Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 357 Grave Robbers

Before he finished speaking, an extremely demonic dragon with a human face on its chest had already descended on the earth.

The devil horns on the top of the head cracked, and Yubel's body appeared there, and even the voice turned into a mixed male and female voice: "My current ability is absolutely indestructible by battle, and I will destroy every one that fights with me. Monster...hem, what do you do now, lucky man?"


Jonouchi was startled by Yubel's transformation this time: "You...are you a boy or a girl!? This sound makes my hair stand on end!"

"I did have a human gender in the past..."

Yubel possessed himself and looked at the city, and said with unknown emotions in his words: "But after accepting the dragon transformation, I turned into a monster... Judai once promised to give me all his love, no matter what Gender, or no gender, doesn't matter, as long as I have that love, it's enough... Come on, God of Good Luck Gambling, after I defeat you, I will seize other people's dueling energy and use mine Go and be with my lover in person, no one... can stop me!"

"Ah...I still don't understand..."

Jonouchi scratched his head, but then he raised his mouth and smiled: "But you don't seem to be a bad person! But even so, Master Jonouchi will not let go. I will use my full strength, Yubel!"

Yubel shouted coldly: "Come on! It's precisely because you use your full strength that I can absorb more and stronger duel energy!"

"Then my turn continues!"

Jonouchi drew a card from his hand and put it on the duel plate, shouting: "The magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead' is activated! I will use it to resurrect the monsters in the graveyard and fight for me again!"

[Resurrection of the dead, magic card, effect: Resurrection of a monster in our or opponent's graveyard. 】(comic version)

"Kill the Servant with one strike!?"

Yubel reacted immediately, waved his hand and shouted: "Don't even think about it! The cover card is opened, and the trap card 'Lost' is activated! According to the effect of this card, I will remove the 'One-hit Kill Samurai' from your graveyard!"

[Lost, Trap Card, Effect: Select 1 card in the opponent's graveyard and remove it from the game. 】


Jonouchi hurriedly caught the 'One-hit Kill Samurai' that popped up from the cemetery, his movements looked extremely funny.

Yubel was relieved and raised his head with a sneer: "I have eliminated the ace card you used to fight back. Now how can you defeat me? Hehe hehe..."

"Hey, I lied to you!"

After Jonouchi grabbed the 'One-Hit Kill Samurai', his face changed in a second, and he wiped his nose proudly: "Who said that the one I wanted to resurrect was the 'One-Hit Kill Samurai'? My original purpose was not this at all. All right!"

"Isn't it a one-hit kill?"

Yubel was stunned: "But there is only one other normal monster left in your graveyard, so there is no way..." At this point, Yubel seemed to suddenly understand, and said in shock: "Wait! Could it be that you are this guy?" want……"

"That's right! What I want to resurrect is the monster in your cemetery!"

Jonouchi made a fist with one hand and shouted sternly: "Resurrection on my field, special summon the level 10 demon - 'Yubel'!!!"

Yubel's eyes widened: "...You guy!"

Red light swept across, and countless vines wrapped around a corpse and lifted it out of the earth.

Suddenly, the eyes on the corpse's forehead suddenly opened!

The vines dispersed, and the two-winged demon Yubel had landed on the battlefield in the city!

"Immodest bastard!"

Yubel's face was gloomy and he growled towards Jonouchi: "No one can use me except Judai! As revenge, I will soon make you pay an unimaginable cruel price!"

"Hey...are you being so unreasonable..."

Jonouchi put his hands on his hips in displeasure and said, "This is just a card. Since it complies with the rules, of course I can resurrect the monsters in your graveyard! I am not a weakling who will compromise when threatened!"

Yubel took several rapid breaths before calming down. He gritted his teeth and said coldly: "...Okay, whatever you want... But although both sides are Yubel, mine has become the strongest complete body. Anyone who fights with it All my monsters will be destroyed, and yours is just the original form. Do you think you can defeat me with this!?"

"You have to try to know whether it works or not..."

Jonouchi's fighting spirit ignited, he waved his hand and shouted: "Battle phase! I use the 'Yubel' on my field to attack the 'Yubel: Extremely Sad Demonic Dragon' on your field!... Well, what's the name of this special move? Okay... let’s call Jonouchi a flying kick! Go ahead, Yubel, attack with a Jonouchi flying kick!!!”


Yubel became angry: "The extremely sad dragon, bite her to pieces!!!"

The demonic dragon opened its bloody mouth, bit the 'Yubel' in mid-air into pieces, and swallowed it into its belly.

After destroying his own clone, Yubel was in a very bad mood, and said bitterly to Jonouchi: "You don't have the next stage's 'Yubel: The Hated Knight' in your deck, so you can't activate 'Yubel'." The last words effect...bastard, are you using the resurrection of the dead just to disgust me?"

"So what?"

The sea breeze blew Jonouchi's hair, and his face was full of confidence: "Of course I don't have the next stage of evolution card in my deck, but... doesn't that card exist in your graveyard?"

Having said this, Jonouchi pressed the activation button of the magic trap on the duel plate without hesitation!

"The trap card 'Grave Robber' is activated!"

[Graverobber, trap card, effect: Pay 1000 basic points and select a card in the opponent's graveyard. When you select a monster card, special summon that monster to your field or add it to your hand. You select a magic or trap card, and activate the effect of that card. 】(comic version)

Within the castle, LP: 1500→500

"Then, come into my hands, 'Yubel the Hated Knight'!"

With a loud shout, a card suddenly flew out from Yubel's graveyard and landed directly on Jonouchi's fingertips!


Jonouchi slapped the card on the duel board: "Since Yubel was destroyed, I want to special summon 'Yuber: The Hated Knight'!!!"

Yubel's eyes widened: "Bastard...bastard..."

"Is level 12 necessarily stronger than level 11? That's not necessarily true, Yubel..."

Jonouchi smiled and closed his eyes, removed the 'Time Magician' from the duel plate and sent it to the graveyard: "My turn is over, but at the same time, the effect of 'Yubel: The Hated Knight' will also follow. Activate...Huh, you should be more familiar with her effect than me. The Time Magician on my field was destroyed, and the 'Yubel: Extremely Sad Dragon' on your field..."

"It's time to exit!"

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