Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 352 Warm reminder

Yubel was like a sharp arrow, constantly charging towards the three murderous armors.

But even after hearing Yubel's ability, the armored monster did not waver at all. The imitation jellyfish covered in light green armor shook itself at a very high frequency, immediately causing countless ripples in the sea, and then started the turbojet, and with Yubel Charge forward tit for tat!

The two sides violently collided with each other!

The huge impact of the collision exploded to the surface of the sea, but the man and the weapon on the bottom of the sea were both knocked back. Yubel vomited blood, and the imitation jellyfish also cracked a piece of armor.

"what happened……"

Yubel clutched his chest and stared at the imitating jellyfish with gloomy eyes: "Shouldn't you be responsible for all my injuries? Why would I be injured too..."

The imitation jellyfish is just a mechanical creation, and of course it cannot answer Yubel's question. However, at this time, the detailed information about the imitation jellyfish suddenly appeared on the display screen of Yubel's helmet:

[Armor imitates jellyfish, effect: This card is not affected by the opponent's effects that target monsters with [Armor] in their names (that is, the single-target effect is invalid). It can completely copy a card on our side or the opponent's field. 】

"I see……"

Yubel spat: "You, this mechanical monster, imitated my abilities... What a disgusting guy..."

But then again...

Yubel looked down at the virtual duel disk on his arm, and thoughts swirled in his mind: Although this thing is annoying, it is very useful. Not to mention the function of connecting to the virtual duel world, it can actually analyze the enemy's data and abilities...

It was a bit embarrassing, but it was still rewarding.

"Remember this, mechanical monsters!"

The dark energy in Yubel's body exploded to the extreme in an instant. He gathered strength and broke through the water barrier in an instant. He rushed out of the sea and laughed wildly: "Hahaha... let's do this this time! After I recover my strength, I will do it again." Come back and crush all your scrap metal into pieces! Wash your neck and wait for me..."

But before she could finish her harsh words, a super-heavy tank with a length of 120 meters, a height of 36 meters, and a total of 1,880 tons suddenly drove up from the coast of the island. The main and secondary gun muzzles glowed with cold light. Refers to Yubel!

[Armored super giant tank, level 5, earth attribute, attack: 5000, defense: 5000]


The Vulcan cannon mounted on the super giant tank opened fire brazenly, almost killing Yubel with just one hit!

The pupils contracted violently and then began to dilate...

Yubel's consciousness began to blur. Before he fell into coma, the last line of text that appeared on the virtual helmet display was: "Armored super giant tank, armored monster *3, effects: three individual shield-free, energy boost, defensive counterattack, direct attack."

Yubel couldn't understand the other effects, but the last direct attack was simple and clear.

"It's this effect... that penetrates my ability..."

Yubel lost all her strength and fell from mid-air into the sea like a kite with a broken string. At this time, as long as the three-body armored monster in the water attacked Yubel, she would definitely die, but strangely, she was dead. For Yubel, who was already unconscious, the three-body armored monster in the water retreated quietly. Not only that, but also the super giant tanks on the shore and the machine gun helicopters in the sky also retreated.

Without the threat of survival, Yubel drifted to no one knows where as the undercurrent surged.

After an unknown amount of time, Yubel woke up full of energy.

The lower body was soaked in the water, the upper body was hung by the rocks, and the pain was unbearable as if the whole body had been crushed.

Already... almost no longer able to maintain the energy to survive...


Yubel looked up at the moonlit sky and gritted his teeth unwillingly: "Am...am I going to die..."

Unlike carbon-based creatures, Yubel's life energy comes from darkness, and duel energy is her best supplement.

But now she is on a lonely reef in the deep sea, where can she find someone to duel with to win duel energy?

Everything... can't be done.

"Ding dong!"

Just when he was almost desperate, another window popped up on the virtual helmet Yubel was wearing!

"Congratulations, you have the opportunity to register and experience the game without invitation. Do you need to enable the virtual duel function? Yes/completely O**K"

Virtual duel?

Invitation-free registration! ?

Yubel was stunned. He didn't expect that the virtual duel system could be used at this time.

Although this is a good thing, it is just a false simulation system after all, which cannot provide him with duel energy at all. At this time, even if it is turned on, it will have no effect. Moreover, he has just been fooled by this option once. His intuition told Yubel, The options this time are another big pitfall.

As if he heard Yubel's thoughts, the moment Yubel hesitated, another prompt popped up on the display:

"Special note: This duel is no different from a real person duel. You can obtain duel energy (honestly, the system does not lie to people, and my surname is not Wang if I lie to others)."

Yubel's expression was a little complicated, and he didn't know how to express his mood at the moment.

I just called a bunch of killing machines to block me, and now I have to help myself...

It's a scam no matter how you think about it, it's unbelievable, but now that I'm at the end of my rope, even if it's a scam, I can only give it a try.

After thinking about it, Yubel felt relieved and selected the "Yes" option using the controller of the duel disk.

After pressing the option, Yubel immediately looked around nervously, fearing that another submarine would emerge from somewhere and fire two torpedoes at him.

But it was obvious that she was overthinking it.

This time, the sea was very calm, and there was no other movement except the sound of waves.

Yubel breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the newly popped-up window on the display screen...

"Warm reminder: This function is exclusive to VIPs, please refresh the interface after recharging."

Yubel's face changed color, wondering if he had been tricked again.

Then a new window popped up:

"Warm reminder: Dear poor player, the system automatically scanned and detected that you have a total of 2,600 yen. The balance cannot be used to activate VIP membership. You can refresh the page and try again after withdrawing money."


Yubel suddenly wanted to curse.

"Ding dong!"

"Warm reminder: Hello poor player, the system has detected that your bank account balance is insufficient, and automatically activates the mortgage escrow system to temporarily seize your vital organs. After you make enough money, you can redeem it at ten times the price!"

Yubel was startled: "Hey! Wait for me..."

But it's too late!

A ray of golden light shot out from the duel disk, directly penetrated Yubel's heart, and brought out a black ball surging with dark energy, which flew to nowhere!

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