that the two Pegasus on the outside and inside were more powerful than the previous ones. Yugi and Kaiba are ridiculously weak.

Just like in Dynasty Warriors 4, Lu Bu who guards Hulao Pass is almost invincible. It is common for seven or eight generals to be killed in one blow, but Dong Zhuo who is hiding behind the pass is weaker than him. This is the gap.

There is a first time for everything, and there will soon be a second and third time.

The students who continue to become stronger in their failures are like a flood that bursts a bank, submerging the sky that once discouraged everyone, and then march towards the next levels with a more powerful and fearless attitude!

Sok, who had been resting during this period, immediately learned that the copy of Pegasus had been completely cleared. On the list displayed in the system, every student who filled in Sok's invitation code had gained a huge amount of experience. value.

Tsk, good job.

Sok did not expect that these guys would progress so quickly. Even the poor students in Osiris Red had all cleared the Pegasus dungeon.

Looking at the experience bar, we can see that among them there are masters who are two to eighteen, and of course there are also a lot of bastards who are clinging to their thighs, but there is no doubt that each of them has become stronger.

In this way, the time quickly came to the end of the semester.

A group of masters like Yujo Judai and Kagurazaka have already cleared the Naia dungeon. Although Naia and the five big guys are relatively weak, the speed of this level of clearance is already amazing.

After a summer vacation, maybe even Dazi will be completely conquered by them.

Time flies like an arrow.

In a blink of an eye, it's the last day of the semester.

This is the graduation season of the third grade. Elite third graders such as Ryo Marufuji and Fubuki Tenjoin will soon leave the school and go to a wider world to challenge the masters around the world.

The virtual duel board connecting the duel city is a good thing. It gives the students of the duel academy the opportunity to challenge the top masters who have shined in the past history.

Only duels with masters can make people continue to improve.

Although the graduates were very reluctant to part with it, and Suok didn't mention it, after discussion, the students took the initiative to come outside Suok's dormitory, ready to return the virtual duel disk to Suok and say thank you.

But when the students knocked on the door, the person who opened the door was a beautiful girl they had never seen before.

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