Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 358 Maximum Six


A shrill scream echoed over the island.

The red light of destruction was annihilated together with the Time Magician and the extremely sad dragon. At this point, Yubel's trump card had been completely defeated.

"Asshole, it's not over yet!"

Yubel's eyes flashed fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Do you think that you can win by controlling my clone? Do you think I will not consider this situation? You are too naive!" Then Yubel fiercely said He drew a card from the deck and shouted: "My turn, draw a card! I summon 'Chaos Phantom' from my hand to attack!"

[Chaos Phantom, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 0, defense: 0, effect: once per turn, can only be activated by targeting 1 effect monster in your own graveyard. This card is treated as a card with the same name as that monster until the end phase, and gets the same original attack power and effects. The battle damage to the opponent caused by this card's battle becomes 0. 】(animated version)

Jonouchi felt a little headache after seeing it: "Another monster with 0 attack power..."

"If you want to defeat me, you have to use myself..."

The claw of Yubel's right hand pointed at the 'Chaos Phantom' and shouted in a deep voice: "The effect of this card is that every turn, you can copy all the attributes and attack power of a monster in the graveyard! And the target I choose to copy is of course mine. The ultimate form - 'Yubel: The Demonic Dragon of Extreme Sorrow'!"

Before he finished speaking, the originally irregular pool of dark shadows rose directly from the ground and condensed into the form of 'Yubel, the extremely sad dragon'!

"That'll be fine……"

Yubel clenched his right paw into a fist, waved his hand and said: Go, Phantom of Chaos! Launch an attack on ‘Yubel, the Hated Knight’! Dark Demonic Dragon Wave! ! ! ""

A black laser spit out from the mouth of the demon dragon that was reproduced as a phantom of chaos, directly blasting the demon dragon knights on the field inside the city into powder!

"Because the attack power of both sides is 0, there is no damage calculation..."

Yubel's face looked better now: "However, because I have fully acquired the special ability of my ultimate body to destroy all monsters fighting with it, the only ones who will be killed are the Demon Dragon Knights on your field... That's it. With that, my turn is over..."

At the end of the stage, Yubel gave up and let Naji Lotus return to his field.

Looking coldly at the city, Yubel kept calculating the next tactical plan in his mind: "That guy only has one card in his hand now, the field is completely empty, and he only has 500 health points left, and I have Chaos Phantom on the field, and I have 500 health points left. There are still 3,500 points left, and he has also drawn a huge virus in his hand. No matter what he draws this round, it is impossible to change the fate of defeat..."

This duel... I won!

"My turn, draw a card!"

Jonouchi obviously also understood his current unfavorable situation. Looking at the remaining card in his hand, he felt a little complicated.

How could it be this...

This is the card that Malik was forced to add eight years ago. Although it is no longer banned, this is the first time he has drawn it in eight years...

I only have 500 health points left... If I can't draw a reversal card this time, I'm afraid I will lose...

In a duel with this supernatural creature, who knows what punishment you will receive if you lose...

"Please...please look after me, Lady Luck!"

Jonouchi slowly turned over the newly drawn card. When he saw the name of the card, Jonouchi's eyes immediately lit up: "Here it comes!"

"Activate the magic card 'Painful Decision'!"

Jonouchi turned over the card and said to Yubel: "This card is my last big gambling card. Its effect is that I draw two cards from the top of the deck, and you choose one of them. If If you select a monster card, then the monster card will be Special Summoned. If you select something else, then... I will be completely at my wits end..."

[Painful Decision, Magic Card, Effect: Draw out the 2 cards at the top of the deck and let the opponent choose any one from them. If the selected card is a monster card, you can Special Summon that monster and add another card to your hand. If they are not monster cards, these two are sent to the graveyard. 】

Yubel's eyelids suddenly twitched, and an extremely ominous feeling came over him: "Another... gambling card!?"

"Yes, my deck is composed of countless gambling cards..."

Jonouchi smiled calmly, took out two cards from the top of the deck and turned his back to Yubel: "But this time, it is not me who decides the fate, but you... You think I am too lucky and not fair enough, then This time, it’s time to test your luck!”

"Okay! Choose!"

Jonouchi took the two cards away with his left and right hands respectively: "Is it the left or the right?"

Cold sweat was already streaming down Yubel's forehead, and he kept comforting himself secretly: "It doesn't matter...it doesn't matter even if it's a monster card...he can't take away 3,500 points of my health in one round..."

Thinking of this, Yubel also tried his best, pointed to Jonouchi's right hand, gritted his teeth and shouted: "I choose the card to the right of you!"

"Oh? Is this this one?"

Jonouchi glanced at the card on his right hand, and a smile gradually appeared on his lips: "Ah... It seems that your luck is still not as good as mine..."

These words made Yubel's hair stand on end: "Did... I guessed wrong!?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter which one you choose, because they are all monster cards."

Jonouchi turned over all two cards to Yubel, which were the 'Pitch Black Panther Warrior' and 'Maximum Six': "However, since you selected the 'Pitch Black Panther Warrior', maybe in this round, this This duel will come to an end..."

"First, special summon the 'Dark Leopard Warrior'!"

Jonouchi reached out and slapped the 'Pitch Black Leopard Warrior' onto the duel plate, then pulled it out and sent it to the cemetery: "Then, I offered the 'Pitch Black Panther Warrior' as a sacrifice, summoning the one who was not selected just now. And the monster that joins my hand - come out 'Maximum Six'!!!"

[Max value six, 6 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1900, defense: 1600, effect: When this card is successfully summoned, throw 1 dice. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the attack power of this card increases by the number of dice thrown x 200. 】

Following the call from inside the city, a six-armed man with black and purple skin and muscles so strong that he seemed to explode fell from the sky, raising countless smoke and dust!

"When the sacrifice summons 'Maximum Six', you can roll a dice, and each point can increase its attack power by 200 points..."

Jonouchi took out a dice from his pocket, tossed it lightly, and smiled confidently at Yubel: "You still have 3,500 health points left, and the attack power of your Chaos Phantom is 0, so if you want to do it here, To defeat you in one round, I have to roll a six!”

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