Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 359 Meeting late at night

"Each point increases attack power by 200 points?"

Yubel did a mental calculation and laughed: "It's really a rough guy. Even if you roll six points, its attack power is only 3100. It's not enough to finish me off in this round, good luck bastard!"

"It's actually not that far..."

Jonouchi stretched out his hand and threw the dice into the sky, letting it fall freely: "First, the effect of the maximum value of six..."

Yubel snorted coldly and secretly sighed in his heart: You don't need to guess to know that it is six o'clock.

"Okay, it's six o'clock!"

Jonouchi smiled and inserted the last card in his hand into the duel disk: "Then, this is the end... The magic card 'Fireball' is activated. This card can directly cause 500 points of damage to your health!"

[Fireball, magic card, effect: inflict 500 points of damage to the opponent's health. 】

Yubel, LP: 3500→3000


Yubel was dumbfounded and opened his mouth in shock: "This is impossible! In this era, how could anyone add such a card to the deck!? There must be a mistake somewhere... This is absolutely impossible! !!!"

"For a true duelist, everything is inevitable..."

Jonouchi sighed with emotion: "Even the cards drawn in each round are determined by the courage of the duelist...I am starting to believe this now..."

"It's over, Yubel!"

Jonouchi made a goodbye gesture with his right hand and shouted: "Go, attack with a maximum value of six - megaton punch!!!"

Following this order, Maximum Six jumped up, dived down, and directly smashed the irregular dark monster-Chaos Phantom with three fists full of muscles.

Subsequently, Yubel lost.

Yubel, LP: 3000→0


Yubel took several steps back as if he had been hit hard, and his face gradually turned pale.

In the real world, although the duel energy gained will increase, once defeated, the greater the damage will be caused to oneself!

The guy in front of me is obviously ridiculously weak in every card, but that kind of weird luck that is so ridiculously strong is too tricky!


We have to change our prey!

This is a tough fight, just wait until you fully recover your strength and then come back to deal with him!

After thinking about it, Yubel immediately turned around, flapped his wings, and fled as fast as he could.

Behind him, Jonouchi couldn't fly. He tried to catch up but couldn't, so he finally gave up. He called Principal Samejima and asked him to arrange for security personnel to be on guard.

It's soon lunch break time.

The students returned to the classroom after eating their lunch boxes, and few of them wandered outside.

In order to avoid being discovered by the Armored Terminator again, Yubel did not dare to be too arrogant and go directly to the classroom to arrest people. He could only lurk in the forest trees and wait for lone students to pass by.

But Yubel was disappointed. From day to night, no students passed by.

Just when Yubel was thinking about whether to go back to the system to win two more NPCs and barely maintain the energy to survive, suddenly two sneaky figures not far away came into Yubel's eyes.

For some reason, Yubel's heart suddenly skipped a beat, as if he could smell the familiar smell engraved in his heart!

Ten generations!

Definitely Judai!

Missing his lover, Yubel rushed out of the forest without hesitation and flew in the direction of the two shadows.

The lover I think about day and night is right in front of me. What should I say after meeting? Judai, will he be happy to see me...?

From now on... we can be together forever!

The magic wings flew across the sky and stopped on top of the two shadows.

Looking down, it was true that one of the boys with a jellyfish head was none other than Yujo Judai!

At this moment, he and the boy with the starfish head next to him were whispering and heading towards the teaching building quietly...


Starfish head! ?

Yubel was shocked!

Muto game! ?

Why would the legendary duel king appear here in the middle of the night! ?

Feeling confused and confused, Yubel decided not to show his body for the time being and listen to their conversation first...

"Hey, Kagurazaka, are you really sure..."


Kagurazaka nodded affirmatively: "It is said that the place originally scheduled for this school trip was the duel city Dominocho, but Mr. Sok didn't want to go, so it was temporarily changed to Iraq..."


Yujo Judai was shocked at that time: "How can anyone go there on a school trip? Is there still a war there?"

Kagurazaka also had a headache: "I asked Teacher Sock, and he said he wanted to play real-person chicken on the battlefield and his attitude was very determined. Although I don't understand what it means, we must not sit still and wait for death..."

Yujo Judai was a little scared: "Hey, Kagurazaka, if Mr. Sok discovers us, we will be beaten to death..."

"Don't worry, we're not doing anything bad..."

Kagurazaka reached out and touched the two heavy envelopes in her arms, and suddenly felt a heavy sense of historical mission: "For the safety and dreams of all students, we used the money raised from crowdfunding to book an eight-day reservation. Qiye's ultra-luxury family travel package, as long as we secretly put this in the teacher's house, he will definitely take his daughter out to play together, and then he will have no time to interfere with our school trip..."

Yujo Judai laughed dryly: "But this is the first time I have seen everyone rushing to pay so actively. That guy Mingmingxiang has already spent all his living expenses on Black Magic Girl peripherals, but he still gritted his teeth and borrowed the money to pay. Crowdfunding…”

Kagurazaka nodded: "The desire to win can be said to be very strong."

Yubel, floating in the night sky, narrowed his eyes and thought about his next plan...

Now that he has found Judai, this body is no longer relevant and can be discarded. After he and Judai become one, the same soul fluctuations and love will make him stronger. At that time, regardless of What kind of enemy is he? He will never fall into a hard battle like during the day again...

But we can’t act rashly just yet…

From what they said, it seems that they are going to find the man named Sok... Although this Muto Yugi is a fake, the Duel King is the real thing. It is best not to provoke him at the moment...

Thinking of this, Yubel temporarily hid in the dark clouds, waiting for Yujo Judai and Kagurazaka to return.

Not long after, the two figures passed by this road again. Yubel's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he abandoned Saiou's body without hesitation and rushed directly into Yujo Judai's body!

With a "bang", Saiou Takuma fell from a height of tens of meters, making a heavy muffled sound.

Kagurazaka was startled and subconsciously wanted to run.

But when he discovered that a big living person had fallen from the sky, he rushed forward and carefully shouted twice: "Hey...classmate...are you okay..."

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