Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 348 In that world, we will always be together

"Sock isn't home."

Xu Huanhuan opened the door and saw the duel disks in the hands of the students. He understood what was going on at that time and waved his hands gently: "These duel disks are given to you. Not only can they be connected to games, they can also be used for normal duels. Use it, everyone should work hard after graduation!"

The graduates looked at this wind-slender and beautiful girl in surprise: "You... who are you?"

False Illusion smiled and answered the question: "Sock is not a gentle man, so let me say goodbye to you on his behalf. I hope you can use this duel disk to carve out your own future..."

Before he finished speaking, the door to the other courtyard had automatically closed, isolating the students.

The students looked at each other and suddenly came up with a bold guess!

"Could she be..."

"Teacher Sok's daughter, right!?"

"Oh!? Teacher Suoke is not very old, right? How come you have a daughter who looks like a junior high school student?"

"Actually, it's very possible! A crazy person like Mr. Suoke is invincible. He was probably a thug when he was young. Maybe he kidnapped a lady from a certain consortium at that time, and then did some unthinkable thing. The matter of forgiveness…”

"Damn it! I'm so envious!"


Suoke, who was on the coast, suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose inexplicably.

It’s strange that with my evil body, I can still catch a cold?

Without thinking much, Suoke stepped onto the ship at the pier, and looked at the captain not far away who was arranging the crew to prepare supplies and then send the graduates off school in the afternoon, and clicked his tongue.

"Yo, mediocrity!"

When the man heard Sok's voice, his body visibly stiffened.

"Hey, it's really you!"

Suoke put his hands on his hips and said with an evil smile: "I didn't care at first, but I didn't expect to see you here eight years later. We meet you everywhere in life, hahaha..."


Jonouchi turned around with a complicated look on his face: "It's been a long time since I last saw you. You suddenly disappeared eight years ago. I thought I would never see you again in this life."

"I'm missing. The happiest people should be the capitalists in Toshino Town who I often extort, haha..."

Sock smiled and shook his head, strode three steps in front of Jonouchi, and leaned on the railing: "Hey, mediocrity, I heard that you got married? It's a pity that I didn't know when you got married, otherwise I would definitely give it to you too. A great gift.”

Jonouchi had a straight face at first, but when he said this, he still laughed out loud: "I saw everything you did at the game wedding, so I didn't make any announcement about my wedding. I just invited a few friends."

"You're quite witty."

Sock folded his hands on his chest and raised his eyebrows: "I recently went to International Fantasy Company and gave Pegasus a beating. By the way, I asked about your current situation. I heard that you have three children?"

"Why are you asking about this?"

Jonouchi immediately became vigilant and looked at Sok attentively: "You were the one who bullied us back then. There is no deep hatred between us that would endanger our family, right?"

"Hahaha... don't be nervous, Jonouchi!"

Suok shrugged, spread his hands and said, "I'm just asking about this because I care about you... Maybe you don't believe it, but when I read the comics, I admired you the most as a little gangster fighting king." At this point, Suok left the railing. , stood up straight: "With three children, it's no wonder you were so poor in those years... You obviously have extraordinary gambling luck, why don't you win some money to support your family?"

"I'm different from you."

Jonouchi glanced at Sok and turned to look away: "You are so powerful that you are invincible. You can do whatever you want without any scruples, but I am different. I have always believed that living in this world, a real man must have Yang. The confidence on my face, the kindness that grows in my heart, the strength that is integrated into my blood, and the strength that is engraved in my life, I have always stuck to my beliefs and never changed..."

"You guy..."

Suoke blinked and raised his head: "A sincere and kind-hearted person will be favored by God. If you use this favor to seek personal gain, then you will no longer be loved by heaven and earth... You are obviously just a mortal, huh. …”

The two people who were once incompatible now stood together, chatting like old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

Time is a very magical thing.

In this world, a person has been alone for too long, and even meeting his enemies feels extra warm at this moment.

On this day, Sok and Jonouchi talked a lot.

In his words, Sok could hear the warmth and pride in Jonouchi talking about his family.


When the little penguin came to pick up Suok for dinner, on the way home, Suok suddenly turned his head, with an inexplicable color in his eyes: "Penguin, I want to go home."

The night wind blew by, rolling up the ends of her hair and the corners of her clothes.

The little penguin blinked his bright eyes and met Sok's eyes.

"In that world, we will always be together, right?"

"Isn't that of course!"

The new semester has begun.

The cracks in the different dimensions that were torn open by Kitsune Zano's resentment became even larger.

The overlapping surface of the two worlds has gradually mutated, and monsters from other worlds have even begun to be transported to this world.

Of course, they were all low-level monsters in the beginning, and even a dwarf like Sho Marufuji could defeat them with his fists and kicks.

But as the school year approaches, the teleported monsters are getting stronger and stronger, and there are already many field monsters among them, such as today's...

After the entrance ceremony of the new class, the school held an extremely grand and sumptuous welcome party.

Food and drink are all self-service. Four ten-meter-long tables are filled with food in a variety of styles. Just looking at it is a rare treat.

There are also waiters delivering drinks and drinks.

Of course, students are not allowed to drink, those cocktails are for the teachers.

Magnificent fireworks bloomed outside the auditorium from eight o'clock in the evening until late at night.

The Duel Academy is not short of money. In the auditorium, countless students come and go and talk, making the scene very lively.

Most of them were talking about their respective game strategies during the summer vacation. Some of the new students didn't know what they were talking about. They would explain it to the freshmen, and then introduce the legendary duel king of Duel Academy who was extremely violent. —Sock.

A group of newbies with dreams of dueling just heard about several of Sock's deeds, such as beating the referee at the duel scene, beating students in class, punching the sun god, stepping on the giant god soldier, etc., and they were frightened at that time. Together, shivering.

Jianshan, who had always compared himself to dinosaurs, felt a little hairy when he heard this, and asked cautiously: "Senior...senior, is that Teacher Suoke really that scary? Why is the teacher who beats his students not dismissed? Woolen cloth……"

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