Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 353 Hello, the feather sweep is standard.


A violent nauseating feeling came to his heart, and Yubel vomited a puddle of bitter water in pain, twitching continuously as if his body had been hollowed out.


He actually took away my real heart...

Yubel's eyes were full of horror. What kind of technological creation was this duel disk? It can actually penetrate the host directly and take away the essence of the heart! ?

Although he is extremely weak now, how could a level 10 demon be killed so easily...

"How can it be repaired?"

The form is irreversible.

If this duel system can no longer restore Yubel's strength, then all hope will be lost.

Yubel clutched his chest, feeling the emptiness inside, and gritted his teeth angrily: "Since my heart is required to be mortgaged... then to this damn system, me living is more important than being dead..."

Anyway, we have reached this point, so let’s go all the way to the end!

I have nothing more to lose!

But just when Yubel was about to officially open the system and enter the virtual duel interface, the pop-up window suddenly changed to:

"Warm reminder: The data is out of sync, please choose another organ to mortgage again."

"I don't want to play anymore!!!"

Yubel was so angry that he reached out and pulled off the duel disk in his hand and was about to throw it into the sea.

It seemed that Yubel was really about to lose her mind. Sok, who was remotely controlled in the system space, quickly snapped his fingers, changed the prompt window, and directly pulled her into the virtual system space.

"Hello, dear player, the data is out of sync again. Negative and negative make positive. Now the data is magically synchronized! Welcome to the virtual duel system. I wish you a happy game!"

The scenery in front of him suddenly shook, and Yubel suddenly found that he was on the deck of a cruise ship!

Not only do all the injuries on my body seem to be healed, but I can actually run and jump now!

"Is this...the so-called copy?"

Yubel looked at the unfamiliar environment around him and tried to mobilize the dark power in his body, but those powers never responded. Not only did he not respond, but he seemed to have completely turned into a mortal.

"whispering sound……"

Yubel's face was gloomy, but now that there was no way out anyway, he could only reluctantly accept this setting.

There is currently only one living person on the entire deck, and that is the guide responsible for introducing the rules of the game to the players. He is waving to Yubel.

Yubel walked over, but before he could speak, the guide had already begun to explain incessantly.

Yubel was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything more. He just carefully remembered everything the leader said in his heart, and then started a team copy alone that originally required twenty people to attack.

When she thought about it, this kind of card from the ancient era was far out of date, and there was no way it would cause any trouble to her.

It couldn't be easier for one person to deal with twenty people!



Yubel sneered and looked at Yuta Kajiki opposite: "The rule that no sacrifice is required in this era is really beneficial to me... Hum, I want to summon my true body! Come out - Yubel!!!"

"It's too simple!"

Kajiki Yuta immediately turned over the cover cards on the table: "The trap is open, Riptide Burial! Destroy all the monsters on your field!"

Yubel didn't care, his face was slightly distorted, and he said with a ferocious smile: "So what? When Yubel is destroyed, new demons will appear at the same time! Come out - 'Yuber - the hated knight'!!"

Kajiki Yuta didn't give in at all: "This effect is not enough! The magic card is opened - 'Hand to Darkness' is activated! I will use it to destroy your newly summoned monster!"

"What!? Normal magic actually..."

Yubel was startled, and then thought about it. If the magic card of this era is covered, it can be activated in the opponent's turn: "Damn it, but it doesn't matter. When the 'Hated Knight' leaves the field, I can Special summon my highest-level incarnation - 'Hubert - The Sorrowful Demonic Dragon' from your hand, deck, and graveyard."

Kajiki Yuta's expression remained calm, and he said in a deep voice: "Can it still be summoned? But fortunately, I was prepared in advance! The last card is opened - 'Lightning Strike'! Destroy all the monsters on your field!"

After a thunder, there was nothing on the Yubel field.

The special rules of Duel Kingdom stipulate that if there are no monsters on the field at the end of the round, the duel will be lost.

"I lost!?"

Yubel looked at the many powerful cards in his hand in disbelief: "I actually... lost to a kid who didn't even have perfect duel rules eight years ago... And the power of those magic trap cards, isn't it? Is it a little too strong?"


It must be an accident this time!

I want to do it again!

Yubel's first attack ended in failure, and she soon began her second attack.

In this round, Yubel’s first challenge is Yuta Kajiki.

Wherever you fall, you must get up!

So the duel resumed.

Yuta Kajiki took the lead, and as always, he covered five cards in the first round, which made Yubel's scalp numb.

Yubel carefully summoned his own body, only to receive a recoil.

Usually summoned only once per round.

Yubel once again lost because there were no monsters on the field at the end of the round...

What a joke!

Yubel raised his head angrily and roared towards the sky: "Asshole! I know you are watching! No matter who you are, get out of here immediately! Is it fun to use such despicable means to tease me!? You set up such a level , I never thought about letting people pass the test, right!!!"

The angry voice echoed in the air and lingered for a long time.

Of course, no one appeared to answer Yubel's question, but on the display of the virtual helmet, a new window suddenly popped up at this moment:

"Warm reminder: Dear player, you can use a feather sweep to sweep it away. The feather sweep is standard!"

Yubel's face was as gloomy as water: "I don't have that kind of thing in my deck..."

"Warm reminder: You only need to recharge to the VIP7 level of our duel city to get a feather sweep exclusive to the virtual duel world for free!"

Yubel's face turned even more ugly: "I have no money!"

"Warm reminder: After system calculation, you only need to sell another 150 vital organs to reach the recharge standard!"


I'm a fool!

If only Yubel knew Chinese.

"Asshole...it's just a trap...I don't believe I will be stuck here forever!"

Yubel was too lazy to pay attention to the newly popped up recharge window and started to attack the dungeon again.

"Come again!"


"Come again!!"


"Again!!! Come!!!"

What goes around comes around.

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